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There are [61] photos and [25] stories tagged with "california".

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My 30th in Vegas and road tripping through Cali

USA | Sun, 1 May 2016 | By a_johnson | Views [655] | Comments [2]

  I've not updated this blog for a LONG time so seeing as I'm on the road again having another adventure,I thought why not! The initial plan when we decided to do this trip last year was to just do a few days in Vegas for my 30th but then ... Read more >

Tags: california, food, grand canyon, roadtrippin, usa, vegas, west coast

Camping at Mesquite Springs

USA | Tue, 22 Mar 2016 | By stephmonahan | Views [456] | Comments [1]

Death Valley has recently gotten a lot of attention in the media for the superbloom that is currently happening in what seems like a desolate wasteland. This superbloom of wildflowers occurs only once every ten years or so. So naturally I wanted to witness ... Read more >

Tags: california, camping, death valley, hiking, national park, superbloom, wildflowers

Kieren Britton Schools you on how to TravelMy parents own a small home in Kimberley that they are r

USA | Tue, 26 Jan 2016 | By embaerk | Views [476]

Join us as we share the ongoing ADVENTURES of Kieren and "Herbus" (fitting name for this custom made traveling companion, as it is Her Bus rightfully so, EMBÆRK Ltd.)  We at EMBÆRK are inspired by her story and have teamed up to share ... Read more >

Tags: british columbia, bus, california, oregon, prairies, road trip, westcoast, world travel

Urban Exploration Road Trip 2015 - Post #1

USA | Fri, 5 Jun 2015 | By placesthatwere | Views [434] | Comments [1]

I've always dreamed of going on a road trip with no particular destination in mind, and stopping to explore any interesting places I happen upon. When I was laid off from my office job earlier this year, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to make ... Read more >

Tags: abandoned buildings, abandoned places, california, forgotten places, road trip, salton sea, urban exploration, urbex

Eating in Mendocino, CA: Little River Inn’s Crab Cakes

USA | Fri, 27 Feb 2015 | By jgreghenry | Views [627]

So, I’m in Mendocino sitting on a barstool at Little River Inn. I decide maybe it’s time to do a little whale-watching. After all, I’m in Mendocino. It’s possible to spot whales all year-round. A steady stream of California gray ... Read more >

Tags: california, dining, food, recipes, seafood

Stop #1 California

USA | Tue, 29 Jul 2014 | By rachelstewart2 | Views [876]

I´ve been to California almost 5 times now and I can safely say that I am no fan of Los Angeles. The city is smothered in thick smog and well Hollywood is disgusting. However, the main reason we have visited the sunshine state the last two times ... Read more >

Tags: california, generalgranttree, kingscanyon, nationalpark, roadtrip, sequoia, sequoianationalpark, usa

First time in a new world

USA | Wed, 4 Jun 2014 | By jazsnt | Views [461]

Stepping onto the ferry with anticipation, I glanced around at my fellow travelers. I could see couples holding hands, college kids and families all perched onto the front window of the boat with child-like excitement. We all venture out today to an ... Read more >

Tags: california, catalina, first time, island, pacific ocean, whale

APA Los Angeles Photography Night

USA | Mon, 28 Apr 2014 | By uyenangel | Views [605]

APA LOS ANGELES PHOTOGRAPHY NIGHT I had a good time with friends attending the APA collection of photography from Los Angeles photographers. The chosen photographers will get to book with their photo and other APA members’ photos.... Read more >

Tags: apa, art, california, event, losangeles, photographer, photography

Traversing through Joshua Tree National Park

USA | Thu, 2 Jan 2014 | By kurenai | Views [1220]

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Today I bring you a mini day-trip to California’s Joshua Tree National Park situated in the Mojave desert near Twentynine Palms. First off, as this is the high desert it will be a bit cooler than what ... Read more >

Tags: california, desert, hiking, joshua tree, national park

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Tue, 8 Jan 2013 | By henrylydecker | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

As my undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies draws to a close, I am deciding how I can apply my skills, interests, and knowledge in a career. I am passionate about photographing all the interactions and places around me because through photography ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: california, mono lake, travel photography scholarship 2012, usa

Photos: Mole the World

USA | Fri, 17 Aug 2012 | By acrossourworld | Photo Gallery

''We want to spread idea of ´moling´ - using that symbol in some art, funny or original way. There is no ´higher´ or political meaning, its big international fun, anyone can use it in his unique way and share the results.' http://www.moletheworld.com/
See all 33 photos >>

Tags: art proyect, california, castello di amorosa, glacier point, golden gate, half dome, mole the world, napa valley, oakland, san francisco

Photos: Yosemite Backcountry

USA | Thu, 2 Feb 2012 | By chrisaknight | Photo Gallery

Clarks Range Hike - 60 miles
See all 22 photos >>

Tags: california, hiking, yosemite

American Street Food - Following the Food Truck Trail

USA | Thu, 27 Oct 2011 | By connectlocally | Views [8266] | Comments [1]

If you travel abroad frequently then street food probably isn't anything new to you. From street stalls lining the streets of Bangkok to crepe carts in Paris street food is a part of the culture of many countries. However, while there are a lot of ... Read more >

Tags: america, california, connect locally, food trucks, street food, travel, usa

Roadtrippin’ USA

USA | Sat, 12 Mar 2011 | By ryanandjo | Views [3426] | Comments [2]

We arrived in Los Angeles in time for Oscar night, and even though I was incredibly excited to be there, I had forgotten my award-winning frock, so we decided to pick up a rental car and head out of town. After taking a few wrong turns out of the ... Read more >

Tags: arizona, california, death valley, grand canyon, hoover dam, las vegas, los angeles, nevada, utah, zion

a different west coast

USA | Mon, 3 Jan 2011 | By leah | Views [649]

After more than a year of silence on this journal, I figured I should probably give it some closure. I now reside in San Francisco with Seb. Check out the bits and pieces of our California life here: sfbitsandpieces.blogspot.com .

Tags: adventure, australia, bits and pieces, california, perth, san francisco, travel, united states, west coast

Wasteland Weekend: a post-apocalyptic campout experience

USA | Wed, 27 Oct 2010 | By kurenai | Views [8181] | Comments [6]

What: Mad Max -themed camp out weekend Where: the wastelands compound in the Californian desert When: October 22-24, 2010   What can I say about this event? It was the first of many; it was my first ‘themed’ campout experience.... Read more >

Tags: california, camping, desert, gothic, mad max, post-apocalyptic

Postcard from Monterey

USA | Sun, 26 Sep 2010 | By cherylb | Views [588]

Hello! Sorry I've been a bit slow with travel updates recently. Some brief news... We are on a home exchange in San Jose, which is about half an hour's drive from beautiful San Francisco. There's a great new listing on The Travelling Prince Home ... Read more >

Tags: california, clint eastwood, home exchange, monterey, movies, nelson mandela, oceanarium, rugby, san francisco, south africa

San Francisco

USA | Mon, 9 Jun 2008 | By julrich | Views [868]

I write as the Coastal Starlight, an Amtrak train, caresses the California coast on my way to Los Angeles, the only person in my sleeper cabin, sipping complimentary champagne. Now before your imagination takes flight, to spare my credit card ... Read more >

Tags: bay area, california, mission district, san francisco, sfo

Redwood National Park, California

USA | Mon, 19 May 2008 | By jomel | Views [745]

We did not yet have the camping and national parks out of our system so next stop was to see the giant redwoods in Redwood National Park in the far north west of California. We arrived at the Redwoods on Mon 19th May, that is 3 months ago (I'm a little ... Read more >

Tags: california, camping, redwood national park

Yosemite National Park, California

USA | Thu, 26 Apr 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [1940]

13. april Det tager 4 timer og 30 minutter at køre til Yosemite National Park fra The Bay Area (Menlo Park). På trods af 2 timers bjergkørsel, så finder en del RV's (recreationel vehicles) vej til dalen med de smukke vandfald og bjerge. Det betyder, ... Read more >

Tags: California

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