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There is [1] photo and [12] stories tagged with "olympics".

The saga, and the walking, continues.

SPAIN | Thu, 5 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [726]

Mesmerised by the Sagrada Familiar and up to my third eye in Gaudis incredible vision, I decided to double down on the crazy and see where it lead. Describing my visit to Park Quell was actually intended to be a part of the previous journal, but after ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bike, brewdog, gaudi, olympics, spain, tinder, walking

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 11 Jan 2013 | By sherworld | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

As much as I seek adventure it just tends to happen. Right place, Right time. I didn't intend to be a cage fighting journalist. One intrepid event on an Australian holiday visa later.. the world became a playground. The greatest shots I have taken ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: adventure, bjj, fight, jiu jitsu, journalism, life, london, mma, olympics, world


UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 2 Aug 2012 | By christie | Views [371]

Our second bout in London has been an amazing experience. After arriving from Stockholm, Adam and I had to go pick up our tickets from a very disorganized organization in perhaps the longest slowest line I have ever seen. Going from the airport to the ... Read more >

Tags: london, olympics

What's Hot in London this Summer (Olympics not included)

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 5 Apr 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [5385] | Comments [1]

You might have heard recently that London is hosting a little thing called the Olympic Games this summer. Yes, it’s true, from July 27th - August 12th; the world’s greatest athletes will descend upon London and compete for the Gold. From blogs to ... Read more >

Tags: london, olympics, travel

A Wee Curse... OR My Nemesis - Eddie the Eagle

UNITED KINGDOM | Tue, 23 Feb 2010 | By hannahandemma | Views [707] | Comments [2]

T'was the week before my birthday (mark your calendars... I'm expecting gifties :P) and all through the house everything was breaking, even a... mouse? OK, fear not, we are not living amongst any dead mice and I'm not going to become the next Shell ... Read more >

Tags: awesomesauce, curses, edinburgh, figure skating, ghosts, olympics

On The Right Track

CHINA | Wed, 14 Oct 2009 | By ryanandjo | Views [3197] | Comments [3]

At last we do a long overnight train journey in China...Hong Kong to Shanghai in 19 hours. We decided on the hard sleeper option rather than soft sleeper, the difference being there are 6 beds per cabin rather than 4, a ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, forbidden city, great wall, nanjing, olympics, shanghai, summer palace, tiananmen square

What happened to 2008?

USA | Sat, 10 Jan 2009 | By cinepunk | Views [567]

A number of things.  2008 was the Year of China.  Well, this is what most of the Chinese I spoke to expressed (pre-August) when envisioning the grand success of the Olympic Games.  In a post-Games analysis, I'm not sure how much effect the two weeks ... Read more >

Tags: china, olympics

Beijing Huan Ying Ni!

CHINA | Fri, 22 Aug 2008 | By travelheart24 | Views [1762] | Comments [2]

It only took me until Day 9 of the Olympics to recognize one glaringly obvious fact - namely that, while the Olympics have been amazing and it is incredibly cool to be part of them, they are also a LOT of Sports; SPORTS , all day, every day... Brilliant ... Read more >

Tags: olympics

This Way to Racist Park

CHINA | Wed, 13 Aug 2008 | By dherman | Views [2020] | Comments [1]

Tibet Activists Expose Colonialst Mentality at Olympic Park Her screams were faint at first, but soon they filled the air. "Free Tibet! Free Tibet!" I looked up and saw a thin, young woman and another slightly older man on the walking bridge ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, free tibet, olympics, protests, tibet

Outlawed Tibetan Flags Fly in Beijing

CHINA | Fri, 8 Aug 2008 | By dherman | Views [2591]

Outlawed Tibetan Flags Fly in Beijing: Just an hour before the Opening Ceremonies were to kick off at the auspicious time of 8:08pm on 08/08/08, Chinese officials used force to subdue three activists who boldly removed sweatshirts to reveal Team Tibet ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, free tibet, olympics, protests, tibet

Beijing Fading?

CHINA | Wed, 6 Aug 2008 | By dherman | Views [1036]

Beijing Fading: A Decade of Promise? It's been a decade since I was in Beijing studying the language and culture of China. It's amazing to think of how much has changed in me as a person since first getting on a plane and jumping head first into a ... Read more >

Tags: 2008, beijing, olympics


CHINA | Sun, 20 Apr 2008 | By avant-garde_chauvintist | Views [687]

Today was a beautiful day. The rain never stopped. All the streets had the rainbow sheen of the separation of oil and water. The vines lining my windows dripped continuously. I made hamburgers for lunch and dinner. I drank cups of coffee. I planned ... Read more >

Tags: olympics, weather


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