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There are [452] photos and [345] stories tagged with "india".

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Going going Goa

INDIA | Mon, 23 Mar 2020 | By misslynee | Views [313]

To celebrate the end of my first season in Goa …here’s a blog with all the bits you probably want to (and don’t want to) hear about.   As I approached the airport in my taxi today, I found it humorous thinking back to a ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, goa, india, yoga

Bihar, India review piece

INDIA | Sun, 21 Apr 2019 | By edrh23 | Views [325]

I visited Patna, in the North East of India in February 2017, where I met with a close friend of mine,Tina, who I networked with whilst living and teaching in Copenhagen during 2015 and 2016. The plan was to speak at a conference about my experiences ... Read more >

Tags: india, poverty, roads, rural, tibetan

There is nothing like seeing the Taj Mahal for the first time

INDIA | Wed, 6 Jun 2018 | By pbm6 | Views [393]

From the other side of the Yamuna River, I get my first glimpse of the Taj Mahal. It’s one of the most well-known sights in the world. Its buildings are silhouetted by the hazy light, which, apparently, is normal for this time of year. The river ... Read more >

Tags: india, transformational journeys, wonders of the world

Effective Chaos. First Impressions of India.

INDIA | Fri, 3 Nov 2017 | By pbm6 | Views [562]

As always, when disembarking from a plane, it’s very rare to feel somewhere else until you are out of the air conditioned walkways of an airport. Passport control and luggage collection in Delhi are smooth and I head out of arrivals into complete ... Read more >

Tags: chaos, delhi, india, market, revolutions, transformational journeys

Photos: Digha

INDIA | Sun, 8 Oct 2017 | By suvrajit_dutta | Photo Gallery

Digha is a coastal resort town in the east Indian state of West Bengal. The dune-backed Old Digha Sea Beach faces the Bay of Bengal. This beach town situated on the shores of Bay of Bengal, Digha is a popular tourist destination known for its untouched ... Read more >
See all 6 photos >>

Tags: digha, india, sea side, travel india, west bengal

Photos: Varanasi

INDIA | Mon, 2 Oct 2017 | By nitinv29 | Photo Gallery

An auspicious place to die !! As per Hindu belief , death in Banaras leads to Moksha! One of the world's oldest continually inhabited cities and regarded as Hinduism's one of the holiest places . Pilgrims come here to wash away a lifetime of sins in ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: ancient city, culture, ganga, ghats, holy, india, rituals, river, travel, varanasi

To Conclude India

INDIA | Thu, 22 Dec 2016 | By angel_yogi | Views [401]

India taught me something beautiful called surrender. I didn't know I had such a hard time with this concept until I was tested daily in a foreign country. It's truly a beautiful concept to let go, trust and surrender to the divine. It first showed up ... Read more >

Tags: india, surrender

The Great Indian Rural Wedding

INDIA | Thu, 15 Dec 2016 | By amitkagra | Views [501]

Multi-billion dollar wedding industry, attracts huge spending, no wonder we all call it as big fat Indian wedding. According to an estimate (www.businessinsider.in), the industry is over INR 100,000 crores. This is a staggering number. No wonder Indian ... Read more >

Tags: festivals, india, indianwedding, rural, ruralindia, traditions, travel, travelling, wedding, weddings

No "Delhi belly" for me!

INDIA | Sat, 5 Nov 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [441]

November 4, 2016 I woke up bright and early today to get to the Agra Fort at 7:30am. It was just Jay and I who went, and I'm really glad we got up that early to go see it. There was practically nobody else there. We were able to get through the whole ... Read more >

Tags: india, new delhi

Goodbye, Chennai. Hello, Agra!

INDIA | Fri, 4 Nov 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [475]

November 3, 2016 It's been a few days since I've written. I have been out late and was too distracted to keep up. To summarize the past few days, I mostly explored the other portions of Chennai that I hadn't gotten around to yet. Those areas are Elliot's ... Read more >

Tags: agra, chennai, india, t nagar, taj mahal, tamil nadu

Finally, some calm

INDIA | Tue, 1 Nov 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [486] | Comments [1]

Monday, October 31, 2016 It's Halloween and I didn't even realize it until I just wrote the date. I was awoken very early in the morning to stomach pains. I've been very careful, so I'm not sure what could have caused me to get sick. I started taking ... Read more >

Tags: chennai, citi centre, india, kapaleeshwarar temple, phoenix market city, tamil nadu

Rolling Solo

INDIA | Mon, 31 Oct 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [500]

Sunday, October 30, 2016 My second full day, and what a day it was. It was to be my first day alone, and the way it started should have been a sign to how the day was going to go. So the previous day (Saturday), housekeeping at my hotel had left me ... Read more >

Tags: chennai, fort st george, india, marina beach, san thome cathedral, tamil nadu

My first 24 hours in India

INDIA | Sun, 30 Oct 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [518] | Comments [1]

I have now been in India just over 24 hours. I landed in Chennai at around 8pm India time on October 28, 2016. Clearing customs and entering the country was super simple and hassle-free. Security just let me on through without questioning me or checking ... Read more >

Tags: chennai, india, tamil nadu


INDIA | Mon, 29 Aug 2016 | By manuel | Views [538]

Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh…. Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh…. Silencio. Llegamos a Sikkim y el propio nombre de la provincia ya invita al silencio. Cruzamos el límite entre West Bengal ... Read more >

Tags: budista, hymalaya, india, leech, monstario, montañas, sikkim, tibetano

Life, Lessons and Yoga

INDIA | Wed, 3 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [703]

It's business as usual today following the festivities of yesterday's holiday. School is back in session, and so are the full complement of builders, site workers and the labourers in the adjoining fields berhind us.  Breakfast consists of ... Read more >

Tags: ashok tree, india, school, sita devi school, teaching abroad, tiruvannamalai, yoga

Circle in a Circle

INDIA | Tue, 2 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [715]

It is already hot and humid by the time we are welcomed into the thoughtfully designed grounds of The Ashok Tree shortly after 9.30am.  Looking round the circular layout to our left we see the small school with three operational classrooms at present, ... Read more >

Tags: ashok tree, food, india, medicine garden, retreat, school, yoga

Introduction to India..!

INDIA | Mon, 1 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [827]

The drive from Chennai to Tiruvannamalai (Tiru) takes about three hours which passes in a hazy state of excitement, jet lag and sensory-overload. Tamil Nadu province is full of vivid colours, abject poverty, beautiful green countryside, piles of rotting ... Read more >

Tags: culture shock, first impressionsi, india, tamil nadu, tiruvannamalai

India Calling

INDIA | Sun, 31 Jul 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [749]

I haven't always wanted to go to India and I'm not even sure when I first thought that I did. I think the real desire probably started when I decided not to include it in my 2013 itinerary, both due to cost and that it is never somewhere I relished ... Read more >

Tags: india, tamil nadu

Trying to throw your arms around the world.

INDIA | Mon, 11 Jul 2016 | By tjrossi | Views [850]

I haven’t written for a while, probably too long, but I recently felt the need to commit some thoughts to paper, or electronic file at least. With all of the upheaval and division we hear about these days it seems easy to see ... Read more >

Tags: eastern europe, friends, india, middle east, nepal, solo, solo travel

Planning Stages

INDIA | Wed, 25 May 2016 | By lance | Views [457]

Here is the Idea. 1 month Living in India at a Haveli run by a local family in Jaipur. Why 1 Month, To give uus the time to really soak up the essence of living in India, we have been to India before and absouletly loved every minute of it. ... Read more >

Tags: haveli, india, jaipur, living, local

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