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There is [1] photo and [11] stories tagged with "fear".

The ground is trembling, and so am I

NEPAL | Mon, 28 Nov 2016 | By ginger_droog | Views [560]

It happened again. I knew the possibility was real, and that the chances were high, but you never expect it to actually happen TO YOU, until one second it just does. In a country such as Nepal this experience is all too common. This time is was early ... Read more >

Tags: aide, beauty, danger, earthquake, fear, nepal, non-profit, pokhora, travel, truth

On Comfort and Fear

INDIA | Sat, 23 Jul 2016 | By shagungupta | Views [468]

“Table for one, please.” I had Burmese style fried rice with vegetables for dinner today. I still remember the first time I had a meal by myself at a restaurant, bereft of technological disruptions and the urge to make small talk about ... Read more >

Tags: comfort, fear, food, myanmar, solo travel, uk


INDIA | Sat, 12 Dec 2015 | By davidford | Views [446]

Today was one of my favourite days to date. As usual abandoning my plan to get up early and go to the flower market I went through the morning stop start routine ending up with meditation, this time including the Tiratana Vandana, a section from the ... Read more >

Tags: art, city exploration, fear

Scared of heights? Unfit? Don’t like ladders? What would you do in Sydney?

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 17 May 2015 | By goannasnake | Views [541]

Climb the Harbour Bridge, of course. At least, that’s what I did. The weather was absolutely awful – cold and very wet. What would you expect in the middle of winter? Well, it could have been fine, but it wasn’t. Everyone else thought ... Read more >

Tags: bridge climb, fear, sydney

Five and Ten Months

GERMANY | Sat, 7 Jun 2014 | By chancefear | Views [446]

I have now been living abroad for almost five months and though I still have just over ten months left here, I already cannot imagine how I will handle going back. I don't want to go back. Since moving to Germany I have found myself a much more confident ... Read more >

Tags: fear, germany, global, learn, living abroad, planet, politics

Jeepers Creepers

SOUTH KOREA | Mon, 28 Apr 2014 | By janelles | Views [438]

As a young woman who often walks alone at night, I am used to the shivers that accompany the feeling of being followed. Like most women, I have developed several strategies to cope with that feeling; I take special comfort in the self-defense course ... Read more >

Tags: fear, safety, unintentional stalking, walking alone at night

A bit of fear creeps in. Can I do this?

USA | Mon, 28 May 2012 | By honeyknuckles | Views [826] | Comments [3]

Back at home having a lazy memorial day weekend, the smell of firewood from the barbecues in the air… I can't help but think of my Tanzanian friends. What they might be doing today on a Sunday. And that they will be going to school tomorrow, teaching, ... Read more >

Tags: fear, fundraising, volunteering


AUSTRALIA | Wed, 14 Apr 2010 | By vantastic_nt | Views [850] | Comments [3]

There’s already a lot to be scared of in the Northern Territory. Poisonous snakes. Very poisonous snakes. Water holes are marked with signs that delineate where and when saltwater crocodiles enter. They don’t say we can’t swim, but they do say ... Read more >

Tags: danny the russian, fear, hitchhiker, hitchhiking, northern territory, poorly thought-out cold war references, roadtrip

Nu vs budget backpacken

THAILAND | Sun, 27 Dec 2009 | By supercozi | Views [1199] | Comments [4]

Aan het eind van mijn tweede bezoek aan Zuidoost Azie kan ik goed zien hoe het hier veranderd is ten op zichte van 8 jaar geleden. En ook hoe ik zelf veranderd ben. Luxer reizen Als budgetreiziger destijds moest ik het 5 maanden uitzingen met heel ... Read more >

Tags: animals, budget, fear, resort, sensitive, thailand, transport

Dazed and Con-fused

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 1 Jun 2009 | By conlay | Views [615]

Well, it finally happened.   I’m leaving, I’m going off to meet new interesting people and make them feel nervous and uncomfortable.   This date has been coming for such a long time now, but it never seemed very real at all. It was one of ... Read more >

Tags: daze, excitement, fear, heathrow, kendal mint cake, london, start

Safety First

USA | Tue, 20 Jan 2009 | By jjassen | Views [434]

I want to address the issues of safety and fear. These are my beliefs. Maybe they will change as I experience some first-hand foreign cities... but I believe the following: 1. Location don't matter. I am inherently as safe (and unsafe) walking around ... Read more >

Tags: fear, safety


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