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Destination: United Kingdom

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Latest stories from United Kingdom

A bit about where I'll be.

Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [1452]

Ecuador is the second smallest country in South America. Though it may be modest in size, Ecuador is one of the most species rich countries in the world and is deemed a 'megadiversity hotspot'. The secret to Ecuadors diversity lies in its unique ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, banos, ecuador, misahualli, monkeys

The volunteering program.

Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [1876]

The volunteering program I'll be taking part in this summer is called Amazonas Explored  and is run by the volunteering organisation Volunteer Eco Students Abroad . VESA works hand in hand with the indigenous village communities to create real ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, rainforest, trek, volunteering

A new day, a new blog.

Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [780]

Welcome to my journal! This blog will chart my volunteering journey. From fundraising to departure, labour intensive volunteering to rainforest trek, I'm recording all the highlights and pains here for the world to see. From July 7th - 21st I shall ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, fundraising

Photos: UK - Everywhere Else

Fri, 3 Feb 2012 | By janisloveos | Photo Gallery

Everywhere that's not London!
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Photos: UK - London

Fri, 3 Feb 2012 | By janisloveos | Photo Gallery

In and around London
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Photos: Chichester

Thu, 2 Feb 2012 | By martin_rix | Photo Gallery

Photos from the West Sussex cathedral city
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Photos: Winchester

Wed, 1 Feb 2012 | By martin_rix | Photo Gallery

The historic city of Winchester
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Bienvenidos a Perú!

Tue, 31 Jan 2012 | By hevc | Views [642]

PERU 2012 After a few hours shy of 48 hours in transit, one plane delay due to a failed engine, and one missed bus due to said plane delay - I got here absolutely shattered!! The lovely Trisha and Lucy dropped me off at Heathrow for 4.30am, ... Read more >

Tags: arequipa, ceviche, lima, peru

My Scottish Family :)

Tue, 31 Jan 2012 | By frenchflower24 | Views [547]

So I haven't done much over the past few days, but I have a job (sort of)! Susan (the friend I'm staying with) is having an operation tomorrow, so I will be filling the position of nurse maid to help her recover :) It's funny how you can feel so at ... Read more >

Photos: Farewell

Fri, 27 Jan 2012 | By macedonboy | Photo Gallery

Mangesh leaving do
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Fri, 27 Jan 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [528]

27/02/2012 It Thursday 27th Jan, 2 days before I leaves for Hong Kong on the first leg of my travels. I'm travelling down to Surrey to visit a friend, Mr M. The lucky git has decide to retire to India and "time permitting", do the 3 ... Read more >

Tags: goodbye, sabbatical

After Uni Gap Year Travel...

Fri, 27 Jan 2012 | By emily_mcd | Views [1147]

I’m drawing to the end of my university career and am counting down until the 18 th of May when my dissertation will be handed in and I am free of essays. But then what?   A Master’s degree? Internships? A real job? As exciting ... Read more >

Tags: canada, china, gap year, inter-railing, peru, uni

A Quiet Couple of Days

Wed, 25 Jan 2012 | By frenchflower24 | Views [490]

Hi All, I haven't written for awhile - mostly because I haven't been doing much that I thought would be interesting! I am still not feeling better after a full course of antibiotics, so I went back to the Doctor today and he wrote me a script for some ... Read more >

Tags: the green hotel

Shopping in Edinburgh! 19/1/12

Sun, 22 Jan 2012 | By frenchflower24 | Views [663]

Hi All, So today Susan and I drove to Dunfermline and caught the train into the city centre (Edinburgh) to do some shopping :) We also met up with Susans' niece Emma (who is my age). She was very nice and even used her student card to get me some discounts! ... Read more >

Tags: dunfermline train station, edinburgh train station, saigon saigon

It's the final countdown.

Fri, 20 Jan 2012 | By amy | Views [728] | Comments [1] | Video

 After what is possibly now years of talking about it (sorry folks), i am finally a mere ten days away from departure to South America. I've had my injections...they hurt, i've got a hugely overbearing rucksack and plenty of 'practical but hideous' ... Read more >

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Mel surrounded by pigeons at Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery is to my left and St Martin's is in the background.

| By mel | Views [2698]

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by reilly, Views[197]

by reilly | Views [197]

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Yemen has one of the world’s youngest age structures with three-quarters of its 21 million inhabitants under the age of 30, and 46 per cent under age 15. The youth were central in sparking and mobilizing the revolution in 2011 and continues to be an important element to the rebuilding of Yemen.: by travelingnomad, Views[302]
Yemen has one of the world’s youngest age structures with three-quarters of its 21 million inhabitants under the age of 30, and 46 per cent under age 15. The youth were central in sparking and mobilizing the revolution in 2011 and continues to be an important element to the rebuilding of Yemen.

by travelingnomad | Views [302]

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