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There are [0] photos and [12] stories tagged with "gaudi".

The saga, and the walking, continues.

SPAIN | Thu, 5 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [711]

Mesmerised by the Sagrada Familiar and up to my third eye in Gaudis incredible vision, I decided to double down on the crazy and see where it lead. Describing my visit to Park Quell was actually intended to be a part of the previous journal, but after ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bike, brewdog, gaudi, olympics, spain, tinder, walking

An insight into the unrivalled genius of Gaudi.

SPAIN | Mon, 2 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [746] | Comments [1]

I'm speechless. As I was born with the gift of the gab though, there was only the briefest of pauses after that first sentence. I visited Gaudi's still uncompleted masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, and I feel I need not go into another church again, ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, church, gaudi, sagrada familia, spain

Not All Who Wander Are Lost...But Some Are

SPAIN | Fri, 22 Aug 2014 | By rmckinley | Views [1217] | Comments [1]

You know you are lost when you can’t find your destination on a map. You know you’re REALLY lost when you can’t find your current  location on a map. The directions from the airport to the hostel were simple. Catch the train, ... Read more >

Tags: communication, gaudi, help, hope, lost, wander

Rain To Sunshine

SPAIN | Fri, 11 Jul 2014 | By dopelorrie | Views [558]

Happy Friday! Or almost Friday back in California. I have had unreliable internet this week and haven't really stayed inside long enough to write a post. But here I am! So currently I'm in Barcelona just to let you know. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday ... Read more >

Tags: bakio, barcelona, bilbao, biscay coast, fat cat, gaudi, hiking, sagrada familia, spain, vacation

Barcelona and What It's Taught Me

SPAIN | Sun, 20 Oct 2013 | By kimlyons | Views [607]

Hola Todos! Well, here we are and I can hardly believe our time in Barcelona is nearly at an end! It's been an incredible week full of fascinating sights and delicious food! We've visited the beach almost every single day for down time after walking ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, gaudi


SPAIN | Sun, 20 Oct 2013 | By elcastleberry | Views [632]

On Saturday, I completed my inaugural pilgrimage to Barcelona as a full-fledged tourist. I spent too much money on a bus tour of the city with <a href="http://www.barcelonabusturistic.cat/ca/home">Barcelona Bus Turístic</a>. A breezy, ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bus tours, crowds, gaudi, groups, people, throngs, tour, tourism, travel


SPAIN | Wed, 30 Nov 2011 | By brettcooke | Views [782]

Time is of the essence when it comes to ripping around Europe in three weeks and this lead us to the overnight train from Bilbao to Barcelona. The train companies deliberately make the seats semi- uncomfortable so that you are more inclined ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, gaudi, mediterranean, paella, sangria, segrada familia

Walking tour of Barcelona

SPAIN | Wed, 6 Oct 2010 | By drmitch | Views [468]

Today I joined two German girls I'd met at the hostel, Liza & Stephi, for our own little walking tour up to La Sagrada Familia, the famous Gaudi designed church that is as yet to be finished and another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Steph read ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, beach, gaudi, parc guell, tapas

FINALLY we can understand the locals!!!

SPAIN | Tue, 9 Feb 2010 | By neil_loewen | Views [793] | Comments [1]

Ladies and Gentlemen, we were having trouble keeping up with the blogging and photos, so today I have a big surprise for you, this edition of the blog is by special guest travel blogger: Alice Berents.   Take it away Alice.   After ... Read more >

Tags: alice berents, barcelona, gaudi, neil loewen

Cuzco Cuzco Cuzco!

PERU | Wed, 19 Aug 2009 | By phil_and_alex | Views [1112] | Comments [7]

Hello faithful readers! Are there any of you left after our dreadful blog drought? We send huge apologies for the lack of updates but have just been having too much fun. Since our last blog from Paris, we have been in and out of Barcelona, and arrived ... Read more >

Tags: alpaca, barcelona, cuzco, gaudi, lima, luggage, montjuic, sick, volunteering

Arrow Slits & Murder Holes

SPAIN | Sun, 28 Jun 2009 | By tonielle_krisanski | Views [1655] | Comments [2]

So its been a week… and no blog, which means this is gunna be a big one! I finished off France in a small town called Carcassonne. It was an adventure just to get there… my train didn’t get into the station till after 10.30pm, and I’d forgotten ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, carcassonne, gaudi, las ramblas, train

Cramming Gaudi in a Day

SPAIN | Fri, 6 Apr 2007 | By dartagnan | Views [735]

I arrived in Barcelona early in the morning of Good Friday. Sleepy-eyed travellers were walking like zombies to a city that felt deserted. I was more like a sleep deprived zombie stepping inside a taxi. The cabbie didn't speak a word of English. The ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, gaudi, sagrada familia, sightseeing, spain


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