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There is [1] photo and [159] stories tagged with "travel tips".

5 Tips for Aussies to Survive and Thrive at Oktoberfest

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 16 Sep 2016 | By jrs31490 | Views [1157]

At this year’s Oktoberfest, 6 million people are expected to celebrate the largest beer festival in the world between 17 September and 3 October, 2016. 20,000 of those revelers are Australians that will be descending upon Munich, Germany; and even ... Read more >

Tags: australians, australians in europe, beer, europe, europe travel, germany, oktoberfest, tips, travel, travel tips

The Top Places To Stay In Dunedin

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 30 Nov 2015 | By paulread | Views [580]

Located at the south east corner of New Zealand’s South Island, Dunedin is often considered to be one of the main cities of the country, and is located in a very attractive part of the nation.  Historically the economy of the city was dependent ... Read more >

Tags: budget travel, travel, travel deals, travel destinations, travel essentials, travel spots, travel tips

6 Great Travel Tips for Couples on a Budget

USA | Fri, 24 Apr 2015 | By jessy | Views [145]

  For couples who love traveling together , budget constraints can take the fun out of the whole thing. If you and your partner have given up the joys of traveling to new places to avoid burning holes in your pockets, you've come to ... Read more >

Tags: budget, couple, travel, travel tips

Bangalore Decoded: What Makes This City So Special

INDIA | Wed, 22 Oct 2014 | By johnhunter | Views [502]

Bangalore is an enigma. It’s the coming together of the very conservative and the very cosmopolitan. That usually produces a conflict of considerable intensity, but not in this city. I’m not exactly sure what to attribute it to, but ... Read more >

Tags: travel tips

Travelling Alone 101

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 24 Jun 2013 | By effyau | Views [550]

So traveling alone is daunting, with all the preparation and excitement of a new excursion you forget that being by yourself isn’t an option once you’re there, you just have to suck it up and try to understand the jargon coming out of the ... Read more >

Tags: travel tips

Need ideas where to go for your next trip

BANGLADESH | Wed, 6 Feb 2013 | By mayeendu | Views [400]

  Need ideas where to go for your next trip? This generator of trip ideas will recommend you places to go based on where you have been before. After you get a recommendation, the app let's you to see more details about it in TripAdvisor. http:... Read more >

Tags: travel tips

Ireland: Free Hugs and Rolling Green Hills

IRELAND | Tue, 15 May 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [5351]

Whipping around Ireland with waving red hair and adorned in a tan trench coat, I felt a bit like something out of a bad romantic comedy about an American girl on the Emerald Isle. Old men would wave at me, as I would drive over rolling green hills, ... Read more >

Tags: ireland, travel, travel tips

Why I Love (and Hate) France

FRANCE | Mon, 14 May 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [15889] | Comments [1]

France is the most visited country in the world, and for good reason. It oozes culture and style, features the most iconic landmarks (hello, Eiffel Tower) and has incredible food and wine to boot.  I’ve studied in Paris, worked in Nice and visited ... Read more >

Tags: food, france, paris, travel tips

Ten Tips for a (single, female) traveler coming to India

INDIA | Thu, 10 May 2012 | By thegypsydiaries | Views [940]

While I was working  as a  Legal Officer in a small Non-governmental Organization in Ahmedabad last year, I had the opportunity of meeting some amazing young researchers who came from far and wide to conduct a field study of Environment issues across ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, culture, experience, india, safety, single female traveler, travel, travel tips

Preparing for Jordan: 6 Tips for the First Time Traveller

JORDAN | Fri, 20 Apr 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [9260] | Comments [1]

Don’t worry The reverberations of the 2011 Arab Spring have been felt throughout the Middle East, and they’re not over yet. The instability in Egypt especially has had a lasting impact on tourism not only in that country, but surrounding ... Read more >

Tags: jordan, petra, travel tips

Why I Love (and Hate) Bali

INDONESIA | Tue, 27 Mar 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [9303] | Comments [1]

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about Bali, rumored to be the favorite holiday destination of Australians and Kiwis. Would I fall in love with the beaches and the street food, or would I be turned off by the commercial catering to foreigners? I’m happy ... Read more >

Tags: bali, food, indonesia, motorbikes, travel, travel tips

Hotel vs Hostel

WORLDWIDE | Wed, 22 Feb 2012 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [4863]

If you’ve ever travelled internationally there’s a very good chance that you’ve had the pleasure or displeasure of staying in a Hostel. There are many awesome features that come with Hostels – they’re cheap and they’re also fantastic places to meet ... Read more >

Tags: europe, hostel, hotel, travel, travel tips

5 Tips to Digging and Living in South Asasif, Egypt

EGYPT | Mon, 7 Nov 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [4975] | Comments [1]

Welcome to Alaska! I was greeted upon arrival in Luxor, Egypt. Working in the depths of a temple tomb excavation at the foothills of South Asasif in 114 degree heat, dense white dust soaking into my sweaty Egyptian cotton shirt, the last thing ... Read more >

Tags: digging, egypt, temples, travel tips

Southern USA: 7 Tips for the First Time Visitor

USA | Wed, 28 Sep 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [7852] | Comments [3]

While many people visit the United States every year, most overseas travelers hit the big three– Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York– and rarely stray from that path. This makes the southern United States “off the beaten path” by default. I don’t know ... Read more >

Tags: entertainment, food, gerogia, history, music, north america, the south, travel, travel tips, usa

Avoiding Expensive Phone Bills Abroad

WORLDWIDE | Tue, 27 Sep 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [5013]

It's nearly automatic. Upon landing in a new destination, all in one motion we've unbuckled our seatbelt and pulled out our phone, running the full gamut from checking our voicemails and texts to reading emails to posting updates on Twitter and ... Read more >

Tags: disconnect, mobile, phone bills, skype, technology, travel, travel tips

The First Timer's Nepal

NEPAL | Thu, 4 Aug 2011 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [4831] | Comments [1]

Tags: asia, culture, etiquette, food, health, nepal, travel, travel tips

Spain Travel 101

SPAIN | Wed, 27 Jul 2011 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [3591] | Comments [9]

Tags: adventures, driving, europe, language, laws, local, safety, spain, travel, travel tips

A Girl's Guide to the Middle East

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 25 Jul 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [11962] | Comments [3]

At first, I avoided telling people I was visiting the Middle East. ‘I’m travelling overland between Istanbul and Cairo,’ I’d say vaguely. If people didn’t realise which countries came in between those two cities that wasn’t my problem, right? But ... Read more >

Tags: culture, dress, egypt, jordan, middle east, religion, syria, travel, travel tips, women

Surviving Airport Delays

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 4 Jul 2011 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [3145] | Comments [2]

Tags: accommodation, air travel, airports, entertainment, flight delays, food, hotels, travel, travel tips

The Grand Palace (Bangkok)

THAILAND | Fri, 1 Jul 2011 | By talesofadventure | Views [370]

On the first day of our first ever pack-backing adventure, we decided to visit the  Grand Palace  with a guy called Midge who we had met in our hostel the night before. We lost Midge at the Grand Palace, never to be seen again. But I would ... Read more >

Tags: advice, backpacking, bangkok, grand palace, thailand, travel tips

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