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Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By tranquillity | Views [937] | Comments [1] | Video | Scholarship Entry

I was inspired by my subject's story as a multiple-roles-woman. She is a mother and a university student, and also an Asian and a moslem woman. These latter attributions lead her to receive several discriminative experiences in the city where she lives ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By skent | Views [686] | Video | Scholarship Entry

In 2006, After selling my 1980 Sunbird Torana, I gathered all my savings and travelled to Cambodia to stay in an orphanage and gather footage for the ‘SHE’ Rescue home. The SHE organisation rescues girls out of the flourishing sex slave industry in Cambodia ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By ilyas | Views [1384] | Video | Scholarship Entry

I've always realized from a young age that the world is far to big for us to comprehend by just staying at one spot. One day a school assignment enabled me to travel to somewhere remote, a far cry from the cities i've been on holiday. Here now is the ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By lindsey_claire | Views [684] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Mataiti inspired my video—his positive energy despite being paralyzed from fish poisoning, is remarkable. He opened my eyes to life in the Cook Islands and the effects of polluted water. My vacation on this island quickly turned into a project: to learn ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By reem-diab64 | Views [685] | Comments [1] | Video | Scholarship Entry

The Dome of The Rock is considered one of the most significant places in islam. Jews have been trying to demolish The Holy Mosque since they captured Palestine in 1948. For me as a Muslim it's an important issue that the media is not telling the people ... Read more >

Tags: #2011video, travel documentary scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By vacantbench93 | Views [1941] | Video | Scholarship Entry

My name is Ralph Lam, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Malaysia. I find that I'm always trying to learn more about the world we live in, to understand people and find meaning in their behavior, and how everyone else perceives their own lives. By doing so, ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By jo_b | Views [1300] | Video | Scholarship Entry

When I moved to a rural community in British Columbia from Toronto last year, I was warned that I might encounter some homophobic attitudes. I decided to interview people from different walks of life to investigate these perceived attitudes in more depth.... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By kziechmann | Views [1396] | Video | Scholarship Entry

As a northerner who grew up in the south, I have always been curious about hunting's role in southern culture. A documentary class at the University of North Carolina allowed me to indulge this curiosity by seeking out subjects less than 15 minutes away ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By gunni | Views [853] | Video | Scholarship Entry

With the subject matter being local encounters, I thought what better than the local encounter that changed my life. My wife! At this very moment I am in-between jobs, and using my time to plan my future documentary about a hunter-gatherer tribe in ... Read more >

Tags: #2011video, travel documentary scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By karamelidumont | Views [910] | Video | Scholarship Entry

This subject was inspired for my work playing a clown, the encounter is with our own ridiculous. In this video I want to express my idea of life through images, dealing with themes of happiness and humour. I love making movies, I love to take images of ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By travis_the_traveller | Views [681] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Other lives have always interested me. Not only do I love the camera, but the thrill of new landscapes and fresh perspectives challenges me to grow as a person as well. What I love most about documentary work is that it allows me to be both filmmaker ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By mingafilms | Views [770] | Video | Scholarship Entry

On arriving in Australia I started to hear many familiar stories during my local encounters with which I have deeply identified. The majority of these persons of previous generations came here due to the Second World War or due to the war that happened ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By dunial | Views [539] | Video | Scholarship Entry

I wanted to build a bridge between students and the professors at Walla Walla University. Dealing with the unknown future as college students was relatable to the student body and me, so I started gathering our professors’ advice and wisdom on dealing ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By thekrom | Views [1212] | Video | Scholarship Entry

I was inspired by these people will for surviving, by their happiness, no matter how bad the circumstances are. I’m excited to work on the planiation for a documentary based on my local encounter. I’m a photographer and a painter. As a Documentary ... Read more >

Tags: #2011video, travel documentary scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By cassie | Views [600] | Video | Scholarship Entry

I am a career journalist with skills in producing text, photo and video. I fell in love with documentary film back in high school but spent the first five years of my journalism career strictly in the print world. In the last five years I've been able ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By trigunawan | Views [769] | Comments [1] | Video | Scholarship Entry

The story of the film aims at giving awarness that all living creatures have the same right to keep alive by keep getting food. when the disaster come, there is no reason for not doing something , no exceptedly for the wild animal and pets. What is previously ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By lucy-hayes | Views [522] | Video | Scholarship Entry

In the past my documentary making has been about relating to my subjects, connecting, understanding and portraying their lives in an unbiased and interesting way. Most recently meeting Romain has provided another opportunity to relate and document a ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By costachica | Views [545] | Video | Scholarship Entry

In Mexico, the african root is not very well identified neither recognized. Never the less it exist and we can feel it each time we dance or sing with certain rythms. Following african roots I decided to travel to the Costa Chica at Mexican Pacific ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By ahmedeye | Views [666] | Video | Scholarship Entry

love that's only the answer i love documenting peoples life i hope as a documentary film maker to keep people know each other more I think if you choose me that will be because of my love to my work and my love to the camera

Tags: #2011Video, Travel Documentary Scholarship 2011

Documentary Scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 16 Jun 2011 | By magas | Views [523] | Video | Scholarship Entry

propaganda against my country Inspired me write to world that we are not in war zone. currently i am writing Screen play of my documentary and Film.my I am working as a free lance-video maker trying to fulfil my ambition to be a professional documentary ... Read more >

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