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There are [29] photos and [39] stories tagged with "art".

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Awaji-Shima. Small Island - Big Dreams.

JAPAN | Mon, 17 Jul 2017 | By lan | Views [1193] | Comments [1]

“Culture hides more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.” Edward T. Hall. I have never been quite content to travel to a destination, take a snap shot and leave with ... Read more >

Tags: art, culture, dream, expat, explore, island, japan, ocean, relocate, travel


INDIA | Sat, 12 Dec 2015 | By davidford | Views [445]

Today was one of my favourite days to date. As usual abandoning my plan to get up early and go to the flower market I went through the morning stop start routine ending up with meditation, this time including the Tiratana Vandana, a section from the ... Read more >

Tags: art, city exploration, fear

Lessons Learned: 'Murica

USA | Tue, 24 Nov 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [404]

Well, I never wrote a closing entry to my trip. I suppose in some ways writing this meant I had to face that it was really over! During my last few days in New Zealand, I met some wonderful people, including Mani, who runs Intersex Awareness New Zealand.... Read more >

Tags: art, auckland, museums, new zealand, united states of america, wellington, xenophobia

The act of living, finding meaning, and expressing emotions is art.

NEW ZEALAND | Mon, 9 Nov 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [508]

Saturday was pretty fucking wonderful. I was having one of the best pots of tea in my life, eating breakfast with a perfect view of the waterfront, when my dad sent me a video of Hanson saying hello to me and telling me to visit some hobbits for them.... Read more >

Tags: art, kiwi, new zealand, photography, romance, tea, wellington, zoo

About suffering, they were never wrong, the old masters

FRANCE | Wed, 16 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [427]

Sunday, Laure had to work, so she arranged for me to spend the day with some of the other anglophones from the day before. This turned out to be both Sarahs, because they were up and the other two weren’t. (To make matters worse, American Sarah ... Read more >

Tags: art, books, middle ages, museum, renaissance

A Palace fit for a king

FRANCE | Thu, 10 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [408]

On Sunday, we met in Paris to catch the RER to Versailles. Besides the people in the program and the tour guide Guillaume, we were accompanied by Stephanie’s sister, Erin’s husband and two children, and Cambria’s parents. Cambria’... Read more >

Tags: art, fountains, gardens, history, mythology, versailles

French 3010 comes back to haunt me

FRANCE | Sun, 6 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [342]

There weren’t any morning activities scheduled on Thursday, so I slept in, walked around Paris for a while, and finally worked my way back to the university around two. This had given them enough time to respond to my e-mail, first to forward ... Read more >

Tags: art, course registration, french

Stopover in Mexico City

MEXICO | Mon, 8 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [526]

We arrived in Mexico City after over 24hrs flying from leaving Sydney and no sleep. Getting off the plane I was pretty keen to get straight to our hostel. Without knowing much Spanish or where we were going we decided to pay a little extra for a cab ... Read more >

Tags: art, busy, city, frida, mexico, mexicocity, tacos

Paris pilgrimage

FRANCE | Sun, 22 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [802]

Disney and the Doors in one day. Paris hadn't even been a part of my original plan. Europe is full of so many amazing cities that Paris was just going to be one of those ones that got over-looked, largely because I suspected it would be full of French ... Read more >

Tags: art, boilly, canova, france, louvre, notre dame, paris, the doors

Photos: art in labour

MEXICO | Thu, 13 Nov 2014 | By artinlabour | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

This gallery is composed by photos taken in Mexico, mostly in Chiapas and in Mexico City. It shows people working. For their movements, for their passion, for their dignity, all of them express something that is more than a simple activity.
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, art, chiapas, job, labour, mexico, work

Graffiti Central

GERMANY | Fri, 13 Jun 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Views [462]

Three days in Berlin.   Mentalness. I never realised how large Berlin was. I arrived on the Sunday and left on Wednesday which was nowhere near enough time. Arrived on Sunday evening and had my lovely friend Laura waiting me at the airport ... Read more >

Tags: art, berlin, europe, experience, finland, graffiti, on the road, sushi, tours, travel

APA Los Angeles Photography Night

USA | Mon, 28 Apr 2014 | By uyenangel | Views [605]

APA LOS ANGELES PHOTOGRAPHY NIGHT I had a good time with friends attending the APA collection of photography from Los Angeles photographers. The chosen photographers will get to book with their photo and other APA members’ photos.... Read more >

Tags: apa, art, california, event, losangeles, photographer, photography

Cata's Video Jurnal in Barcelona

ROMANIA | Wed, 25 Sep 2013 | By catalinaeugeniamatei | Views [714] | Video

The economic crisis has hit Europe powerfully. Barcelona is a special case, not because they weren't hit by the crisis but for the solutions they found. Here they found a way of dealing with these problems that I didn't see in my country. The example ... Read more >

Tags: architecture, art, culture, factories, museum

Making an Exhibition of Myself in Makati

PHILIPPINES | Thu, 4 Jul 2013 | By martinbradley | Views [722]

It was back to that old ex-US military base at Clark, Manila, The Philippines. And it was for no other reason than there was an available flight. On this, my second trip to Makati City, one of the accumulated cities which comprise Manila, a Dutch tourist ... Read more >

Tags: art, asia, makati, manila, philippines

Photos: In my head

ITALY | Thu, 27 Jun 2013 | By perpendicularity | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I can not photograph what I have in my head but I can photograph what I decide to get into my head. Photography is for those who have no voice but he needs to shout. I need to tell my "shout". (sorry for my bad English and thank you for your attention)
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: art, italia, italy, messina, nature, photos, sea, sicilia, sicily, travel photography scholarship 2013

Hobart morphs into Gotham City.

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 21 Jun 2013 | By homeless_harry | Views [1796] | Video

Thanks to a gambler with more money than most African countries, Hobart is artier than an over-graffitied public toilet right now. And what the city offers is far more interesting than your Mum's phone number and the services she's highly skilled at.... Read more >

Tags: art, music, winter

Brussels day by day

BELGIUM | Thu, 13 Jun 2013 | By effyau | Views [510]

Arrived at the hostel in Belgium. It's quite nice, dorm of 6 girls and about to go wonder. I'm a little sad because i was getting used to the company and 'correcting' sentences when he didn't know the word. Brazil is pretty far away but it was nice to ... Read more >

Tags: art, brussels, manekin pis

A Pleasant Day in Provence

FRANCE | Wed, 12 Jun 2013 | By joannawong | Views [541]

I had a fabulous afternoon. After a nice sleep in today, I walked into the city centre to catch a bus to St. Remy de Provence. After doing some research last night and the long day I had, I decided against my original plan of seeing Aix-en-Provence, ... Read more >

Tags: art, buses, cities, european adventure, flowers, outdoors, sightseeing

Summer in Barcelona

SPAIN | Thu, 6 Jun 2013 | By joannawong | Views [434]

It's my last day in Barcelona! The weather has been perfect - sunny, warm with blue skies and a gorgeous sea breeze. This is what I've been waiting for. Aah summer!! Barcelona or Barca, is a bustling city which seems even more popular with tourists ... Read more >

Tags: art, beaches, cities, european adventure, landmarks, sightseeing

Last Day in Paris

FRANCE | Sun, 26 May 2013 | By joannawong | Views [545]

I have to be honest. I am feeling a little blue today. It feels strange being alone again after having my parents accompany me (sometimes grudgingly because I make them walk too much) for two and a half weeks. Seeing them leave today mean going back ... Read more >

Tags: art, cities, european adventure, food, friends, landmarks, museums, sightseeing

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