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There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "el calafate".

Argentina, Chile & Patagonia

ARGENTINA | Tue, 1 Jul 2014 | By coggos | Views [2350]

  Ranking among the Seven wonders of the natural world it's not hard to see how Foz de Iguacu or Iguassu Falls earns it spot. We are absolutely mesmerised. Following all the excellent advice we receievd we view the falls from Brazil first ... Read more >

Tags: buenos aires, el calafate, el chalten, navimag, patagonia, perido merino, puerto iguassu, puerto montt, torres del paine

The best of Southern Patagonia

CHILE | Wed, 2 Jan 2013 | By jess_dan | Views [759] | Comments [7]

Dear all,   It’s Tuesday night, however because of internet issues, it may not be uploaded until Wednesday night. I’m writing in a slightly comatose state so please excuse me if it dosnt make sense…   We have ... Read more >

Tags: el calafate, gadventues, patagonia, peurto natales, torres del paine

Ice Ice Baby

ARGENTINA | Sat, 10 Apr 2010 | By ryanandjo | Views [5052] | Comments [5]

After a quick bus ride over the border from Chile we were back in Argentina. El Calafate in the south west of Patagonia is a one horse town. There is only one reason why people venture to this remote part of Argentina and that ... Read more >

Tags: bariloche, chocolate, el bolson, el calafate, el chalten, fitz roy range, glaciar perito moreno, mount tronador, parque nacional los glaciares, ruta 40

El Calafate

ARGENTINA | Thu, 11 Feb 2010 | By cisa | Views [377]

El Calafate liegt mitten Patagonien und ist berühmt für seinen Gletscher den Perito Moreno. Die Stadt selbst ist mehr oder weniger aus dem Boden gestampft worden wg des Touristenansturms für den Gletscher. Die Stadt ist ziemlich unwirklich. Man kommt ... Read more >

Tags: el calafate

Keine Angst, ich lebe noch!

ARGENTINA | Mon, 19 Jan 2009 | By steffen_graz | Views [576] | Comments [1]

Hi Leute! Keine Angst. Ich lebe noch. Zur zeit bin ich nur sehr sehr laendlich unterwegs und Internet ist hier eher ein Fremdwort! Gestern war ich in El Calafate und hab mir den Perito Moreno Gletscher angesehen. Das war atemberaubend zu sehen wie ... Read more >

Tags: el calafate, el chalten, fitz roy, perito moreno

So cool, it's a glacier.

ARGENTINA | Sun, 30 Nov 2008 | By steph_dave | Views [873]

From Puerto Madryn we got a bus to Rio Gallegos (18 hours) where we had to wait a couple of hours to get another bus to El Calfate (5 hours).  We were pretty nackered by the time we got there but as we're limited on time we had to rush around sorting ... Read more >

Tags: el calafate, hostel de los manos, moreno glacier

El Calafate Perito Merino glacier

ARGENTINA | Sun, 9 Mar 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [2245]

For once, the hype is all true. The Perito Moreno Glacier is truly one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. The thing is massive, a huge great big wall of pure solid blue ice in the most spectacular setting, crashing down into a lake of turquoise ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, boat, camping, el calafate, ferry, glacier, lake, mountain, perito merino glacier, stream


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This photo was taken in the neighbouring village where celebrations were fully underway. I love how the smoke from the barbeque stall and the light from the many torches hit the faces of these musicians as they danced through the crowd.

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