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There are [0] photos and [18] stories tagged with "finland".

Aurora, Helsinki, and the Numbers

FINLAND | Fri, 1 Apr 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [524]

Leaving Norway on an Aurora High My goal in going to Norway was realized in the end - I saw the northern lights!!! Going on guided light chases will certainly wreck your budget (see below), but it was totally worth it. You have to be able to get ... Read more >

Tags: aurora borealis, budget, finland, helsinki, northern lights, norway, sabbatical, solo, travel, tromsø

A Sunday Well Spent Brings a Week of Content

FINLAND | Mon, 28 Sep 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [348]

On our day off Tara, Lea and I headed to Pyha- Luosto National Park. It is known as 'A hikers Paradise' with over 150km of marked routes throughout the national park (my sister would be so jealous!) We caught a bus to Pyha which is an hour north ... Read more >

Tags: finland, hiking, lapland

That time I worked in a Husky Farm

FINLAND | Fri, 25 Sep 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [398] | Comments [1]

If you  asked me five years ago  today what I imagined doing with my life and I told you I was 60km North of the Arctic Circle in Finland and training my own Siberian husky sled dog team ,  I would have never believed you. But ... Read more >

Tags: finland, huskies, lapand

Aurora Borealis Extravaganza

FINLAND | Fri, 18 Sep 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [255]

If you ever have the opportunity to go and see the Aurora Borealis, GO. Plz. Since I have arrived in Finland I have been constantly checking the aurora forecast. September is one of the best times to see the northern lights and after a couple of weeks ... Read more >

Tags: aurora borealis, finland, lapland

Hiking to the Midnight Sun

FINLAND | Wed, 19 Aug 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [265]

When I arrived to Korvala I was staying with two other volunteers who I immediately bonded with. Kathleen from North Carolina and Rosie from Manchester. We all joked about the fact that an American a British and an Australian were all living together.... Read more >

Tags: finland, midnight sun, northen lights

In Transit

FINLAND | Mon, 29 Sep 2014 | By markoffdamap | Views [348]

  This story is slightkly out of date, since I've been in Prague for just over 20 hours, but since the stories of getting from one place to another are always entertaining, it's worth including this. Oh, and it was written in situ , so not a ... Read more >

Tags: airport, finland, hell, helsinki, tranist

Graffiti Central

GERMANY | Fri, 13 Jun 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Views [462]

Three days in Berlin.   Mentalness. I never realised how large Berlin was. I arrived on the Sunday and left on Wednesday which was nowhere near enough time. Arrived on Sunday evening and had my lovely friend Laura waiting me at the airport ... Read more >

Tags: art, berlin, europe, experience, finland, graffiti, on the road, sushi, tours, travel

Life. Panic. Breathe. Panic. Laughter

GERMANY | Sun, 25 May 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Views [488]

I finally finished all my uni work two weeks ago. The following two weeks involved a lot of cleaning, TV and reading. I watched films. GOOD films. I did nothing. Nothing is something that does not come naturally to me. I am constantly planning. I have ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, city, finland, germany, helsinki, nature, nessie, on the road, oulu, scotland

Photos: Best of the Baltic

DENMARK | Sat, 10 May 2014 | By sarahnicole | Photo Gallery

Pictures from a cruise around the Baltic Sea in 2012. Includes pictures in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, and Tallinn. I would include some from Amsterdam, but we mostly just visited the zoo there. =)
See all 91 photos >>

Tags: baltic sea, berlin, copenhagen, denmark, estonia, finland, germany, helsinki, st. petersburg, tallinn

Finnish Lapland to Norway - Natural Perspectives

FINLAND | Fri, 5 Jul 2013 | By mrniles | Views [252]

Its uncanny how when you stand at the bottom of the well, and look up at the sky, during the day time,...and the stars are visible. Its a scientific fact that the tunnel effect of the walls of the well act as a natural telescope and light diffuser. This ... Read more >

Tags: finland, finnish, lapland, norway, roadtrips


FINLAND | Thu, 5 Jul 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [1343]

I'd decided to take an 16 hour ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. It did feel like I'd be losing a day just to travel. This would be the first time I've ever travelled overnight on a ship. Which was why I got one that would arrive in the morning so ... Read more >

Tags: finland, fort, helsinki, sightseeing, suomenlinna, walking tour

Driving from Finland to Thailand

LAOS | Tue, 1 Mar 2011 | By karsoe | Views [688]

So after reading the preceding post, you may well ask, “What the hell are you doing in Vang Vieng then?” Fair enough. I never had any intention of visiting the town, and was in fact planning on heading directly from Luang Prabang to Vientiane.... Read more >

Tags: bus trip, finland, indochina, laos, road trip, southeast asia, thailand

5 Days and Counting...

AUSTRALIA | Wed, 23 Jun 2010 | By discoveringwonderland | Views [354]

After almost a year of planning, working, waiting and wondering my first real adventure is just 5 days away. I've been through different stages of emotion in my waiting process... Mostly impatience... apprehension...nervousness...excitement... and ... Read more >

Tags: before departure, finland, first trip

July - Wife-Carrying World Championship, Finland

FINLAND | Sat, 4 Jul 2009 | By worldfestivals | Views [4175]

Wife-Carrying World Championship. Photo by [jurvetson], Flickr.com Location: Market Square, Sonkajarvi, Finland Date: First Saturday in July Level of Participation: 5 – grab your partner by the legs Description: Running since 1992, this ... Read more >

Tags: finland, wife-carrying world championship, world festivals


FINLAND | Fri, 5 Sep 2008 | By brigitteag | Views [494] | Comments [1]

Finnland war für mich wie Nachhausekommen, sich wohl fühlen im Naturell der Menschen. Ruhe, Natur, Kargheit. Sehr schön, sehr kalt. Aber einen weiteren Besuch sicher wert!

Tags: finland

Helsinki - mildly disappointing...

FINLAND | Sun, 3 Aug 2008 | By nadscol | Views [769] | Comments [2]

I had been looking forward to going to Helsinki. I don’t know what I was expecting though. Whatever it was, Helsinki just didn’t live up to it. Yes I was a little tired after a festive night out the previous evening but I did get lots of sleep on the ... Read more >

Tags: finland

Party time in Finland

FINLAND | Sun, 3 Aug 2008 | By nadscol | Views [698] | Comments [1]

I had a very late night out, and probably a touch too much to drink. Sorry to all those people who received festive text messages but that’s just how I am. We had driven further south in Finland to a student town called Jyvaskyla. I was up for a night ... Read more >

Tags: finland

Ho ho ho etc.

FINLAND | Sat, 2 Aug 2008 | By nadscol | Views [537]

I’ve met the real Santa. Not the fake ones that they have in shopping malls and the like, but the real one, in Finland. He lives in a wonderfully commercial place above the Arctic Circle in a place called Rovaniemi. So ho ho ho and all that.   ... Read more >

Tags: finland


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