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There are [23] photos and [52] stories tagged with "bike".

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Preparing for the trip

FINLAND | Fri, 7 Jul 2017 | By mustardjuggler | Views [518]

A 15 year old bike, even older denniers and a "huge investment" into a new handlebar bag... There is my preparation for the great outdoor adventure ;-) Of course, at 50, you are not expected to sleep in a tent anymore, so I just booked a couple of ... Read more >

Tags: åland, bicycle, bike, tour

Beneficios de usar tu bicicleta como medio de transporte oficial

MEXICO | Sun, 23 Oct 2016 | By loloberlin | Views [924]

Hoy les quiero hablar de los beneficios que tiene andar en bicicleta. El movimiento slow no es pura y exclusivamente de la comida, sino de toda la filosofía de tener una vida consciente. Moverse en bicicleta puede parecer una forma lenta de avanzar, ... Read more >

Tags: bicicletas, bike, ciclismo, ciclismo urbano, transporte

Lost in fascination

DENMARK | Thu, 21 May 2015 | By ledzzgo | Views [419]

Northern Copenhagen environs, Denmark Botched my gear change while manoeuvering an urban intersection, unhinging the chain. This is a first! Contemplate panicking, bigtime - Instead, opt for ZEN and minutes later - fingers greased, I re-mount "Sid" ... Read more >

Tags: bicycle, bike, biking, copenhagen, cycle, cycling, denmark, europe, touring

The saga, and the walking, continues.

SPAIN | Thu, 5 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [711]

Mesmerised by the Sagrada Familiar and up to my third eye in Gaudis incredible vision, I decided to double down on the crazy and see where it lead. Describing my visit to Park Quell was actually intended to be a part of the previous journal, but after ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bike, brewdog, gaudi, olympics, spain, tinder, walking

2/5 kompot

CAMBODIA | Thu, 5 Feb 2015 | By sapote | Views [432]

  so did stay PP couple days.  great thing is mkts, and i only few blocks from big one.  awful thing is traffic!!  i am staying abit of distance from river and to walk there is unpleasant.   side walk used up with various obstructions ... Read more >

Tags: bike

feb 1 Phnom penh

CAMBODIA | Sun, 1 Feb 2015 | By sapote | Views [430] | Comments [1]

  stayed another day in KC.  Keith not feeling well in morn and deciede best stay over.    enjoy walk up river side walk.  there is a long bamboo bridge out to an island.  gets desstroyed each rainy season and rebuilt each ... Read more >

Tags: bike

29 jan kompong cham

CAMBODIA | Thu, 29 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [410] | Comments [2]

spent cthree days in Kratie.   got to go to my favorite little eat spots and folks who sold me fruit and wanter.  fun make a familiarity.    nice walk to fro river front road.   Keith arrive from enjoyabale trip on Mekong Discovery ... Read more >

Tags: bike

25 jan kratie

CAMBODIA | Sun, 25 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [441] | Comments [1]

so yesterday morning.  after i went out on a short dawn walk.  met withh Keith and we head out along river road.   this is the north part of the Mekong Discovery trail.    road is a small one lane road along the river ... Read more >

Tags: bike

23 jan stung treng

CAMBODIA | Fri, 23 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [408]

  so now in cambodia.      enjoyed champasak.  left early,  sun rising earlier sa time goes on. lovely smoky red across river.    good luck just as arrive to ferry area,  the 'small' ferry driver just going ... Read more >

Tags: bike

21 jan champasak

LAOS | Wed, 21 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [405] | Comments [2]

so bit of catch up.    have been far from cybers or even wifi some of it.   is rural out in the country.   some times difficult to find those road side motels.      as leave Savanneket, again ... Read more >

Tags: bike

16 jan savanneket

LAOS | Fri, 16 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [572] | Comments [2]

well had a VERY LONG day yesterday.    to a really nice side road going down along the river.    deeper into rural Laos.   small small towns,  several bridges, one lane and wooden slats. i walk across.  steel undergirding.... Read more >

Tags: bike

14 jan thakhek

LAOS | Wed, 14 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [421] | Comments [1]

this will be quick update as it has been days and not remembering much.  Laos is quite rural and even more so then thailand was.  the main hiway is two lane road with no shoulder not easy riding at some times.  with much traffic.  ... Read more >

Tags: bike

7 Jan vientien laos

THAILAND | Wed, 7 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [506] | Comments [1]

well whirlwind the last couple days.   made the Unhappy discovery had over stayed my visa!!!  thought i guess that i had two months but no......   so decide in a bit of panic to bus on to Laos straight away.      asked about ... Read more >

Tags: bike

5 Jan sang khan

THAILAND | Mon, 5 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [471]

 so back a day and see if i can remember.    big night mkt in CK  and the streets crowded in old town.   walk malacon look river.  pretty sunset.   next morn meet K at 6 30  he at different hotel.  the ... Read more >

Tags: bike

3 jan chiang khan

THAILAND | Sat, 3 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [517] | Comments [4]

chilly but not as much as some mornings recently have been.   find the standard noodle stand down the road a ways.   an up and down day of hills but not long or steep.   alot of traffic not so pleasant just along road can't really ... Read more >

Tags: bike

2 Jan loei

THAILAND | Fri, 2 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [460]

tried more pix.  again random.       last night was even LOUDER, what did you say?   then last night.   more discoy thumping drum etc.    they enjoying themselves big family and friends event.      ... Read more >

Tags: bike

1 jan phu ruea

THAILAND | Thu, 1 Jan 2015 | By sapote | Views [432] | Comments [1]

gosh not sure spelling.   huge spot of destination tourists.    partly they promote fact of temperate climate.  and it at entrance of Nat park.   at any rate lots of motels. and all of them Full or way high priced ... Read more >

Tags: bike

31 dec

THAILAND | Wed, 31 Dec 2014 | By sapote | Views [380] | Comments [2]

cool start short day.  up daown             pretty country but so smoky.  ever4yone has little smooky leaf and branch fires to burn up debris.      there is Alot of traffic on the move.  we ... Read more >

Tags: bike

30 dec dan sai

THAILAND | Tue, 30 Dec 2014 | By sapote | Views [324] | Comments [1]

left just as getting light enough.   take while to find some breakfast along the way.  see shops but none ready, often at this time water for noodle soup, the usual isnt hot enough yet. We’ve been told this some few times.    ... Read more >

Tags: bike

29 dec nakon thai stayed over

THAILAND | Mon, 29 Dec 2014 | By sapote | Views [335] | Comments [2]

this morn such a very lovely walk.   just at sun up out along small dirt lane we are living on.  web of little roads and lanes throughout the fields.  breezy, and the light at a slant across, farm and field.  few tamarind orchards, ... Read more >

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