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Lonely footsteps lead away from the beach after a long day in the sun.: by ndunning, Views[162]
Lonely footsteps lead away from the beach after a long day in the sun.

by ndunning | Views [162]

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Driving though winding, narrow roads of the island and inhaling scents of Mediterranean herbs coming through open windows, awakens more memories. During the last 50 years, what once were vast olive tree farms and fields, and a source of wealth for families, was transformed slowly into a bush-covered semi-wilderness. Where all people have gone?: by zvonimir, Views[252]
Driving though winding, narrow roads of the island and inhaling scents of Mediterranean herbs coming through open windows, awakens more memories. During the last 50 years, what once were vast olive tree farms and fields, and a source of wealth for families, was transformed slowly into a bush-covered semi-wilderness. Where all people have gone?

by zvonimir | Views [252]

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