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There are [2] photos and [12] stories tagged with "apartment".

One of these Mondays I'll do something fun

FRANCE | Fri, 25 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [370] | Comments [1]

Monday being the one weekday that I don’t have any classes, it tends to be when I schedule or plan on getting around to doing all of my boring things. Other times, it ends up being when other people ask me to do things. Those both turned out to ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, banks, registration, rent

The end of the week (not to be confused with the weekend)

FRANCE | Tue, 8 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [288]

After finishing the test, I did not want to sit down. So I just started walking, with the vague plan of going until I got tired, and then maybe catching a metro back from wherever I ended up. I got hungry first, and stopped for lunch at a crepe stand ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, dinner, french, internet

Registering for classes and signing forms about my room used to be so easy

FRANCE | Fri, 4 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [381]

Tuesday we met for a walking tour of part of Marais. “Marais” being French for “when I was a kid, the entire city used to a swamp, and we had to go to the Latin quarter just to be on solid ground.” It was led by Guillaume, an ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, class registration, tour, transport

Pretending I'm a real adult

FRANCE | Wed, 2 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [1002]

On Monday, I woke up in my own apartment. Although waking up anywhere else would have been rather disturbing, it still felt like a surprising thing to do. I did not need to worry about Ruby already being in the shower, or tripping over Clara's bags ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, cheese, groceries

Courses and Housing: what most people figured out in April

FRANCE | Thu, 27 Aug 2015 | By kakimono | Views [418]

he day began with a quick breakfast from the nearest boulangerie (perk of being in Paris) and a two hour description of French higher education.  Mainly focusing on universities, especially the ones we'd be studying at. It was a mixture of practical ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, classes, metro, transportation, universities

Photos: Tunisia June 2011 early summer, short visit - 14 days

TUNISIA | Sat, 25 Jun 2011 | By aussiechick_007 | Photo Gallery

assorted scenery in El Kantaoui, Takrouna, Sousse
See all 155 photos >>

Tags: apartment, baking tabouna bread, cooking lessons, green harissa, harissa, marina, panorama, port el kantaoui, traditional clay oven, view

Settling In For A While

CHINA | Sat, 5 Mar 2011 | By sobrea | Views [1747] | Comments [3]

It has been quite a while since I’ve written anything on our blog so I figure that now that Brett is off mountain biking and I don’t have work for a few hours that now would be a good chance to get caught up. Everything has been a whirlwind ever ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, china, disney, itsuki, pearl tower, pudong international airport, punjabi, shanghai, teaching, the bund

Travel advice for budget tourists in Barcelona, my trip to Spain

SPAIN | Tue, 9 Feb 2010 | By us_jb | Views [739]

Hi all, I was really impressed by Barcelona and the sad story is I lost my digital camera on my trip back home, I must have left it is some airport counter or something because nothing else was missing from my bag, the thing is the camera wasn’t ... Read more >

Tags: accommodation, apartment, barcelona, flat, habitación, hostel españa, hotel, piso al día, shared room, spain

Networking and notworking

NEW ZEALAND | Mon, 2 Mar 2009 | By eoghancito | Views [713]

Sylvia and Oii bade us farewell early on the Monday morning – their schedule only allowed them another 2 weeks for the whole of the South Island and they had an early ferry to Picton. Our journey 5 minutes up the street was shorter but we ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, carnival, concert, flood, rugby, work

Getting settled in Wellington

NEW ZEALAND | Thu, 5 Feb 2009 | By eoghancito | Views [946]

After 10 days in the car and sleeping in tents we were all quite glad to pull up to the Wellywood Backpackers in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. The monstrous pile of camping detritus that was crammed into the lift on the way up was positively ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, fire escape, hostel, museum

At home in Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Mon, 15 Dec 2008 | By eoghancito | Views [900]

It was a bit disorientating in the taxi at first. The street names didn't seem familiar and I had lost my sense of direction. Gradually Buenos Aires started to reveal itself as we approached our rented apartment ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, old friends, protests, theft

New House New House

VIETNAM | Sat, 6 Dec 2008 | By willpeach | Views [606]

Don’t petrol bomb us. We’ve moved and doesn’t out guesthouse hate it? Every bloody day I get a call telling me I have outstanding payments. What cheek! They raised my rent each week without telling me. Some Vietnamese are slimy bastards I’ll ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, house, saigon, vietnam


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