There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "bike ride".
INDIA | Fri, 27 Mar 2015 | By sahil_verma | Views [544]
It was monsoons in Kerala. I was staying in Ernakulam, the new Cochin city, which was crowded and full of shops, theatres, restaurants and malls like any other city. The city had everything to offer, plus I was in a new place with new people, culture ... Read more >
Tags: beaches, bike ride, fishing, on the road
CANADA | Tue, 12 Jun 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [911]
On a beautiful sunny day (or the past two!) what is the best way to fully experience what a city has to offer? Exercise! I jogged 7.5kms along the water on Sunday arvo, it felt great! I was a bit tender afterwards (longest run in a while) but it ... Read more >
Tags: bike ride, summer camp