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Walk Around Nauru

NAURU | Tue, 6 Feb 2024 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [388]

There aren’t many countries where you can walk around the entire country in less than a day. In fact, Nauru may be the only one. Even in Vatican City it’s not possible to walk all the way around (although it’s likely possible to walk ... Read more >

Isle of Phosphate

NAURU | Sun, 4 Feb 2024 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [299]

Nauru! Another place where I’ve had to explain to everyone where it is. A tiny potato-shaped island 42 kilometres south of the Equator, Nauru is one of the smallest and least-visited countries in the world. Phosphate is what originally made Nauru ... Read more >

Winding Down Our Oz Odyssey

AUSTRALIA | Sat, 10 Feb 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [245]

THE BEST PLACES TO STAY AREN’T ALWAYS at the beach. Tim’s AirBnB in the bush-town of Wandandian is idyllic; green fields, towering eucalyptus, chickens, horses—even Soxy, the affectionate English Chocolate Lab. I wish every host put ... Read more >

Bateman's Bay

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 5 Feb 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [244]

BATEMAN’S BAY IS ABOUT HALFWAY BETWEEN Mallacoota and Sydney. It also happens to be about the only place along the South Coast with halfway affordable lodging at this time of year. Our AirBnB is a bit shabby but works as a base for exploring South ... Read more >

It's the Journey, Not the Destination

AUSTRALIA | Thu, 1 Feb 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [232]

SOMEONE FOLLOWING OUR ZIG-ZAG ROUTE might think we suffer from terminal Attention Deficit Disorder. Yes, it would have made more sense to come directly from Bairnsdale to Mallacoota near the Victoria-NSW border. But Mallacoota is a popular holiday destination ... Read more >

Adventures in Paradise

VANUATU | Fri, 16 Feb 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [218]

THE WIND PICKED UP ON FRIDAY EVENING and was blowing a gale by the time we arrived at the Majestic Princess. Circular Quay is a refreshing change from the commercial ports where cruise ships often dock and we spent the afternoon watching as ferries ... Read more >

The Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks of Haeinsa Temple

SOUTH KOREA | Sat, 13 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [181]

SELECTING A HOTEL IN A FOREIGN CITY, especially an Asian city, is a crap-shoot—even with Booking.com. We were lucky with Hotel Palace in Gyeongju and we really hit the Jackpot here in Daegu. Not only did we get a great rate, Rivertain Hotel comes ... Read more >

Bulguksa Temple Complex

SOUTH KOREA | Thu, 11 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [148]

FOREWARNED ABOUT THE “IFFY” BUS SCHEDULE, we opted for a taxi for Bulguksa Temple Complex. It’s only about 20 kilometers from our hotel but I refilled my billfold with won anyway. I can’t speak for Buddha but Confucius say “... Read more >

Five-Sense Overload

INDIA | Thu, 2 May 2024 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [146]

It's super loud, the food tastes great, the sights are amazing, it smells (good or bad) all over, and you often have to watch what you touch. Welcome to India. An overload of all five senses is the best way to put it. Many travellers before me have told ... Read more >

Kyoto Imperial Palace and Nishiki Market

JAPAN | Tue, 23 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [143]

DECIDING TO RE-VISIT KYOTO WAS A NO-BRAINER. We have a few days to kill before we sail from Yokohama, Japan is one of our favorite countries and there are a few things we missed in Kyoto in 2014. KABIN Taka isn’t as convenient to public transportation ... Read more >

Cyclone Force

TUVALU | Mon, 29 Jan 2024 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [136]

Wind and rain were the story of the day after the scorching heat yesterday. There’s a saying in Tuvalu that it’s always hot on Sunday due to the “sun” and that it’s a day of resting and worshipping the Lord. Tuvalu is one ... Read more >


NAURU | Fri, 9 Feb 2024 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [133]

It appears I have two extra days here on Nauru, as my flight was pushed back by two days. Whilst I'm happy about the extra time here, I'm looking forward to this Pacific journey coming to a conclusion. I'm pretty banged up already and I was itching intensely ... Read more >

Gyeongbobgung Palace and Bukchon Hanok Village

SOUTH KOREA | Wed, 17 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [133]

IT  WAS RAINING MONDAY WHEN WE LEFT DAEGU. Through the rain-streaked windows of our “bullet” train forested hillsides alternated with towering apartment blocks as we chugged through unknown cities on our way to Seoul. It was still raining ... Read more >

Check-in 332

USA | Sun, 2 Jun 2024 | By rtumicki | Views [132]

332: Time flies when I neglect my journal entries.  Now I am down to 332 days and I have a sneaking feeling this time will go by quicker than I think or would like.  I have started many to-do lists in various notebooks I keep.  One, the ... Read more >

Cuc Phoung National Park

VIETNAM | Fri, 5 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [118]

OUR FIRST STOP AFTER AN EARLY START from Tam Dao to Cuc Phoung was ostensibly a restroom break. But by the number of tour buses at the Vietnamese craft center we suspect that the guides get a bit of baksheesh from the paintings, silk, wood carvings and ... Read more >

Good Bye, Vietnam!

SOUTH KOREA | Sun, 7 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [118]

WE FEW, WE HAPPY FEW, WE BAND OF BIRDERS. In a little over three weeks bouncing over several thousand kilometers of Vietnam, we’ve seen more than 350 species of birds—over 200 Lifers for Dave and Noreen and 125 new species for us. We have ... Read more >

Ten Thousand Torii Gates of Fushimi Inari Shrine

JAPAN | Wed, 24 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [114]

WE HAD ALREADY SEEN THE “BESTEST.” Now we’ve seen the “mostest.” Torii , that is—those bright red gates that mark the gateway between the human and sacred worlds in the Shinto religion.      ... Read more >


SOUTH KOREA | Thu, 18 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [111]

SINCE A VISA FOR NORTH KOREA IS OUT of the question, I would have to settle for a peek into North Korea across the the D e m ilitarized Z one. Connie, who had already visited to the DMZ as part of a 1998 official military mission, came along for the ... Read more >

Around Busan

SOUTH KOREA | Mon, 8 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [109]

WE ARE USING BUSAN, KOREA’S SECOND-LARGEST CITY, to get acclimated to the country before working our way to Seoul. Which may be more difficult than we thought. The first thing we noticed was the weather—morning temperatures in the 40s, not ... Read more >

Yangdong Historic Village World Heritage Site

SOUTH KOREA | Tue, 9 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [108]

IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CHEAPER TO TAKE the Busan Metro to the Sasang Bus Station but a taxi was less hassle. Besides, we are millionaires in Korea! Surprisingly few Koreans feel comfortable speaking English and we’re still struggling with gamsahabnida ... Read more >

Art and Seoul

SOUTH KOREA | Sat, 20 Apr 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [105]

A RAINY SATURDAY SEEMED LIKE THE PERFECT time to visit an art museum and the Leeum Samsung seemed like the perfect museum. Finding it required some new metro navigation and a bit of luck at the end of the line but everything worked out fine. The museum ... Read more >

Cycling in Scotland 2024

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 29 Apr 2024 | By shaz | Views [103]

I had company on this cycling trip. This girl has never cycled long distance in her life. She has never tried an activity holiday where we were cycling everyday even in the rain. I had back up plans just in case she said no fucking way but none were ... Read more >

East to Alaska

USA | Sat, 11 May 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [102]

AFTER SIXTEEN DAYS AT SEA, THE GOOD SHIP Royal Princess arrived in Whittier, AK yesterday—East to Alaska, not North. As cruises go this one was pretty blah. It began with a last minute change of berths negating the carefully chosen location of ... Read more >

Scafell Pike May 2024

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 5 May 2024 | By shaz | Views [99]

We're on our way to hike up Scafell Pike. First it's a 35 minutes walk to the bus stop, 30 minutes on the dodgy bus and another 30 minutes walking to the starting point. All that before even taking one step on the trail. Ffs I'm knackered already. ... Read more >

Ngoc Linh National Park

VIETNAM | Thu, 21 Mar 2024 | By graynomadsusa | Views [96]

HOANG GIA TRANG GUEST HOUSE in Ngoc Linh is as low as we can sink, lodging-wise—at least we hope it is. It’s the only game in town and features rock hard beds with a single sheet and blanket in which we wrapped ourselves like human burritos ... Read more >


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