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There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "bucharest".

Dracula's Crib

ROMANIA | Mon, 17 Apr 2017 | By swathi | Views [1452] | Comments [1]

Bucharest (24 th – 27 th March 2017) Here I go again, inviting myself to pre-planned trips with other people I barely met. This time it was with three lovely Spanish girls, one of whom is in my Nanobiotechnology class. We caught a 7 am coach ... Read more >

Tags: brasov, bucharest, castle, dracula

Hello Hotel

ROMANIA | Tue, 13 Oct 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [618]

Yesterday was another cold wet day here in Bucharest, and the first thing I did was buy a used lens for my camera(the other lens broke), and then I left the hostel and moved to a hotel for three reasons:   (1) The blanket provided was ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Parliament in the Rain

ROMANIA | Mon, 12 Oct 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [515]

Yesterday was a crappy day here in Bucharest. The temperature was in the 40's, I believe, and it was windy and raining. But that didn't stop me yesterday morning, although I was out the night before, I woke up around 10:00, and went to take a tour of ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Parliament, Only 1 Pumpkin Spice Latte please, and Double Up on the Maroone 5

ROMANIA | Sun, 11 Oct 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [438]

Yesterday I awoke about 10:00 am, which is late for me. By the time I finished on the computer it was close to  11:00 am, which meant it would be too late for breakfast at Mc Donalds (not many places to sit down and have breakfast, and there is ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Walking Tour but Not Walking Home

ROMANIA | Sat, 10 Oct 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [423]

Yesterday I started the day with a walking tour of the city. I learned a few things:   (1) Bucharest was largely destroyed by an Earthquake in 1973, and rebuilt around the central area. (2) The main boulevard is modeled after the Champs ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Bottomless Toilets and Bad Fish-

ROMANIA | Fri, 9 Oct 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [508]

Yesterday I took the train from Tarnovo, Bulgaria to Bucharest, Romania.   The ride was fine. I took one train from Tarnovo for about 25 minutes, and transferred to another train to Bucharest.   The trains are very old, with graffiti ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Budapest - Day 1 - All around Andrássy Avenue

HUNGARY | Wed, 8 Aug 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [497]

My train to Budapest doesn't leave till 1735. I've pack my bags, but am compelled to stay in Bucharest for another half day until the the train leaves. It's the third day of a heatwave in Romania. It hasn't quite hit the high of 41c of yesterday, only ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, budapest, hungary, unesco


ROMANIA | Tue, 7 Aug 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [926]

There's aren't many ways to get off an island. In milleniums gone past, we might have done it the manly way by usig a raft. Risks included such activities as going for a prolonged swim,  partaking in a fish supper or discover Skull Island. The island ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

Back to Civilization

ROMANIA | Wed, 16 Jul 2008 | By katiekimberling | Views [1323] | Comments [5]

After leaving Budapest, we headed for Bucharest, Romania. We took another night train and ended up riding with a couple of Canadian girls who were going to visit some family. The ride was incredibly long, we didn't get to Bucharest until 2:30 in the ... Read more >

Tags: athens, bucharest, bulgaria, greece, hungary, patras, sofia


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