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There are [0] photos and [111] stories tagged with "Doctors, hospitals & health".

The Great Collimation Competition

UNITED KINGDOM | Tue, 11 Mar 2008 | By nadscol | Views [683]

Work is starting to become a lot more enjoyable. This afternoon we had a little competition amongst ourselves. Let me explain. In the UK they are ridiculously anal about radiation protection (which i suppose is a good thing) they have this thing called ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Ni Knee ni there

AUSTRALIA | Tue, 11 Mar 2008 | By marge | Views [626]

That means Neither knee or there haha....I'm funny. In other news my knee is KILLING me.  It's a bit swollen.  It looks like a deformed rotten peach.  That sounds disgusting.  It really just is red and a bit bigger than normal and hurts like hell.  It's ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health


THAILAND | Mon, 10 Mar 2008 | By thibaut | Views [694]

The mad rush and smell that is Bangkok, not to mention persistant tuk-tuk and taxi drivers, tailors and stall owners. That is the nature of many Asian countries and it will be interesting to be able to compare them at the end if it all. The main aim ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Haydom, Moshi aa tebage i Morogoro..

TANZANIA | Wed, 5 Mar 2008 | By hildegunn-moyfrid | Views [1037]

To veger paa Haydom, ei lidaa helg i Moshi, aassaa va de tebage i Morogoro. Supert paa tur, masse kjekke opplevelsar, spennanne folk aa flotte plasser, aassaa va de kjekt aa komma "heim ijenn" aag - har de generelt ganske saa bra her i Tanzania! ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Asia travel log 1

THAILAND | Sun, 24 Feb 2008 | By andreahavron | Views [772]

Hello Everyone! Parker and I are enjoying Thailand . Soon after arriving, we left Bangkok and headed north to Chiang Mai , a smaller and more relaxed city where we started acclimating and recovering from jet lag. Chiang Mai is a jumping off point ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

My tobillo is killing me!

SPAIN | Sat, 23 Feb 2008 | By bronhinton | Views [1298]

I have learnt many Spanish words in the last month, but by far the ones that I use most are 'gracias' and 'tobillo'.  Clearly, I use gracias about a hundred times a day: when the hostel has found a spare bed for me, when the old man at the shop gives ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Green is not my color...

NETHERLANDS | Fri, 22 Feb 2008 | By katieback | Views [1984] | Comments [5]

...though it is the color of the formerly white pants I was wearing to pick up the kids from school from lunch today. Here are the facts: As we've previously discussed, I'm not very good at biking. I don't even feel very stable riding the old bike ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Snot funny ) :

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 21 Feb 2008 | By nadscol | Views [933] | Comments [3]

I have a cold. A very very bad cold. And unfortunately over here cos i'm a locum if i don't turn up to work i don't get paid. I think i went through a whole box of tissues today....so i'm feeling very meh. I went to the phamacy at work yesterday to get ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Day Three at Fred Hollows Foundation eye camp

CAMBODIA | Wed, 20 Feb 2008 | By kyliestephenson | Views [851]

20.2.08 Third day of eye camp. We first ventured into the consult room to see if the doctor was alright and I helped to make packets of pain killers for post-op patients (seeing this was the only thing I could do not knowing the language ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Day Two at Fred Hollows Foundation eye camp

CAMBODIA | Tue, 19 Feb 2008 | By kyliestephenson | Views [1218]

19.2.08 Second day of eye camp. We heard cries of joy coming from the consult room. "I can see! I can see!" Post-op patients were sat in school chairs in lines like a classroom waiting for their turn for the doctor to unveil ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Puerto Montt

CHILE | Tue, 19 Feb 2008 | By robinsa | Views [641]

16 & 18 February, Puerto Montt Chile. This place is pretty crappy. There are mountains, a volcano and lakes nearby, but the town itself is not good for too much, other than for cathing the ferry down South (which I will be boarding in a few hours).... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Kampot, Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Mon, 18 Feb 2008 | By pepperhead | Views [4473] | Comments [3]

Howdy, All - we are now in Kampot, Cambodia - a quaint, dry little town - so very nice!  We made our way via bus from Saigon to Phnom Phen, capital of Cambodia; it took about 8hrs including a bit of a stop at the Vietnam and Cambodia borders (exit and ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Day One at Fred Hollows Foundation eye camp

CAMBODIA | Mon, 18 Feb 2008 | By kyliestephenson | Views [1379]

18.2.08 First day of the eye camp. I was briefed on the way to the camp that, for the entire week, Fred Hollows Foundation was supporting free surgery for eligible locals. I wasn’t sure what to expect when we arrived at Baray Santuk Referral ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

The week just gone

CAMBODIA | Thu, 14 Feb 2008 | By da_misfit | Views [749] | Comments [1]

So we spend a few days in Phnom Penh, mainly because we needed to sort out our Laos visa and as we arrived on a Friday afternoon and the embassy wouldn't be open until MOnday.. We had some time on our hands. We did most of the touristy things but left ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Maybe it's not so bad.

UNITED KINGDOM | Wed, 13 Feb 2008 | By nadscol | Views [629]

So i may have overreacted the other day. I think that perhaps i had an attack of the drama queens. Work at the moment now isn't so bad. It's actually turned boring, which is much better than stressfull. I've found out quite quickly that all radiology ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Bemused and befuddled

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 7 Feb 2008 | By nadscol | Views [809] | Comments [7]

So i've started my new job. And it's ummmm.....different. Let me get this straight, everyone is really nice, has been really helpful etc. etc...but.... well i hate not knowing what i'm doing you know. It's so frustrating i feel like a student again. ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Be Patient :)

USA | Tue, 5 Feb 2008 | By enidan | Views [877] | Comments [1]

I know, I know....it has been a while since I've written something on here. But there's actually a good reason for that. I was planning on telling you all about my adventures last friday. However, I got sick.. Don't worry, I'm feeling better now. The ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Cleaning My Body

ECUADOR | Wed, 30 Jan 2008 | By dkirwan | Views [1888]

I apologize in advance, but this will not be a step-by-step description of my shower routine, nor will this be an account of the various raw food cleansings and liquid fasts I have performed.  Also omitted from this segment is my vegan epoca, which climaxed ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Not very well in Thailand

THAILAND | Fri, 11 Jan 2008 | By paulscott | Views [650]

I've had to go to the hospital today cause i was feeling so ill last night and all day today, the doc said i've probably just picked up a bug or something (which is not hard in Thailand, but so what the place is so cool) and he gave me 3 lots of different ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

21st Dec, Morning

FRANCE | Fri, 21 Dec 2007 | By nicolasophie | Views [701]

it's my LAST DAY IN PARIS! This morning ana didn't feel like coming out early so i went out and bought (and ate) a whole loaf of bread (aux olives) and then went to montmartre cemetary (very different from pere lachaise) and then wondered ... Read more >

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