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There are [3] photos and [19] stories tagged with "luggage".

Living Simply

THAILAND | Wed, 29 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [890]

Once I settled into my permanent room in Koh Tao, I took a look around the room one day and noticed how I was able to live comfortably with surprisingly few things, compared with what I had in the States.  I pride myself in having gotten rid of many ... Read more >

Tags: live simply, luggage, real simple

"You'd thınk consıderıng how fuckıng old Europe ıs, ıt would have ıts shıt together by now"

SPAIN | Sun, 16 Oct 2011 | By rachelina | Views [3260]

Leavıng Valencıa and ıts habıts of beıng covered ın water, wıne and tomatoes behınd us, Jordan and I bıd a sad goodbye to Krıssı, Josh and Damo, who had entertaıned us so much the last few days and hopped on a bus to Barcelona - Jordan's new home ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, barcelona, bus, hilarious, luggage, metro, spain, stairs

27 Lessons Travel has Taught Me

WORLDWIDE | Tue, 10 May 2011 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [39114] | Comments [2]

Unpacking my Bags Today is the first time since I left for my trip that I have officially unpacked my bag. I just calculated and if my math is correct that is 296 days. Now granted, I have gone through some times where I have sort of ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, food, friends, hostels, languages, locals, luggage, new zealand, partying, travel

Money Like Water, Money On Trees

USA | Sun, 28 Nov 2010 | By jealanka | Views [769] | Video

Sheryl WuDunn is a great, great speaker. She's got me convinced, even before I have read her and her husband, Nicholas Kristoff 's book, Half the Sky . For Monday, I have a doctor's appointment set up for 10 am, need to fax over things to my ex-... Read more >

Tags: getting ready, home, luggage

Packing etc.

SOUTH KOREA | Sun, 14 Feb 2010 | By wrdc60 | Views [438]

Keeping the weight down to can carry a bike in my luggage needs attention. Planning the trip, I loaded the bike, travelled about 20km, everything mostly worked.  Now I have to make sure I can load and unload the bike.  The pictures are of preparations.... Read more >

Tags: bike, luggage, packing

Cuzco Cuzco Cuzco!

PERU | Wed, 19 Aug 2009 | By phil_and_alex | Views [1116] | Comments [7]

Hello faithful readers! Are there any of you left after our dreadful blog drought? We send huge apologies for the lack of updates but have just been having too much fun. Since our last blog from Paris, we have been in and out of Barcelona, and arrived ... Read more >

Tags: alpaca, barcelona, cuzco, gaudi, lima, luggage, montjuic, sick, volunteering

Yucatan drive-thru part 2!

MEXICO | Sat, 28 Feb 2009 | By rachel_and_daniel | Views [8008]

Everything was set for our rendezvous with my parents on 2 nd February: our accommodation was booked for the following 2 weeks and we had even hired a car. Our itinerary went something like this: bumming on the beach in Puerto ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cenotes, coba, dogs, driving, luggage, merida, parents, ruins, tulum

Packing the Pack

USA | Fri, 5 Sep 2008 | By rebeccarenee | Views [531]

Whoo Baby is my pack full! I think I'm pushing the limits on it- I've had it for a very long time and this will be the the most amazing adventure it's been on as well. It only weighs 23 pounds though. That's very manageable. I repacked it again today ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, luggage, packing, peru

The Nightmare JFK

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 29 May 2008 | By j_and_d | Views [784]

Our journey began in the DFW airport. It started pretty smoothly with a short flight to Minneapolis and then another to NYC. When we got to JFK we discovered how New Yorkers got their reputations for being rude. Everyone was exceptionally unhappy.... Read more >

Tags: airport, flying, layover, luggage, plane, travel, trip

Yacht accident

FRENCH POLYNESIA | Thu, 8 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2723]

I was in a small dinghy travelling back to our yacht — which was anchored in a bay in Bora Bora, French Polynesia — when my luck headed south. I had been taking photos of my friends surfing so I was carrying my digital camera inside its waterproof case.... Read more >

Tags: accident, boat, camera, claim, luggage, true claim stories, world nomads, yacht

Never trust French men who flatter you!

FRANCE | Thu, 8 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [4480] | Comments [1]

Never trust French men who try to flatter you. My friend and I were sitting in a café grabbing a bite to eat. My friend left the table to go to the bathroom and a man came up to me and stroked my face, saying something to the effect of: "Beautiful ... Read more >

Tags: claim, france, luggage, scam, stolen, true claim stories, world nomads

He pulled out a knife...

PERU | Thu, 8 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2511]

It was early in the morning and my wife and I were walking around the centre of Nazca. Two men who looked to be in their early twenties approached us; they were trying to tell us something but we couldn't understand them. Suddenly one of the men snatched ... Read more >

Tags: camera, claim, knife, luggage, mugged, peru, stolen, true claim stories, world nomads

iPod stolen

CHINA | Thu, 8 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2589]

Everyone I regale my story to tells me I should be thankful that they didn’t steal my wallet, mobile and camera as well, but I’m still mad I lost my iPod to an invisible thief. I was travelling on a bus from Hong xu Lu to Zhenning Lu and remember checking ... Read more >

Tags: china, claim, ipod, luggage, stolen, true claim stories, world nomads

My passport was stolen

CANADA | Thu, 8 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2406]

There is nothing quite like being robbed to sour the end of an otherwise inspiring trip abroad. It was a week before I was due to fly home from Canada and I was out with friends at a nightclub. It was freezing outside, so I had worn my Burton snowboard ... Read more >

Tags: canada, claim, luggage, passports, true claim stories, world nomads

Cliche? I was kidnapped in South America

ECUADOR | Wed, 7 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [5102]

I woke up in hospital — but was totally clueless as to how I wound up there. All I remember is enjoying a beer at a restaurant in the middle of the day, and then I draw a blank. What happened in the 24 hours in between that quiet lager and landing in ... Read more >

Tags: camera, claim, ecuador, kidnapped, luggage, robbed, true claim stories, world nomads

Bad karma for Thai Camera thief

THAILAND | Wed, 7 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [5157] | Comments [1]

All I can hope is that bad karma will follow whoever stole my camera. Grrr. I was shopping on Khao San Road late one evening when I realised my camera had been stolen from my zipped-up bag. The street was really crowded, as usual, with tourists and ... Read more >

Tags: bad karma, camera, claim, khao san road, luggage, thailand, true claim stories, world nomads

Our car was broken into

NETHERLANDS | Wed, 7 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2480]

We were travelling across Europe in a Peugeot 206, having a wonderful time, before thieves caused us some serious stress. After arriving in Amsterdam we struggled to find any suitable accommodation; everywhere we tried was booked out. It was lunch time, ... Read more >

Tags: car, claim, luggage, netherlands, passports, true claim stories, world nomads

Camera stolen in Ecuador

ECUADOR | Wed, 7 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2043]

From now on, I am going to sleep with my bag on my lap! I was travelling on a bus from Otavalo to Quito, in northwestern South America. I was tired, but before going to sleep I carefully placed my bag under my feet with the zippers facing towards the ... Read more >

Tags: bus, camera, claim, ecuador, luggage, true claim stories, world nomads

Mugged in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 1 May 2008 | By true-claims-stories | Views [1487]

It was a terrifying encounter: I lost all of my personal belongings, but at least I escaped unharmed. I was walking through Hyde Park in Central London one night when I was confronted by three males. One of them was carrying an army knife: he told ... Read more >

Tags: claim, knife, london, luggage, mugged, stolen, true claim stories, uk, world nomads


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