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There is [1] photo and [8] stories tagged with "andy".

Practicing What You Preach

GEORGIA | Fri, 2 May 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [1113]

Last night I went to teach my English speaking lesson at the ‘Georgian-Scottish-House’ in Tbilisi. Recently I have had another gear-change with regards to my thinking on how I can do my bit to help reduce the now widely accepted human-induced climate ... Read more >

Tags: andy

Small is Beautiful

GEORGIA | Fri, 11 Apr 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [609]

These are some quotes from E.F. Schumacher’s series of books, Small is Beautiful: “The most striking about modern industry is that it requires so much and accomplishes so little. Modern industry seems to be inefficient to a degree that surpasses ... Read more >

Tags: andy

Space and Time

GEORGIA | Mon, 31 Mar 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [849]

I’m in Tbilisi and hopefully this blog will fill in what has been happening with me. As you may know I arrived in Yerevan for the first time, by bicycle, on the 24th January. I met up with Tom in the city after we had cycled alone from near the Georgian ... Read more >

Tags: andy

Marshrutka Experience

ARMENIA | Wed, 19 Mar 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [1175]

The driver’s wearing a leather jacket, thick material. I think “that’s too hot inside this cramped vehicle - it must be for the look”. The driver looks like a gangster out of a Guy Ritchie film. Somehow I convinced myself to put my trust in this gold-... Read more >

Tags: andy, ride-earth

Why did we get so wet?

ARMENIA | Thu, 21 Feb 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [610]

Last summer when we set off from England on our bicycles we had dreams of long wonderful summer days and leaving our waterproofs at home, replaced by an extra pannier of suncream. However, in practice we were reaching for the ponchos more than expected ... Read more >

Tags: andy, ride-earth

Stillness and Realisation

ARMENIA | Wed, 30 Jan 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [825]

I arrived in Yerevan last Wednesday. I have been staying with some wonderful new friends who work at the French Embassy here. From the first village after crossing the border into Armenia from Georgia, Tom and I decided to cycle alone to Yerevan. ... Read more >

Tags: andy, ride-earth

Tbilisi Beneath the Ice

GEORGIA | Thu, 17 Jan 2008 | By ride-earth | Views [1153]

When Sylvester, the Polish cyclist we met on Christmas Day in Batumi, was explaining that conditions were difficult here for local people in Georgia, coping with the cold midwinter, I remember thinking, surely it’s not as difficult as cycling round ... Read more >

Tags: andy, ride-earth

Dancing in the Dark

TURKEY | Thu, 20 Dec 2007 | By ride-earth | Views [803]

The other day I was cycling towards Trabzon.  We went through a number of dark, ominous looking tunnels through the hills. I’m cycling along, and then there it is, another black hole. My blood pressure rises, the hard shoulder thins and squeezes me ... Read more >

Tags: andy, ride-earth


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