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There are [15] photos and [33] stories tagged with "castle".

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Dracula's Crib

ROMANIA | Mon, 17 Apr 2017 | By swathi | Views [1452] | Comments [1]

Bucharest (24 th – 27 th March 2017) Here I go again, inviting myself to pre-planned trips with other people I barely met. This time it was with three lovely Spanish girls, one of whom is in my Nanobiotechnology class. We caught a 7 am coach ... Read more >

Tags: brasov, bucharest, castle, dracula

Tests, Plums, and Cats

JAPAN | Mon, 28 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [435]

On Wednesday my religion and culture class was cancelled, which should have made the day seem shorter and better by comparison. It didn't. In part this was because we had our second Japanese test, immediately followed by two hours of project work.... Read more >

Tags: castle, cat, coffee, plum trees, tests

Osaka Castle Park

JAPAN | Sat, 27 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [520]

Last Monday, Yamaguchi-sensei had asked what we’d done over the weekend, and had been disappointed when none of us responded “I went to Osaka Castle!” Apparently the plum blossoms are supposed to be particularly beautiful this time ... Read more >

Tags: beautiful, castle, coffee, park, sakura, trees, water

Vienna & Bratislava

SLOVAKIA | Fri, 3 Jul 2015 | By dohnster | Views [483]

Greetings from a ferry off the Dalmatian coast! Me and my new travel gal pal Kirsty, who hails from Leicester, England, have been travelling together now for about 4 days after we met in Zagreb and realized we were taking the same route down to Greece.... Read more >

Tags: bratisalva, castle, cathedral, danube, vienna

Czeching out Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Mon, 29 Jun 2015 | By dohnster | Views [528]

Guys, maybe I shouldn't go to Greece now. Have you been reading the news? They're about to go bankrupt, and the banks will be closed all week, with deposits being limited to 60 Euros per day. Yikes! I could still make it work on a tight budget, but on ... Read more >

Tags: beer, castle, charles bridge, gardens, john lennon wall, prague, walking tour


FRANCE | Mon, 13 Apr 2015 | By mareikestravel | Views [825]

Lake Annecy Marathon Sports lovers take note – Now in its 32rd year, the Lake Annecy Marathon 2015 will take place on Sunday April 19 and guarantees to draw in the crowds that line the streets to cheer on passing runners in different ... Read more >

Tags: annecy, castle, dance, events, golf, marathon

A day of wonder followed by disaster and dorm snoring.

UNITED KINGDOM | Tue, 17 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [900]

Some cities grow on you. London crept into my favour like its cold that crept into my bones. Some cities are just instantly spellbinding. Istanbul was breath-taking from the first moment I started heading in the wrong direction from the bus stop. Edinburgh ... Read more >

Tags: arthurs seat, carlton hill, castle, dorm, edinburgh, royal mile

A place that deserves to be more famous than it is.

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 12 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [911]

Ask any Australian about Jersey and the only thing they can think of is the cows. The small island is part of the UK, but just off the edge of France with French road names, is full of Polish people and with Parishes (or countys) like St. Johns, St. ... Read more >

Tags: castle, chip butty, cow, dolmars, friends, jersey, sunsets

Biking Budapest

HUNGARY | Mon, 29 Sep 2014 | By schmodude | Views [696]

I woke up in my hostel and was enjoying a cup of coffee in the hostel common room when a group of 4 Aussies walked into the hostel to check in. We stared at each other out of recognition from some point in the past couple weeks.  It turns out these ... Read more >

Tags: beer bike, buda, budapest, castle, citadel, hungary, i know you!, parliment, pest

Trams, Castles and Monks! Oh My!

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wed, 24 Sep 2014 | By schmodude | Views [413]

I got up and bought a breakfast ticket at the hostel. It was great. For four hours there are crepes, eggs, breads, bacon, meats, cheeses, cereal and coffee included. Over breakfast I met a couple from Toronto (Dave and Shannon). I had mentioned my plans ... Read more >

Tags: bbq, castle, czech republic, old thyme prague, prague, strahov monastery

Dunnotar Castle: A Real Castle

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 15 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [435]

My sister and I arrived at the Aberdeen train station a full hour early. Early enough to catch an earlier train to Stonehaven. A station attendant noticed us looking at the destination lists and asked us where we were going, then told us there was ... Read more >

Tags: car, castle, citadel, steps, walking


UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 30 Aug 2014 | By kakimono | Views [524]

Depending on the source, Thurso is the northernmost town on the Scottish mainland. Sepcifically, if your source is Wikipedia or the signs around town, you will believe that. If your source is a map, it doesn't seem as likely. In any case, Thurso is ... Read more >

Tags: bagpipes, castle, food, knitting, sea

Victorian Castle with the Heart of an Ancient Keep

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 28 Aug 2014 | By kakimono | Views [540]

Between Invrness and Thurso, my sister and I wanted to stop at the impeccably Victorian Dunrobin Castle. As we were at the Inverness train station checking the boards and waiting for a platform to appear, we noticed that Dunrobin Caslte had an asterix ... Read more >

Tags: castle, falcons, oneill, train, train station


UNITED KINGDOM | Wed, 27 Aug 2014 | By kakimono | Views [563]

The train to Inverness was crowded. Extremely crowded. My sister and I spent most of the ride standing. There might have been other seats farther down in the train, but when we looked through the window to the next car, there were people standing ... Read more >

Tags: castle, clothing, food, train

Confronted With The History Of The Gravensteen

BELGIUM | Fri, 22 Aug 2014 | By jazzanomadica | Views [1536]

The 834 year old living quarters inside the Gravensteen Castle now houses one of the rarest displays of original torture weapons from the Middle Ages in all of Belgium. Finger crushers, spiked neck collars, a table used for water boarding and heavy leg ... Read more >

Tags: belgium, castle, europe, ghent

Day 3 Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Mon, 7 Jul 2014 | By teflprague | Views [359]

     Well, I've had less time to write then I thought. I arrived on Sunday morning. Unfortunaly after very long uncomfortable flights, I spent a lot of time sleeping. Classes began on Monday. We started with an intro and breiff overview ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, beer, castle, charles bridge, early days, food, metro, prague, subway, travel


INDIA | Sat, 1 Mar 2014 | By away2travel | Views [2001]

Jodhpur Posted on   March 16, 2014 by   James Tuesday, March 4, 2014 After spending more than 24 hours on the Marudhar Express train from  Varanasi  to Jodhpur , we finally arrived at the Jodhpur Junction ... Read more >

Tags: blue city, castle, city, jodhpur, zipline

The park on top of a castle

ALBANIA | Mon, 17 Jun 2013 | By josephuck | Views [1215] | Comments [2]

Already time seems to be propelling forward at a rate much quicker than on the humble British Isles. Surely we all feel that; whenever we are abroad, time just slips away, faded into history, to be remembered as digital photographs and plastic souvenirs.... Read more >

Tags: albania, castle, cycling, lake, museum, plumber, tourism, watches


NORWAY | Fri, 29 Jun 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [1595]

Day 1 A short 1 hour flight from Copenhagen and we land in Oslo at 1130, where I get a train direct to Oslo S(Central). At the ticket machines, I get my ticket and it reminds me to "validate" the ticket before getting on board. There are ... Read more >

Tags: akershus, art, castle, munch, norway, oslo, rain, sightseeing

Photos: Manchester, England

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 8 Oct 2011 | By brettcooke | Photo Gallery

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Tags: another place, beach, castle, conwy, liverpool, manchester, united kingdom, wales

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