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There are [90] photos and [60] stories tagged with "delhi".

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Effective Chaos. First Impressions of India.

INDIA | Fri, 3 Nov 2017 | By pbm6 | Views [562]

As always, when disembarking from a plane, it’s very rare to feel somewhere else until you are out of the air conditioned walkways of an airport. Passport control and luggage collection in Delhi are smooth and I head out of arrivals into complete ... Read more >

Tags: chaos, delhi, india, market, revolutions, transformational journeys

Delhi, Day One: Part 3

INDIA | Sun, 16 Apr 2017 | By jellopolis | Views [482]

The road home. Or how Corey got his groove back. With the setting sun, the temperature is less oppressive. And either I've adjusted to the smell, or whatever fuel was burning is exhausted. Or maybe, Lord Ganesh has granted this foreigner a brief ... Read more >

Tags: delhi

Delhi, Day One

INDIA | Sun, 16 Apr 2017 | By jellopolis | Views [553]

Miraculously rested after a long, long flight I feel rejuvenated. Perhaps appropriately for an Easter morning. We have some time to explore before the work starts. How thrilling! Its time to wade into an intensely foreign landscape. Time to see with ... Read more >

Tags: delhi


INDIA | Mon, 21 Dec 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [495]

The chaos of the developing world, all of its stark contrast, reigns here. A child's grimy hand tugs my skirt. I hear the tap-tap-tap of a woman's fingernail on the taxi window, and turn to see her kissing gathered fingers to her mouth in a begging gesture, ... Read more >

Tags: chaos, culture, delhi, developing world, india, india

Street harrassment happens EVERYWHERE.

USA | Thu, 10 Sep 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [414] | Comments [1]

I realized I didn't point out enough in one of my previous entries that while I experienced a little street harassment in Delhi, this is not just a problem with Indian men. I cannot say I have experienced it every single place I traveled, but if I had ... Read more >

Tags: advice, delhi, india, racism, sexism, solo women travelers, street harrassment, traveling, united states of america

Is it respect...or cultural appropriation?

USA | Wed, 9 Sep 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [758] | Video

I wrote on Day 6, "Dancing in Delhi," that I took a Bollywood style dance class and that I was feeling hesitant to ever show anyone the video that was taken of this.  I didn't come out and explain exactly why because I wanted to read a ... Read more >

Tags: delhi

Day 8: :)

INDIA | Sun, 30 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [284] | Comments [2]

Much improvement from yesterday, still chilled out a lot after going across town and back to change a ticket.  Started a poem, listened to music, read a feast for crows. Made a new friend (hi Izze!) and am looking forward to the train ride to Agra ... Read more >

Tags: delhi

Day 7: Wherever you go, there you are.

INDIA | Sun, 30 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [352]

I suppose it is inevitable that if I am going to write authentically, I am have to speak about how the symptoms of chronic depression play into my every day life, and, more specifically, my travels. It's hard to know what is "average," but I believe ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, depression

Day 6: Dancing in Delhi

INDIA | Fri, 28 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [296] | Comments [1]

I took a Bollywood dance class this morning at Delhi Dance Academy and it was fun and exhausting. They had me dancing for an hour and a half straight! Yes , it did get filmed. No, I'm not sure yet if I will ever show it to anyone. :P I actually don't ... Read more >

Tags: dancing, delhi

Day 5, sometimes the best places have moustaches painted on them

INDIA | Thu, 27 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [301] | Comments [2]

Today I braved the haggling and tuk tuk ride to Moustache Hostel. The tuk tuk dropped me off at a very different spot than where it was but I somehow magically found it after 10 to 15 minutes of a hot, mazey, backpackey walk. And this place is amazing! ... Read more >

Tags: delhi

Day 1 in Delhi

INDIA | Mon, 24 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [293]

This is an email wrote to my dad. I'm not in love with this place so far... But I have to give myself time to get adjusted. I guess it makes sense that it's not all rainbows and butterflies at the moment- I'm in one of the most chaotic cities in ... Read more >

Tags: culture shock, delhi, loneliness

Photos: India Photos

INDIA | Fri, 21 Aug 2015 | By wheresmypants | Photo Gallery

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Tags: delhi

India 2014 - Delhi

INDIA | Tue, 25 Nov 2014 | By megandrob | Views [668]

Delhi is bat shit crazy. That is the simplest way to describe it. We arrived fairly late at night and, after being ripped off by our taxi driver, got to our hotel at about 11 and crashed out. The next day I was so excited to finally experience India.... Read more >

Tags: delhi, india, scams, sightseeing

Delhi Photographed by Kristian Bertel

INDIA | Wed, 5 Mar 2014 | By kristian-bertel | Views [1471]

Delhi, just hearing the name of this bustling city peaks your senses immediately with a friendly and warm smell of chaos and charming characteristics. In this story Danish photographer Kristian Bertel takes us on an inspirational photographic journey ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, india, kristian bertel, photography

Street Food Tales: Old Delhi

INDIA | Tue, 21 Jan 2014 | By connectlocally | Views [15568] | Comments [10]

In the sprawling mass of Old Delhi – its hidden mosques, giant gates and crumbling mansions – are a handful of eateries that have locals and visitors coming back for more. This is the biggest bazaar of them all, home to some ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, food, india, photography, street food

Salaam Baalak Trust - One story

INDIA | Sun, 29 Dec 2013 | By tjrossi | Views [2193] | Comments [2]

Of all the interactions I've had with children at Salaam Balaak Trust perhaps the most powerful has been with Raju, a young Polio sufferer. Raju was born sometime around 1990 on the streets around New Delhi. He developed Polio at a young age which caused ... Read more >

Tags: beggars, delhi, disability, disabled, education, india, street children, volunteering

Street children - The challenge

INDIA | Fri, 8 Nov 2013 | By tjrossi | Views [2305]

  I've been in Delhi more than a month now and many of you are probably wondering what I'm doing here each day. I'm volunteering for an organisation called Salaam Balaak Trust teaching English and trying to support older teenagers in their quest ... Read more >

Tags: begging, child labour, delhi, india, poverty, ragpicking, street children, village

Garhwal - Kumaon

INDIA | Fri, 1 Nov 2013 | By voyager | Views [426]

Prologue Our wedding anniversary was fast approaching. This was going to be our first anniversary (not really though, because last anniversary was celebrated electronically; with me being here in India and Heramb far in the UK!). Thus we ... Read more >

Tags: dehradun, delhi, haridwar, jin corbett, kausani, mussoorie, nainital

Video: Raw & Real in Chandni Chowk

INDIA | Thu, 24 Oct 2013 | By extraordinaryexperiences | Views [2856] | Video

Spending a day in New Delhi's oldest marketplace feels more like a lifetime. Worn, weathered, and enriched with hundreds of years of active trade and commerce, it's like stepping onto a movie set, where everything seems almost too fantastical to be real.... Read more >

Tags: asia, chandi chowk, culture, delhi, food, getting lost, india, just go, markets, travel

Sweat and opportunity

INDIA | Fri, 18 Oct 2013 | By tjrossi | Views [905] | Comments [1]

It has been the case for a long time that who you are in India depends very much on an accident of birth. We are told things are changing and there is a distinct middle and upper class here now, yet it seems clear that for the urban and rural poor who ... Read more >

Tags: caste system, delhi, education, equality, india, labouring, volunteer

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