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There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "salzburg".

Bohemian Trek

SLOVENIA | Thu, 2 Jun 2016 | By tiltingwindmills | Views [348]

Croatia - 28 May The second Busabout tour got off to a rough start when myself and one of the other girls missed the tour departure in Split. We had arrived into Split Friday night and slept that night on the boat. I had thought we had Saturday ... Read more >

Tags: austria, croatia, czech republic, lake bled, prague, salzburg, slovenia, split

High Culture Low Food

AUSTRIA | Tue, 7 Jul 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [490]

Yesterday, I did two big things-I took bus #25 to Mount Untersberg, a mountain with a cable car.  The views we're gorgeous, and it was peaceful up there.  I met a woman who told  me to go to Innsbruck, where she was from in Austria,for ... Read more >

Tags: austria, salzburg

From the Hostel to the Frying Pan

AUSTRIA | Tue, 7 Jul 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [481]

Yesterday, I checkout of the hostel and into a hotel. The hostel was ok-it was part of a chain of hostels called "Meininger", which is in various European cities.  I guess they are trying to be one of the few chains in a highly fragmented industry.... Read more >

Tags: austria, salzburg

The Hills are Alive!!

AUSTRIA | Sun, 5 Jul 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [519]

  Yesterday, for the first day in Salzburg, I went on the Sound of Music Tour.  First of all, I Am pretty sure I never saw the movie from start to end. The first time I saw the film was on a transatlantic cruise in 2006, on the Carnival ... Read more >

Tags: austria, salzburg

Struggling with water

CZECH REPUBLIC | Thu, 21 Aug 2014 | By steph | Views [828]

It has been a long time since the last published post on this blog, but I felt like writing. Not that as a technical writer, I don’t write. As a matter of fact, I do it every day. But technical writing is, uh well, very technical! A lot has ... Read more >

Tags: camping, children, czech republic, munich, rain, salzburg

Thoughts on Borders and Salzburg History

AUSTRIA | Wed, 11 Jun 2014 | By krodin | Views [804]

  Thoughts on Boundaries and Salzburg History Boundaries are funny things.   They are imaginary lines drawn on maps that become real reasons for killing people.   What is mine is mine, and if you have something I want, I can ... Read more >

Tags: boundaries, european history, salzburg

Ice Caves, Eagles and Mozart?

AUSTRIA | Thu, 12 May 2011 | By drmitch | Views [969]

The 4 hour train trip to Salzburg passes through some beautiful mountains and pretty villages. Tip of the day : Just because road names are very very similar does not mean they are the same – make sure your hostel is actually on the map ... Read more >

Tags: falconry, ice caves, mozart, salzburg, werfen

Day 8 - Ocktoberfest

GERMANY | Wed, 8 Oct 2008 | By juliedrewe | Views [546]

Day 8 Today we learnt a big lesson. We had breakfast and headed off to book a ticket to London to start to look for a place to live and work. We went to price a train ticket and were told it would cost 389 euro. Ohmi god. We spent the next 3 hours ... Read more >

Tags: london to munich, munich, ryanair, salzburg, train

The Hills are Alive-

AUSTRIA | Thu, 19 Jun 2008 | By tinka | Views [687]

 *sings * The hills are alive/ with the sound of... waterfalls? No, actually, the hills where alive with the sound of music (but also waterfalls; will explain in a bit!)– we drove from Petronell-Carnuntum to Zell in the Zimml Valley, but on the way ... Read more >

Tags: austrian alps, kimml valley, salzburg, sound of music, waterfalls


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