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There are [14] photos and [30] stories tagged with "tourism".

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Chu Chi Tunnels

VIETNAM | Fri, 9 Jun 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [474]

We seemed to have picked a good spot in Ho Chi Minh. The road with most of the bars and restaurants was just around the corner, the covered market was 5 minutes in the opposite direction and there where travel agents everywhere.  Unfortunately, ... Read more >

Tags: busses, chi chi tunnels, tourism, travel, vietnam, wanderlust, war

5 lugares básicos para conocer Coyoacán

MEXICO | Tue, 16 Aug 2016 | By loloberlin | Views [953]

La primera vez que vine a México, en una de mis cortas estadías en el DF, le pedí a mi anfitrión que me llevara a conocer el museo de Frida Kahlo. Yo en ese entonces no sabía qué era Coyoacán, ni que el ... Read more >

Tags: artesanía, cdmx, coyoacán, frida kahlo, méxico, tourism, travel, turismo, viajar

The Road Unpaved: Sand, Dirt & a Martian Terrain!

MOROCCO | Thu, 3 Mar 2016 | By fillytheexplorer | Views [354]

The Road Unpaved: Sand, Dirt & a Martian Terrain!   Marhabaan, it is the first trip for the year, and the first to my road unpaved. I've never been to Marrakech, but it is a trip I had been looking for too for months! Everyone I know ... Read more >

Tags: marrakech, marrakesh, morrocco, nomad life, north africa, of a nomad, tourism, travel tips travel stories

The Metro Doesn't have Pigeons

AUSTRIA | Mon, 30 Nov 2015 | By kakimono | Views [578]

Sunday, on Ashley's recommendation, we headed to a nearby mountain to get good views of the city and stop at a cafe he recommended. It is possible to climb the mountain, but it's also possible to take a bus. Guess which of the ways we took? (Hint: it ... Read more >

Tags: board games, christkindlmarkt, mountains, swings, tourism, vienna

Between France and Germany

AUSTRIA | Mon, 30 Nov 2015 | By kakimono | Views [497]

I'd booked my flight to Vienna knowing that a 7:10 flight would involve leaving my apartment extremely early. I hadn't known what would happen one week before I left. So I was waking up Saturday before I'd gone to sleep the week before. It had been ... Read more >

Tags: christkindlmarkt, shopping, tourism, vienna

Don't Feed the Wildlife

NEW ZEALAND | Sun, 8 Feb 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [437]

"I'll do whatever the hell I want, so shut the hell up!" shouted the redneck, crouched next to a small yellow-eyed penguin on the rocky beach. A crowd had gathered on the earthen ledge above him, watching as he tried to coax the animal towards him with ... Read more >

Tags: animals, new zealand, tourism, tourists, wildlife

Japanese Tourism Promoted by Cats

JAPAN | Mon, 22 Dec 2014 | By margaretsw | Views [4180]

From   Hello Kitty   to Mary the cat who loves boxes, Japanese have shown the world that their fascination with the four-legged creatures knows no boundaries. So,   it was only a matter of time for marketeers to take advantage ... Read more >

Tags: cats, japan, tokyo, tourism

Australia's Most Spectacular Landscapes

AUSTRALIA | Tue, 2 Dec 2014 | By joanna1st | Views [1105]

Despite being considered the most dangerous places on Earth, Australia can be proud to have also the most spectacular nature, from large, strangely-shaped trees, glowing lakes, unusual deserts to amazing tropics filled with wildlife. There are a lot ... Read more >

Tags: augustus, cave, jewel, landscape, mount augustus, pinnacles, tourism, travel

La Fine (e Il Vino)

ITALY | Sun, 8 Jun 2014 | By elena_valeriote | Views [1436]

The most perfect week of my life has come to a close and there’s a train ticket on my table with tomorrow’s date on it. I’m telling myself to get excited for Parma, my next travel destination and the beginning of my first ever ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, tourism, wine


SPAIN | Sun, 20 Oct 2013 | By elcastleberry | Views [632]

On Saturday, I completed my inaugural pilgrimage to Barcelona as a full-fledged tourist. I spent too much money on a bus tour of the city with <a href="http://www.barcelonabusturistic.cat/ca/home">Barcelona Bus Turístic</a>. A breezy, ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bus tours, crowds, gaudi, groups, people, throngs, tour, tourism, travel


NAMIBIA | Tue, 2 Jul 2013 | By subranu | Views [427]

How can one visit a place in Africa and  not  love it? It is highly impossible and even if it is, I would probably assume that that one person is insane.   My visit to Namibia was a short one, literally. I was there for 4 days, but ... Read more >

Tags: africa, beach, namibia, photography, sea, swakopmund, tourism, travel, walvis bay, windhoek

The park on top of a castle

ALBANIA | Mon, 17 Jun 2013 | By josephuck | Views [1215] | Comments [2]

Already time seems to be propelling forward at a rate much quicker than on the humble British Isles. Surely we all feel that; whenever we are abroad, time just slips away, faded into history, to be remembered as digital photographs and plastic souvenirs.... Read more >

Tags: albania, castle, cycling, lake, museum, plumber, tourism, watches

Kashmir : A Paradise Regained

INDIA | Fri, 11 Jan 2013 | By barun | Views [1207]

Kashmir : A Paradise Regained – I would like to submit a selection of five photographs( another five as supporting images) depicting the resilience of the people of Kashmir valley. The images taken over the years show how the frequent incidents ... Read more >

Tags: dal lake, fire, india, kashmir, peace, srinagar, terrorism, the paradise on earth, tourism

Travelling back in time: Cuba

CUBA | Sun, 6 Jan 2013 | By le_nomade | Views [445]

I have always had an interest in the modern history of Cuba. This trip was a great learning experience for me. The experience in visiting Cuba stems from the past-look-and-feel aspect of it, with all its negatives and positives. In Cuba, you feel went ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, tourism, travel

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

PHILIPPINES | Sun, 9 Dec 2012 | By joyceyfruit | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hi, I am Joyce Romero and I've always liked photography. As such, I have tried freelancing as one - covering a few weddings, events, and the likes on the side. I am mostly interested in captured moments, unguarded reactions - I believe that's the true ... Read more >
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Tags: adventure, black, mountain province, nature, philippines, tourism, travel photography scholarship 2012, white

Choose Life or Death?

ECUADOR | Sun, 22 Jul 2012 | By pmok | Views [1193]

Today was a day of extreme dichotomy, two polar opposites with a similar goal, yet the road could not be more different. The day started like most days with tiburones at the fish market.  Two volunteers had the early shift from 6:30 am to 7:30 am, ... Read more >

Tags: fishing, guayaquil, humpback whale, playita, profile, senor sushi, shark man, stingray, tourism, university

My Grimmest Day in Tofo

MOZAMBIQUE | Tue, 15 May 2012 | By pmok | Views [1120]

Never have I felt so compelled and with a sense of urgency to share an experience as now.  I have just witnessed the sad but true reality of life in Tofo:  fishermen who targeted sharks and rays and were successful, and the corpses and mutilated bodies ... Read more >

Tags: manta ray gill racker, shark fin, shark fin soup, sustainable fishing, tofo, tourism

Medical Tourism in some countries

INDONESIA | Wed, 4 Apr 2012 | By myjourneymyadventure | Views [798] | Comments [1]

Nowadays, people prefer going abroad to get better healthcare rather than having local treatment .   The reason they provide is in the term of quality of the healthcare. People with a lot of money need a very good doctor as well as good ... Read more >

Tags: tourism


INDIA | Wed, 11 Jan 2012 | By iindietraveller | Views [335]

varkala,a coastal town in the southern part of kerala is a much popular tourist destination. its known for the beach and the cliffs alongside (the only one in south kerala),kappil lake (nice place but less popular) and beach,varkala sivgiri ashram.... Read more >

Tags: beach, beaches, gods own country, india, kappil, kerala, lake, sunbath, tourism, varkala

5 Must-Do Things in Napier, New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Fri, 2 Sep 2011 | By libby-k8 | Views [9328]

Napier , fondly referred to as Napesville by many of its younger inhabitants, is an almost 60,000-person town, is on the East Coast of the North Island.   While it's not a big city, it has plenty of wineries, cafés, fruit, and Art Déco ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, art deco, art déco, art deco weekend, hawkes bay, napier, new zealand, tourism, what to do in napier, wineries

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