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There are [32] photos and [111] stories tagged with "germany".

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Berlin, Germany

USA | Sat, 16 Dec 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [872]

I have always wanted to visit Germany, especially Munich and Berlin. Berlin was everything I expected and I would love to go back again. I have always remembered watching the TV coverages of the Berlin Wall coming down. There is so much history in the ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, germany, magdeburg, world nomads

Munich, Germany

USA | Sat, 14 Oct 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [561]

Ahh, OKTOBERFEST!  We finally made it and little did we know actually how big it was.  It is not just a beer fest, it is an entire carnival with all kinds of rides for the kids.  It is by far the largest carnival either Chris or I have ... Read more >

Tags: europe, germany, munich, oktoberfest

The impact we make on our planet

GERMANY | Fri, 18 Aug 2017 | By dboner | Views [402]

I love traveling. I am currently in Heidelberg , which is a lovely German city. There is a magic little castle here. I am visiting a friend, but during the day he is studying at university, so i had the whole day to wander around. I happened to bump ... Read more >

Tags: germany, heidelberg, throughts, travel green, walking

Photos: Dresden

GERMANY | Mon, 23 Jan 2017 | By swathi | Photo Gallery

A few of the sights I mention in the Daytrippin' to Dresden article
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Tags: boxing day, dresden, germany

Day trippin' to Dresden

GERMANY | Mon, 23 Jan 2017 | By swathi | Views [975] | Comments [3]

Dresden (26th Dec 2016) What exactly is Boxing Day? It's a holiday I always took for granted, picturing family's going to the ring to have it out with each other just like the Kardashians did on Season 4. The truth is, Boxing Day is celebrated differently ... Read more >

Tags: boxing day, day trip, dresden, germany

berlin wall and amsterdam canals

GERMANY | Fri, 9 Dec 2016 | By julijalivewell | Views [433]

The highlight of the last summer summer was visiting both Berlin and Amsterdam in five days! My friend Dovile and I have been planning this trip for a few months as it was supposed to be 'a journey of the first times', which all of them were completed ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, berlin, berlinwall, canals, germany, hitchhiking, holland, netherlands, travelling


GERMANY | Wed, 2 Nov 2016 | By lovelylyque | Views [313]

Hubby loves Germany, I mean everything about it he loves, the food, the culture, the weather, the scenery, the trains, the building, and I really can go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea! We are planning to live there for about (6) six months, ... Read more >

Tags: brussels, germany

5 Tips for Aussies to Survive and Thrive at Oktoberfest

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 16 Sep 2016 | By jrs31490 | Views [1152]

At this year’s Oktoberfest, 6 million people are expected to celebrate the largest beer festival in the world between 17 September and 3 October, 2016. 20,000 of those revelers are Australians that will be descending upon Munich, Germany; and even ... Read more >

Tags: australians, australians in europe, beer, europe, europe travel, germany, oktoberfest, tips, travel, travel tips

Never Again: Dachau Concentration Camp

GERMANY | Sun, 19 Jun 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [848]

Something reminiscent of ashes brushed across my face and landed in my hair as I approached the entrance to Dachau Concentration Camp. They were floating around everywhere, creating a disorienting haze in the unseasonably brilliant early spring sun. ... Read more >

Tags: concentration camp, dachau, germany, khalil gibran, kz dachau, sabbatical, solo, travel

Final Days in Frankfurt and the Numbers from Germany

GERMANY | Sun, 5 Jun 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [613]

My last days in Germany found me in Frankfurt am Main, a city I had never visited despite having passed through so many times before, both by plane and train. I am not the only traveler who has been skipping it. Out of the millions of people who transit ... Read more >

Tags: asparagus, budget, craving, frankfurt, germany, main, sabbatical, solo, spargel, travel

Accepting a Truth in Munich

GERMANY | Sat, 7 May 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [596]

Munich’s lesson for me was this: I need people. I know it’s obvious, and everybody says it, and I have even said it. I have known it to be one of those universal truths, but I haven’t really always believed it, not deep down on a ... Read more >

Tags: germany, maugham, munich, people, sabbatical, solo, travel, truth

On My Own Again in Leipzig

GERMANY | Sun, 1 May 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [714] | Comments [1]

Leipzig was planned as a time for me to rest and reacquaint myself with Germany, but it had more in store for me than just that.   Reacquaintance My first ever solo flight was when I went to Germany for my exchange student year more than ... Read more >

Tags: completion, germany, leipzig, reacquaint, readjust, realize, rest, sabbatical, solo, travel

The Worst Weekend Yet

GERMANY | Wed, 28 Oct 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [530]

After a long bus and ferry arrived I arrived in Berlin. The bus station was busy, dirty and full of all sorts of people. I was super hungry and went to order McDonald's only to be rudely told that they didn't take visa cards. If I knew this was going ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, germany

Wave Gotik Treffen: Thoughts from a First Timer –

GERMANY | Thu, 9 Jul 2015 | By kurenai | Views [1042]

Wave Gotik Treffen is known as the biggest gothic music festival in the world. It takes place in late May (the weekend of Pentecost, also Memorial weekend for those of us hailing from America) in Leipzig, Germany. It has an incredibly huge lineup of ... Read more >

Tags: clubbing, fashion, germany, gothic, leipzig, music festival, wave gotik treffen

You Can Have Anything You Want, at Adolph's Restaurant

AUSTRIA | Mon, 6 Jul 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [699]

  Yesterday I went on an all day tour. The first was to a place called The Eagle's Nest, which was built as Hitler's retreat in world war II, located near Berchtesgade, Germany.  This is a place high in the mountains, where ... Read more >

Tags: austria, germany

Schloss Sanssouci: A Prussian Palace of Rococo Extravagance

GERMANY | Thu, 18 Jun 2015 | By kurenai | Views [753]

Sanssouci Palace is a UNESCO heritage site located in Potsdam, Germany – a quick hop, skip, and jump down from Berlin. It is a sprawling park complex than one can easily find themselves lost in and spend the whole day trying to run around to see ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, germany, palace, potsdam, prussia, sanssouci


PERU | Fri, 22 May 2015 | By fiona_la | Views [423]

Here I was, 2 years ago I decided to do an exchange programme. The chosen place: Munich. Yes, the capital of: Oktoberfest, Bayer Munich football team, BMW and Bavaria. How is it to a latin american student flying more than 15 hours, crossing the Atlantic ... Read more >

Tags: exchange semester, germany, munich, oktoberfest

Back Home For Now

USA | Mon, 13 Oct 2014 | By schmodude | Views [559]

I woke up around 6:30 and packed up all of my stuff. Everybody else in the apartment was still asleep when I left at 7:00. I sent a message to them on my way to the train station. It was best to let them sleep after being awake all weekend. I jumped ... Read more >

Tags: columbus, copenhagen, dc, germany, great trip, home, simon, statistics

Below the Elbe

GERMANY | Sun, 12 Oct 2014 | By schmodude | Views [469]

I woke up in the morning to find out that Simon and Sarah were still out at the club. Steffen was around, so I hung out with him and talked about a few good electronic dj’s while he used his impressive dj setup to spin some tunes. I sent a text ... Read more >

Tags: biking, elbe tunnel, germany, hamburg, park fiction, party all night, sarah, simon, steffen

Delayed Travels

SWITZERLAND | Fri, 26 Sep 2014 | By schmodude | Views [484]

I enjoyed the nice breakfast again and then I caught a bus to the airport. My flight to Zurich bounced my through Hamburg on the way. My first flight was delayed. Also my second flight was delayed. It wasn’t enjoyable. I finally arrived in Zurich ... Read more >

Tags: airport, czech republic, delayed flight, germanwings, germany, hamburg, prague, switzerland, zurich

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