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pai: by tnj4884, Views[277]

by tnj4884 | Views [277]

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Evening sharing by a LA team member from Palos Verde Baptist church. Every few days new people come to stay at the volunteer house. They may come for a week or just days.  The volunteers come from the largest town of Sendai or further but most are Christians serving the coastal areas that got damaged. There are so many organizations trying to help the people and spread the Gospel that it is hard to keep track of all of them but they try to share their needs and the volunteers.: by fujihiker, Views[156]
Evening sharing by a LA team member from Palos Verde Baptist church. Every few days new people come to stay at the volunteer house. They may come for a week or just days. The volunteers come from the largest town of Sendai or further but most are Christians serving the coastal areas that got damaged. There are so many organizations trying to help the people and spread the Gospel that it is hard to keep track of all of them but they try to share their needs and the volunteers.

by fujihiker | Views [156]

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