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Destination: United Kingdom

There are [4121] stories and [41850] photos from United Kingdom

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At Manchester airport

Sat, 4 Oct 2014 | By alexhodge | Views [279]

Waiting in the lounge for the gate to open for the first leg of my journey to Paris and then to Moscow.

A Roof With a View

Tue, 30 Sep 2014 | By rmckinley | Views [1465]

The 360 degree view of the skyline of London at sunset was absolutely free. Lights twinkled, the cool crisp air tickled my skin, and my breath fogged slightly in the air, just enough to give the deep resonating sense that fall had arrived. ... Read more >

Tags: clf art cafe, date night, london, romance, roof, rooftop film club, sunset, view

Sun Chaser Crying in the Rain

Sat, 27 Sep 2014 | By laurenstrong | Views [395]

To those of you who are curious about what I have to say,   You never know what you have until it is gone…               I say this because I am realizing how much I ... Read more >

Tags: coventry, england, rain, umbrella

Edinburgh Fringe, Part 2: The Vengeance

Thu, 25 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [369]

On Friday morning we got up and went down the breakfast. Essentially, it was a blend between the typical Hilton breakfast and the breakfasts we'd been having all over Scotland. There was fresh fruit and muffins, but also potato scones, haggis, and ... Read more >

Tags: food, fringe, hilton, mars, shakespeare, tram

London, England: Following the Royal Procession

Wed, 24 Sep 2014 | By laurenstrong | Views [500]

To all those who think they need to travel on a strict schedule,   Sometimes the best journeys are the ones that you stumble upon.               It was not intended that my ... Read more >

Tags: buckingham palace, england, horse guards parade, london, procession, royal, westminster abbey

Betwixt and Between Adventures!

Wed, 24 Sep 2014 | By tonygilmour | Views [118]

Well the summer has been and gone.  We spent a brilliant 5 months in Haute Provence, working for eurocamp on the Domaine Du Verdon.  Outside of work time we explored the region pretty thoroughly and enjoyed lots of runs, walks, cycles plus ... Read more >

Surf From Coast to Coast (Really, drive along a single coast)

Sun, 21 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [390]

Our exit from the Best Western was the speediest par t of the day. Most of the rest of it consisted of driving leisurely along the coast, stopping whenever we saw something interesting. We only had two firm points of interest- St. Andrews because ... Read more >

Tags: castles, driving, hilton, hotel, lighthouse

Cookies and a Car: What More Could We Want? (Answer: A Hotel)

Fri, 19 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [449]

Since splitting up in Calandar, my sister and I had spent only marginally more hours in hotels than riding trains. My parents had left early and driven for a couple of hours only to find the ferry they'd been planning on (and had a reservation for) ... Read more >

Tags: change of plans, hotels, roundabouts

The World in One Place: Passing Clouds

Wed, 17 Sep 2014 | By zoeandamelia | Views [1102] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Amelia and I have known each other for little over a month. That may not seem like long to start working together, but what we have learnt through this high spirited and characterful journey is that we make a damn good team. We've battled night buses, ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 travel film scholarship to mexico

Photos: Adventures in Passing Clouds

Wed, 17 Sep 2014 | By zoeandamelia | Photo Gallery

Some behind the scenes photos during our documentary shoot and post
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A Night with Guy Fawkes

Tue, 16 Sep 2014 | By kate_ganna | Views [1348] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Despite the fact that we’re not shooting video for living, both of us find enough inspiration and time to shoot some movies. We even made our own travel show ‘Tips On Trips’ while studying at the University of Sussex in Brighton (UK). As members of UniTV ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Film Scholarship to Mexico

Dunnotar Castle: A Real Castle

Mon, 15 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [429]

My sister and I arrived at the Aberdeen train station a full hour early. Early enough to catch an earlier train to Stonehaven. A station attendant noticed us looking at the destination lists and asked us where we were going, then told us there was ... Read more >

Tags: car, castle, citadel, steps, walking

South of England

Fri, 12 Sep 2014 | By emily_witenden | Views [354]

  After a short hour train ride I arrived in pulborough, near horsham..beck picked me up and it hardly felt like 5 years had passed! We weren't even the closest of friends in Kenya but clicked instantly, she made me feel very welcome..we drove ... Read more >

Photos: Lake District, England

Wed, 10 Sep 2014 | By laurenstrong | Photo Gallery

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The Final Stall

Fri, 5 Sep 2014 | By givevoicetolocalheros | Views [279] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Hey, my name is Marta! I should be chosen because I have a great passion for filmmaking and storytelling and I am energetic and extremely curious. As a freelance journalist, I try to travel as much as I can to find meaningful stories from different realities.... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Film Scholarship to Mexico

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Mel surrounded by pigeons at Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery is to my left and St Martin's is in the background.

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