There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "animal sanctuary".
BOLIVIA | Tue, 21 Oct 2008 | By steph_dave | Views [844]
After the Ride of Death, we cycled to La Senda Verde animal sanctuary for lunch. Dave and I had seen this place on the internet and had wanted to visit anyway, so the ride ending there was a bonus. We spoke to the owner and decided we would stay there ... Read more >
Tags: animal sanctuary, coroico, gravity, la senda verde, volunteering
BOLIVIA | Sun, 20 Apr 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [3494]
As oftten happens, when you are having a good time you have no time to record it. In this case, our good time involves waking up at seven, starting work at seven thirty, finishing at six thirty and having no days off. There is a party every night and ... Read more >
Tags: animal refuge, animal sanctuary, bolivia, cochobamba, inti wara yassi, monkeys, parque machia, pumas, refugio, villa tunari