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 Water inlet bay thingy. Had to cross a very impressive bridge to get here, Edinburgh is on the other side now. You can't see it because I ain't pointed the camera at it, but if I did, you probably wouldn't see it anyway because I would have kept it for myself. Ugh, too much sugar, my heart hurts. I'mma go lie down now.: by wilski, Views[244]
Water inlet bay thingy. Had to cross a very impressive bridge to get here, Edinburgh is on the other side now. You can't see it because I ain't pointed the camera at it, but if I did, you probably wouldn't see it anyway because I would have kept it for myself. Ugh, too much sugar, my heart hurts. I'mma go lie down now.

by wilski | Views [244]

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by missy_carrie_gee, Views[250]

by missy_carrie_gee | Views [250]

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