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There are [92] photos and [82] stories tagged with "paris".

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Paris, France

USA | Sat, 14 Oct 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [804] | Comments [1]

As soon as we arrive to a new destination we almost always head to our accommodations by either walking, bus, subway, or tram. In Paris, we went by subway. It was very crowded and we were up against each other on both subway lines we had to take. It ... Read more >

Tags: eiffel tower, europe, france, nomads, paris, world travelers

My First Journey - Paris

USA | Mon, 17 Apr 2017 | By gypsylady17 | Views [217]

My kids have grown and left the house, most of the year.  My oldest is on his own and a grown man and my youngest is a sophmore in college.  I am home alone most of the time now and being a single parent for 17 years, I find I am enjoying it.... Read more >

Tags: emptynest, paris, solotravel

Deux days in Paris

FRANCE | Mon, 15 Feb 2016 | By tiltingwindmills | Views [461]

Ah Paris, la Cité d’Amour; ironic we should end up here on Valentine's Day, and it was unplanned too! We were met with a little rain, but it still managed to feel warm after the frigid temperatures we left in Iceland. The B&B we booked, ... Read more >

Tags: paris

Découvrez le Pont Neuf-j’ai fait un tour à Paris

FRANCE | Sat, 12 Dec 2015 | By robedevogue | Views [512]

Le Pont Neuf est le plus vieux pont permanent contrairement à son nom, dans l'ensemble de la Seine à Paris. Son nom, qui a été donné pour la distinguer des plus anciens ponts qui étaient bordées des ... Read more >

Tags: paris, pont neuf

Life Moves On

FRANCE | Wed, 25 Nov 2015 | By kakimono | Views [501]

Life moves on, but never back. There were two or three weeks that I meant to write about, but have now lost. Much of the same (classes, tests, how does French education function?) But also an entry of more touristy things. I finally made it into the ... Read more >

Tags: math, november 13, paris

Apart from the Obvious

FRANCE | Wed, 18 Nov 2015 | By kakimono | Views [949]

“Apart from the obvious, things are good” is a phrase I have said way too many times since Friday. Every time I have, it's been followed by a bitter, but sometimes entirely mental, laugh. Because how can you ignore the obvious? And yet I've ... Read more >

Tags: chalk, courage, love, paris, strength, terrorism

Pseudo-live blog

FRANCE | Sat, 14 Nov 2015 | By kakimono | Views [529]

For anyone who wants an actual live blog about what's happening, go  here . This is out of order of the chronology of where I'm pretending my life is when I'm writing entries, but this is what's happening right now, and it feels like now is the ... Read more >

Tags: guardian, paris, safe, shootings, terrorism

Parisian autumn sweetness

FRANCE | Sun, 4 Oct 2015 | By marinamorais | Views [344]

It was a beautiful and refreshing autumn morning. We left our tiny rented apartment at Quartier Latin and walked to Jardin du Luxembourg, jackets off. The three of us had to do our best to resist the fabulous smells coming from the plenty café... Read more >

Tags: budget trip, eurotrip, france, jardin du luxembourg, montmartre, paris, quartier latin

On my way a stop in Paris -Wanderings

FRANCE | Tue, 22 Sep 2015 | By viajandooso | Views [295]

Nobody knows my Name:  To laugh is-to appear the fool. To weep is-to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another is-to risk involvement. To expose feelings is-to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas, ... Read more >

Tags: paris

Wow Experiences

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 26 Jun 2015 | By johnsteel | Views [481]

Dubai With some of the world's tallest and flashiest buildings you feel like you're in a science fiction movie. The silver needle like Burj Khalifa soars 850m into the clouds.  At over $150 each for a tour we decided to stand back and look ... Read more >

Tags: dubai, london surprises, panicale, paris, umbria

Photos: Paris at my feet

FRANCE | Fri, 29 May 2015 | By livonne | Photo Gallery

A photographer's dream
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Tags: eiffel tower, france, notre dame, paris

Lost in the Belle Country

FRANCE | Thu, 28 May 2015 | By naturewarrior | Views [479]

The view outside the glass window was breathtaking. Fields with plants which names I never knew, small houses with red roofs like cherries adorning the sand-colour walls, small winding roads that scream “visit me, you’d never find something ... Read more >

Tags: france, lost, paris, pontoise

Bateaux Mouche

FRANCE | Fri, 15 May 2015 | By felicia_bonanno | Views [401]

I’m not fond of the snobbish air of many Parisians toward foreigners. I may live here now, but I easily remember the neck-craning wonder tourists experience…leading them to barricade the narrow European sidewalks so locals have to step into ... Read more >

Tags: bateaux mouche, boat, cruise, paris, tour


FRANCE | Mon, 11 May 2015 | By felicia_bonanno | Views [413]

“Home is where the heart is.” But what if your heart is divided up geographically, like a detailed map of all the places you’ve been? What if you’ve left pieces of your heart on dirt roads on continents oceans from your birthplace? ... Read more >

Tags: asia, home, hong kong, nomad, packing, paris

Paris pilgrimage

FRANCE | Sun, 22 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [803]

Disney and the Doors in one day. Paris hadn't even been a part of my original plan. Europe is full of so many amazing cities that Paris was just going to be one of those ones that got over-looked, largely because I suspected it would be full of French ... Read more >

Tags: art, boilly, canova, france, louvre, notre dame, paris, the doors

Only music could describe such ecstacy.

FRANCE | Wed, 18 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [859]

To be in Paris, the city of Love, on Valentines Day is the sort of smaltz that Hallmark wish they could encapsulate in some consumable way. I imagine a significant amount of romancing happens on your average day for the city to have such an appelation, ... Read more >

Tags: classical music, crepes, eiffel tower, france, friends, paris

Photos: Louvre on the outside

FRANCE | Tue, 25 Nov 2014 | By elenanikolovska | Photo Gallery

The collection of Art and Artifacts inside the Louvre is truly amazing. But, Louvre on the outside can be equally beautiful...
See all 4 photos >>

Tags: france, louvre, paris, pyramid, travel

Piano on the Seine

FRANCE | Tue, 5 Aug 2014 | By tjsolstice | Views [486]

i have recently returned to Australia after a trip that went from Paris through to a week on a houseboat on the canals in Burgandy, train trip to Amsterdam and then to Hannover, flying to Malaga in Spain, followed by hire car through Southern Spain taking ... Read more >

Tags: music, paris, piano, seine

How To: See the Eiffel Tower

FRANCE | Wed, 28 May 2014 | By lalaloh | Views [552]

HOW TO:  See the Eiffel Tower   You’d think this would be an easy one, right? Hop, skip and a jump to Paris and you can see the luminous tower from almost anywhere, day or night. This is true of course, you can see it from almost ... Read more >

Tags: 25seasonsoftravelling, eiffel, france, howto, lalaloh, lights, midnight, montparnasse, paris, sunset

Little dreams always come true

FRANCE | Sat, 10 May 2014 | By marianapovid | Views [395]

Little dreams always come true   Hello, my sweet reader! This short story is dedicated to my memories and events, which took place in Paris a year ago. Being a student and having a lack of money, but great desire to have a lot of spicy ... Read more >

Tags: dream, eiffel tower, journey, love, meeting, paris, photo, tower, trip

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