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by diana331, Views[156]

by diana331 | Views [156]

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The early risers. When you sit on the edge of Lake Kivu and you wait for the sun to rise, quite often it is filled with chants and excitement. In the morning, before the sun even peeks over Rwanda's thousand hills, you see in the distance that there are numerous fishers out doing the day's work before people even come out to the fish markets. The air is filled with Kinyarwandan songs and the smell of fresh fish.: by cecihernandez, Views[571]
The early risers. When you sit on the edge of Lake Kivu and you wait for the sun to rise, quite often it is filled with chants and excitement. In the morning, before the sun even peeks over Rwanda's thousand hills, you see in the distance that there are numerous fishers out doing the day's work before people even come out to the fish markets. The air is filled with Kinyarwandan songs and the smell of fresh fish.

by cecihernandez | Views [571]

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