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 In Vatnajokull National Park, Iceland, one can go many kilometers without seeing a single soul. A sign on the side of the road tells the story of a massive flood that occurred from a volcanic eruption underneath a glacier which sent  water pouring through the valley. This is all that remains of a bridge that once functioned many kilometers upland from where its pieces are now strewn in desolate, isolation. The graffiti and vivid red was stunning against the stark landscape. : by lableubelle, Views[280]
In Vatnajokull National Park, Iceland, one can go many kilometers without seeing a single soul. A sign on the side of the road tells the story of a massive flood that occurred from a volcanic eruption underneath a glacier which sent water pouring through the valley. This is all that remains of a bridge that once functioned many kilometers upland from where its pieces are now strewn in desolate, isolation. The graffiti and vivid red was stunning against the stark landscape.

by lableubelle | Views [280]

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by george, Views[244]

by george | Views [244]

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