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There are [0] photos and [26] stories tagged with "arrival".

San Jose Del Cabo

MEXICO | Thu, 4 Aug 2022 | By lizscar | Views [124]

This is the first time writing a journal on my phone! Jared and I decided to go somewhere Alaska airlines flew for our seventh anniversary. Our out of country options were limited to Costa Rica, Belize, and Mexico. We chose to go to Los Cabos and Todos ... Read more >

Tags: arrival


THAILAND | Wed, 9 Dec 2015 | By jreigerr | Views [272]

After a long few months of work, we finally set off. Monday at 5am we made it to the London airport. The lady struggled to check us in fue to some flight change, but we managed. The plane later left after an hour fog delay. The same thing happened for ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, delay, flight


CHINA | Sat, 4 Apr 2015 | By chinaho | Views [389]

Up early and on the bus to Newark airport, we began our adventure. Meeting a pleasant young man from Beijing, we began the halting, laughing, pausing rhythm of speech that is sure to follow for the next month! He looked up words on his phone to talk ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, departure, technology

Things That Were, Things That Are, and Things That Will Be.

PERU | Thu, 29 Jan 2015 | By kat617 | Views [698] | Comments [5]

When I began to write this entry, I wasn’t sure where to begin. Then I wasn’t sure where to finish. I just kept writing everything that came to mind, and I wrote for hours. By the time I ran out of things to say I was so tired that I couldn’... Read more >

Tags: archaeological, archaeology, arrival, culture, homestay, mistakes, program, sickness, sunburn, tefl

We're baaaaaaack.....

COLOMBIA | Fri, 2 Jan 2015 | By peacepigs | Views [571] | Comments [2]

It was an early wake up. One of those where your stomach hurts all morning and it has kind of continual rocky  turning. Everything went smoothly getting to the airport. 10 minutes from boarding, Matt went to find a notebook. He came back with no ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, getsemaní, hostels, public buses, veggie pizza

Arrived in Bangkok!

THAILAND | Tue, 28 Oct 2014 | By dinagosse | Views [388]

Looooong travel day today!!! Eleven-plus hours to Incheon South Korea airport. Decided I needed a coffee there, so we stopped at a little coffee kiosk. I usually make a rule to try the thing that looks most unusual or represents the most "local color" ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

Day 3 Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Mon, 7 Jul 2014 | By teflprague | Views [366]

     Well, I've had less time to write then I thought. I arrived on Sunday morning. Unfortunaly after very long uncomfortable flights, I spent a lot of time sleeping. Classes began on Monday. We started with an intro and breiff overview ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, beer, castle, charles bridge, early days, food, metro, prague, subway, travel

Day Zero: Through Canals in Copenhagen

DENMARK | Mon, 21 Oct 2013 | By divvea | Views [1485]

  After touch down at Kastrup airport, grey leaden sky and a tickling breeze reached me, welcoming me with the promise of good Nordic weather. I hailed a cab for the airport and the smooth plain roads of Copenhagen on a Sunday afternoon ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, canals, city, copenhagen, denmark

Day 1: Working With HIV/AIDS Program

KENYA | Sun, 17 Feb 2013 | By cfleisch10 | Views [708]

So, here I am, in Nairobi, Kenya! I ended up getting in around 10:30 pm. There, I was picked up by an N.V.S. [National Volunteer Services] employee named George. He was fantastic, giving me and the one other volunteer who had arrived a bottle of water, ... Read more >

Tags: aids, arrival, hiv, kenya, volunteer


THAILAND | Sun, 29 Jan 2012 | By katesyearinthailand | Views [587]

Hi all! So it’s been three weeks now here in Bangkok and everything is as amazing as I expected, if not better! I’m sharing a room with 3 other girls, all Gap Staff - two Colombians and a South African. There are two boys, both Colombian too and that ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, bangkok, first month, working

"You'd thınk consıderıng how fuckıng old Europe ıs, ıt would have ıts shıt together by now"

SPAIN | Sun, 16 Oct 2011 | By rachelina | Views [3260]

Leavıng Valencıa and ıts habıts of beıng covered ın water, wıne and tomatoes behınd us, Jordan and I bıd a sad goodbye to Krıssı, Josh and Damo, who had entertaıned us so much the last few days and hopped on a bus to Barcelona - Jordan's new home ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, barcelona, bus, hilarious, luggage, metro, spain, stairs


VIETNAM | Sat, 7 May 2011 | By scottjohnson1 | Views [406]

So with about 20 hours of flying plus a 5 hour layover in Seoul's airport, I am exhausted! The trip over was fairly uneventful, which I suppose is a good thing. I was amazed at the amount of high end clothing/apparel stores in Seoul's airport. All I ... Read more >

Tags: airport, arrival, ho chi minh, jetlag

Happy Heart!

THAILAND | Mon, 7 Feb 2011 | By gem_sky | Views [495]

Oh how happy my heart is to be in Thailand!! - even if it is only the airport for now! Stepping outside the airport I was nearing tears when I smelt the warm jasmine air. Stood under the entrance shelter, the smells and sounds funnily enough echo ... Read more >

Tags: airport, arrival, bangkok, botanical garden

made it safe

JAPAN | Tue, 4 Jan 2011 | By elawlor | Views [728]

I made it safe to okinawa and have been enjoying the comforts of the Freiberg's home for 2 days now. I haven't yet ventured out on my own but will do so soon. I started reading Into Thin Air for the second time and haven't been able to put it down. It ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

Arrival etc

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 24 Oct 2010 | By chikey | Views [672]

So that’ll teach me for typing everything out on a Thai computer. They have a life of their own, and that’s usually not a good thing unfortunately. I’ve just lost a   whole journal entry apart from the OK at the beginning. Bugger!! So… Here we ... Read more >

Tags: airports, arrival, hotel

First Daze

SPAIN | Mon, 8 Feb 2010 | By jbayley | Views [348]

The flight to Spain- amazingly underbooked, 85 people on a Boeing 767.  The final hour of the flight was a magical scene, sunrise over the Med, bright pink clouds, echoeing light on snowcapped mountains of the Pyrenees, I couldn't sleep through that ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

A Breath of Fresh Air

NEW ZEALAND | Wed, 13 Jan 2010 | By laurakuebel | Views [477]

I loved New Zealand before we even landed.  I try not to have too many expectations when visitng a new place, but after my long-time desire to visit New Zealand, the view from the plane was enough to confirm that it would be every bit as beautiful as ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, auckland, new zealand

Arrival in Osaka

JAPAN | Mon, 3 Aug 2009 | By klynne | Views [873]

  The flight to Osaka went well, I was hardly disturbed at all by all the intensive coloring that was going on beside me. Only it was not SB doing the coloring, we did not get seats together, but two teenage Japanese girls who were intently working ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

I'm here!

CHINA | Wed, 22 Jul 2009 | By relivethefire | Views [463]

The flight to China was absurd. It was about 20-22 hours of flying and layovers. Approximately 1.5-2 hours from Detroit to Toronto, 13.5-15 hrs to Beijing, and approximately 1.5 to Luoyang. There was about a 2 hour layover at every airport, so ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

Bali - Arriving under the moonlight

INDONESIA | Tue, 21 Jul 2009 | By princesscheryljw | Views [881]

Ok cut it short, no more "flying" story because I'm kinda getting bored with taking flights. This is the Arrival/Departure Card of Indonesia. Apparently I'm already in the flight... And Air Asia was AGAIN NOT ON TIME!!! For 30 minutes man! ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, attractiions, bali, dinner, nightlife, pubs

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