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There are [157] photos and [126] stories tagged with "nepal".

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Photos: Schoolies Adventure Nepal

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 3 Feb 2017 | By jemma_scott | Photo Gallery

An alternative adventure to traditional schoolies. An 11 day trek and community project with a group of 8 leavers who we had just met.
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Tags: gap year, holy men, nepal, schoolies, travel photography, trekking, volunteering

Schoolies Alternative Adveture

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 3 Feb 2017 | By jemma_scott | Views [1248] | Video

Life after school; a time to reflect on twelve years of friendships; made and lost, of hard work and unquestionable bouts of procrastination, and what felt like prolonged drudgery in those last remaining months. High school is a truly memorable ... Read more >

Tags: adventure travel, gap year, group travel, himalayas, leavers, nepal, schoolies, sherpa, trekking, volunteering

The ground is trembling, and so am I

NEPAL | Mon, 28 Nov 2016 | By ginger_droog | Views [560]

It happened again. I knew the possibility was real, and that the chances were high, but you never expect it to actually happen TO YOU, until one second it just does. In a country such as Nepal this experience is all too common. This time is was early ... Read more >

Tags: aide, beauty, danger, earthquake, fear, nepal, non-profit, pokhora, travel, truth

From Kathmandu to Pokhora: A poem about the road.

NEPAL | Sat, 26 Nov 2016 | By ginger_droog | Views [580]

The drive from Kathmandu to Pokhora is like nothing I have ever seen. Our jeep clings to the side of the mountain, while Suman gracefully guides the wheel. Dodging between buses and motorcycles, left side of the road to the right. They all have ... Read more >

Tags: kathmandu, nepal, poem, pokhora, roadrage, roadtrip, travel

Back to School

NEPAL | Sun, 24 Jul 2016 | By welcometomyworld | Views [506]

It has been a week and a half since my last post and since then my time in Nepal has been crazy, tiring and rewarding. I've had a rat run over my hand, been given bracelets as a gift but to only turn out that they symbolise marriage (they told me to ... Read more >

Tags: nepal

Trying to throw your arms around the world.

INDIA | Mon, 11 Jul 2016 | By tjrossi | Views [850]

I haven’t written for a while, probably too long, but I recently felt the need to commit some thoughts to paper, or electronic file at least. With all of the upheaval and division we hear about these days it seems easy to see ... Read more >

Tags: eastern europe, friends, india, middle east, nepal, solo, solo travel

Namaste Nepal

NEPAL | Sat, 2 Jul 2016 | By welcometomyworld | Views [587]

After a long 14 hours, sprinting through a Chinese airport and rough turbulence I finally arrived in Nepal- my luggage, however, did not. Now here I am, three days later in the same pair of clothes and soaking wet shoes and socks, still waiting for my ... Read more >

Tags: nepal

My Travel Journal from Jiri to Lukla

NEPAL | Sat, 7 May 2016 | By thesteffenbech | Views [817]

Trekking in Nepal had always been in my bucket list. Mostly because of the things I had heard about the place from many other travel enthusiasts like me. And so to put an end to my anxious wait, I packed my bags and flew to Kathmandu - the capital city ... Read more >

Tags: everest, jiri, lukla, nepal, trekking

Photos: Jiri to Lukla

NEPAL | Sat, 7 May 2016 | By thesteffenbech | Photo Gallery

My photo from Jiri to Lukla Trip
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Tags: jiri, lukla. everest, nepal, trekking

Photography assignment in Nepal

VENEZUELA | Sun, 17 Apr 2016 | By mahadevrojastorres | Views [4520]

Since I received the first email from World Nomads saying that my scholarship entry was on final rounds of judging, my happiness only has increased to an unknown level for me, and even though I was exchanging emails and phone calls with Alicia, ... Read more >

Tags: 2015, 2016, ahf, intrepid, kathmandu, nepal, photography, scholarship, travel, world nomads

Things to Know Before You Go to Nepal for Trekking

NEPAL | Thu, 7 Apr 2016 | By rauhanjaiswal | Views [634]

Nepal and trekking have become synonymous. There are just so many routes for trekking in Nepal and all very gratifying.  Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek  is one of them. Statistically, it is the mountain regions that get most of the crowd, though ... Read more >

Tags: nepal, trekking

Namaste Nepal- “I honour the place in you of which is love”.

NEPAL | Mon, 7 Dec 2015 | By gemma_laing | Views [1259]

I have to admit, I was never keen to go to Nepal. On reflection, I guess it was a bit of ignorance. Perhaps ignorance is my biggest secret. I knew nothing about the country, the culture or the people, and for some reason I had no great desire to find ... Read more >

Tags: annapurna, buddha, everest, momos, mountains, nepal, on the road, temples

Regicide in Kathmandu

NEPAL | Tue, 28 Jul 2015 | By shantysan | Views [899] | Comments [1]

STUNTEDMIND              June 2001   REGICIDE IN KATHMANDU: A Family Turned Against Itself By Sandy Powlik   I LEFT NEPAL on May 23, 2001. I had been over there ... Read more >

Tags: canada, crown prince, himalaya, kathmandu, king binendra, king guyanendra, nepal, regicide, royal family, royal immunity

Photos: EBC Trek - April 2015

NEPAL | Wed, 3 Jun 2015 | By friendsofgorkha | Photo Gallery

Photos of Us and the Nepalese People
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Tags: nepal, nepal earthquake

The Unknown

NEPAL | Thu, 2 Apr 2015 | By carlyschmarly | Views [567]

Here we go- When I arrived in Hawaii over a year ago with nothing but my backpack, it was with an open heart and open plans, and I certainly didn't know I'd be here one year later. I didn't know what it would be like, who I would meet, what I would ... Read more >

Tags: development, nepal, unknown

The Lure of Kathmandu

NEPAL | Mon, 24 Nov 2014 | By dsharpe | Views [481]

“I think I'm going to Katmandu, That's really, really where I'm going to. If I ever get out of here, That's what I'm gonna do. “ Bob Seger - 1975   For those of you that were around in the “good ole days”... Read more >

Tags: buddha, kathmandu, nepal, spiritual, temples

Wandering and Wondering - 1 Month in India & Nepal

INDIA | Thu, 6 Nov 2014 | By allineedismy2barefeet | Views [563]

Namaste from Kathmandu, the bustling capital city of Nepal!   I recently said goodbye to Hanga after one month travelling together. We had a really great time and I want to thank her for her awesome company. As a solo traveler at heart, ... Read more >

Tags: culture, india, nepal, temples, trekking

The Stupas have Eyes

NEPAL | Wed, 5 Nov 2014 | By johnrosejnr | Views [824]

The only way to travel is to blog about it. Below is one of our stories from our personal travel blog www.jkroaming.com   With one full day left in Kathmandu,  Nepal we had to make a choice between The Swayambhunath Stupa (also known ... Read more >

Tags: boudhanath, boudhanath stupa, buddhist monks, kathmandu, nepal, temple

NEPAL panic.

NEPAL | Tue, 17 Jun 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Views [797]

Finally after updating some of my history I get to rant about what I am actually wanting to rant about.   Six months ago, on a cold December night, I was looking for ways to procrastinate from becoming an adult. I found a website, Volunteer ... Read more >

Tags: filming, nepal, photography, preparation, travel stress, volunteering

"Beautiful things don't ask for attention."

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 21 Apr 2014 | By joannawong | Views [1402]

I just finished Walter Mitty. Although it's not one of my favourite movies, I do like it. A few of my friends recommended that I watch it because he travels to some gorgeous places of the world, in it. I didn't really quite know what to expect. He ... Read more >

Tags: nepal, reflections, trekking

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