There are [20] photos and [3] stories tagged with "tuol sleng".
CAMBODIA | Mon, 7 Feb 2011 | By gem_sky | Views [602]
Tuk tuks are
quite something! It was my first time in a tuk tuk, heading from the airport to the centre yesterday.
You get thrown helplessly into the middle of the tropical soup and just hold on
while they spin you round the corners into on coming ... Read more >
Tags: hotel, khmer, prison, tuk tuk, tuol sleng
CAMBODIA | Sun, 9 Aug 2009 | By karsoe | Views [423]
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - How can I write any more on the horrors of Tuol Sleng and Cheoung Ek? I've done so already, as have countless others. And they've done a far better job than me. I visited those placed for a second time recently. Their impact was ... Read more >
Tags: aid, cambodia, cheoung ek, killing fields, phnom penh, s21, tabitha foundation, tuol sleng
CAMBODIA | Wed, 22 Jul 2009 | By ryanandjo | Views [1693]
We started the day by catching a long tail boat for an hour across the Mekong in monsoonal rain. Upon arriving at the boat landing we had to make our way across five boats to get to shore, testing our balancing skills. When we had safely reached dry ... Read more >
Tags: choeung ek, killing fields, kratie, phnom penh, tuol sleng