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There are [39] photos and [44] stories tagged with "egypt".

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A week in Egypt

EGYPT | Tue, 15 Aug 2023 | By korric | Views [169]

An acquaintance and I decided to book a guided tour to Egypt. I've never used a tour agency before, as I generally prefer to go it on my own or with friends. That way we can explore off the beaten path and see things that a tour doesn't include. Of ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

DAHAB, Chasing Stars

EGYPT | Thu, 2 Mar 2017 | By asmaamaher | Views [789]

Chasing Stars   November 27, 2016 | Asmaa Maher     This is not the first time to travel Dahab Sinai, i usually travel ... Read more >

Tags: dahab, egypt, inspiration, love, mountains, peace, serenity, sinai, stars, thisisegypt

St Catherine, Sinai, Egypt

EGYPT | Thu, 2 Mar 2017 | By asmaamaher | Views [748]

January 1, 2017 | Asmaa Maher     During the Past 5 Years and after my father's death, i rolled myself into a deep grief and decided to get away from people, ... Read more >

Tags: egypt, hiking, inspiration, love, mountains, peace, sinai, stars, stcatherine, thisisegypt

Roman Deli

ITALY | Wed, 12 Aug 2015 | By carlsbad_sven | Views [430]

Worms, mmmmm– worms. Have you ever eaten them? Neither have I, but I found a place that serves them. The only caveat is that you’d need a time machine. Rome is a fascinating place if you love history and ruins. I happen to love both and ... Read more >

Tags: deli, dining, egypt, italy, ostia antica, rome, slaves, worms

Photos: My Scholarship entry - Inshallah - Dahab´s spirit

EGYPT | Sat, 22 Nov 2014 | By dahab | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am a 25 years old animal lover, nature addict and photo enthusiast. I´ve been photographing for over 8 years, starting with a small 4 MP camera in South Africa, where I lived for almost two years. As I am becoming an (tropical marine) ecologists my ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, bedouin, bedouin, blue hole, blue hole, dahab, dolphin, dolphin, egypt, egypt, masbat bay, masbat bay, sinai, sinai, streetcat, streetcat

Photos: Me

TURKEY | Thu, 6 Nov 2014 | By amazingsummer | Photo Gallery

Some pictures of me traveling :)
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Tags: cesme, egypt, north_coast, phi_phi, thailand, turkey

One Bus, Two Camels and a Marriage Proposal

EGYPT | Fri, 9 May 2014 | By lifeswanderlust | Views [1035]

I visited Egypt in the year prior to the Egyptian Revolution, or the the Lotus Revolution, that took place in 2011. Even then the tourist hotels had tall walls, security and wired fences. This was my first solo trip and I was anxious to see the pyramids ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, cairo, egypt, pyramids

Egypt: The White Desert, let it snow!

EGYPT | Wed, 1 Jan 2014 | By home_sweet_holmes | Views [1053]

Just a couple of weeks before the Arab Spring, I had decided to flee the howling blizzards sweeping Europe white, and embarked on a short expedition intending to cross on foot a small part of the Egyptian Sahara called the White Desert. Upon arrival ... Read more >

Tags: cairo, camping, desert, desert, egypt, hiking, overlanding, sahara, snow, trekking

Photos: Egypt: The White Desert: Let it Snow!

EGYPT | Tue, 31 Dec 2013 | By home_sweet_holmes | Photo Gallery

Expedition across a snow-covered Sahara
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Tags: africa, cairo, camping, desert, egypt, expedition, hiking, pyramids, trekking, white

In the Beginning

AUSTRALIA | Thu, 23 May 2013 | By chrisjamesmcd | Views [485]

     Most think that a trip begins when you step foot onto that first plane. Even still some believe that it begins when that last item is packed safely within your backpack. Usually being an item that at first seemed invaluable to your ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, desert, egypt, india, island, morocco, plane, ticket, travel

Photos: Siwa, A Magnificent place to visit.

EGYPT | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By motagaly_entry | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

For a child who always dreamed to become a physicist and didn't become a one, I found my own world in Photography, unlimited imagination, attention to details and every aspect of the photo, as well as dealing with technical staff and optics, I couldn't ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: ammun, amun, desert, dune, dunes, egypt, pharaonic, shali, silhouette, siwa

Photos: My Scholarship entry - My view of Giza

EGYPT | Sun, 13 Jan 2013 | By mindlesswanderer | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

In 2010 I packed my bags, left my job and went backpacking around the world. The travel bug had bitten me hard many years ago and this time I was going to do what I always dreamed of. It was to experience new places, to eat, to explore and to meet new ... Read more >
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Tags: cairo, egypt, giza, pyramid, pyramids

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

EGYPT | Sat, 1 Dec 2012 | By melmahdi | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

A 23 years, medical student, in love with travelling and adventure, before I bought my dSLR last June; I had a point and shoot camera and my friends always admired my photos, so I decided to learn photography; I have self learnt photography online; through ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: dahab, egypt, sinai, travel photography scholarship 2012


EGYPT | Thu, 17 May 2012 | By zeerock | Views [699]

Enter.   I hailed a taxi in a part of Cairo called Mohandessin. It isn’t far from Zamalek, where I was headed. A few minutes after getting into the vehicle, and explaining poorly where in Zamalek I would like to go, the driver ... Read more >

Tags: cairo, drug, egypt, funny, pills, road, taxi, travel


EGYPT | Mon, 14 May 2012 | By zeerock | Views [809]

Enter:   Egypt is something of a hassle. It is by no means an Indian hassle, but more of an irritation at times. Like a rash, or eczema that chooses not to go away. In six months of living in Cairo, my last three taxi rides ... Read more >

Tags: arab, cairo, egypt, money, pee, scam, taxi, travel

My Scholarship entry - A local encounter that changed my life

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 16 Apr 2012 | By thefirsttimer | Views [382] | Scholarship Entry

White Girl, White Desert I was mistaken for thinking a desert had rolling hills that would provide protection; not for me, but for those on-board, who were in the middle of Ramadan, and weren’t enthusiastic to see my glimmering buttocks flashing around ... Read more >

Tags: egypt, travel writing scholarship 2012, white desert

My Scholarship entry - Understanding a Culture through Food

EGYPT | Wed, 14 Mar 2012 | By writing_the_world | Views [3383] | Comments [1] | Scholarship Entry

A Feast Fit for a Pharaoh Our taxi slams on its breaks, narrowly avoiding a malnourished donkey. Ironically, the scrawny animal draws a rusty oven of sweet potatoes mounted on wonky wheels. "It's the batata man!" announces the driver. Suddenly he pulls ... Read more >

Tags: #2012writing, cairo, egypt, food, travel writing scholarship, travel writing scholarship 2012, travelwriting

5 Tips to Digging and Living in South Asasif, Egypt

EGYPT | Mon, 7 Nov 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [4975] | Comments [1]

Welcome to Alaska! I was greeted upon arrival in Luxor, Egypt. Working in the depths of a temple tomb excavation at the foothills of South Asasif in 114 degree heat, dense white dust soaking into my sweaty Egyptian cotton shirt, the last thing ... Read more >

Tags: digging, egypt, temples, travel tips


EGYPT | Tue, 18 Oct 2011 | By col_n_sue | Views [359]

Well, Here we are in Jordan already! I didn't get a chance to update the blog in Egypt because it was all go go go, and the internet availability was very poor - at least where we were. Egypt was fantastic.  The ancient history was fascinating, and ... Read more >

Tags: egypt

Eid Said!

EGYPT | Tue, 30 Aug 2011 | By divebunnie | Views [1279]

"Eid Said, Eid Mubarak" or "Happy Eid" whichever you prefer. So the holy month of Ramadan has come to an end, and my local friends and colleagues are in a celebratory mood. And this year I feel brings all the more cause for celebration.... Read more >

Tags: egypt, eid, ramadan

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