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There are [99] photos and [98] stories tagged with "laos".

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Reflections on Travels in Laos Over the Past Decade

LAOS | Sat, 26 Oct 2019 | By nw_dave | Views [192]

As Lori and I get ready to leave our home in Laos for the past three years, naturally, we've been reflecting a lot on our Laos travels over the past decade. Laos left such an impression on the two of us the first time around in 2012 that we decided ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, expat life, laos, motorbiking, southeast asia, trekking

Vientiane, Laos- Stories On Walls

LAOS | Sat, 10 Jun 2017 | By journeyjane | Views [477]

Vientiane, Laos- Stories on Walls 10/06/17-13/06/17 I'm sitting under the Patuxay (victory gate) in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. I have come here every day in the three days I've been here. The exterior of the structure has a very strong presence ... Read more >

Tags: laos

Long journeys, Borders and Culture Shocks

LAOS | Mon, 3 Apr 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [717]

We boarded the bus and were shown to the top deck and taken to our seats. The seats were pretty huge. They were about a seat and a half of a regular coach seat, if not wider, they reclined to about a 45 degree angle and had a foot rest that came up as ... Read more >

Tags: border crossings, buses, culture, laos, overnight, shock, sleeper bus, travel, tuk tuks, visas

Location 45 & 46: Luang Prabang & Vientiane, Laos

LAOS | Mon, 1 Aug 2016 | By nnystrom | Views [602]

Luang Prabang & Vientiane - Laos Vang Vieng was a very eventful few days, so leaving it was definitely a welcomed change.  I booked a ticket for a minivan to take me north to the UNESCO World Heritage City of Luang Prabang, where I would ... Read more >

Tags: laos, waterfalls


THAILAND | Thu, 10 Mar 2016 | By finally | Photo Gallery

LAOS Coffee plantations, waterfalls, and a cool climate are the highlights of the Bolaven Plateau that we had the luck to explore by motorbike. We drove so many kms on a small motorbike, never realized how uncomfortable it actually is to sit on one of ... Read more >
See all 17 photos >>

Tags: koh adang, laos, malaysia, thailand

Photos: Déjà la fin de notre mois au Vietnam!

VIETNAM | Mon, 8 Feb 2016 | By finally | Photo Gallery

Cette dernière semaine au Vietnam a été très intense en visites et aussi malheureusement très pluvieuse et froide. :-( HANOI Bien que nous ayons passé seulement 48 heures dans la capitale, nous avons pu voir beaucoup de choses grâce à notre Couchsurfing ... Read more >
See all 25 photos >>

Tags: baie dhalong, corruption, dien bien phu, frontière, hanoi, laos, sapa, vietnam

A shamans' blessings

LAOS | Fri, 1 Jan 2016 | By sweetcheeks03 | Views [519] | Comments [1]

As the day progressed, our tour guide and all time favorite guy, Phon, led us to his village. There we were ushered into a house and asked to sit interspersed between the village elders and head shaman. As we sat on the floor we were placed around an ... Read more >

Tags: blessings, laos, scary chicken, shaman

Alms for the monks

LAOS | Fri, 1 Jan 2016 | By sweetcheeks03 | Views [412]

5 am comes very early when you are determined to stay up till 12. Still on California time I stayed up even later, adrenaline and lack of sleepiness keeping me wide awake, but I was not about to miss the next day's events. We awoke before the morning ... Read more >

Tags: alms, laos, mekong river, monks, morning market, silk worms, sunrise

A Laotian New Year's Eve

LAOS | Thu, 31 Dec 2015 | By sweetcheeks03 | Views [456]

After a quick sleep in Bangkok I met the GFF group at the airport. In amps attempt to deal with numerous confusing interactions with airport people who had no idea what I was saying and vice versa, wrong directions, and utter confusion and chaos; I found ... Read more >

Tags: laos, nye, travels

Every Trip has a Beginning

THAILAND | Thu, 20 Aug 2015 | By cocolamb | Views [473]

  "Where am I?" You're working a journalism job any budding reporter would kill for. You travel the U.S. to sit up in air conditioned press boxes at U.S. Women's National Soccer team matches and you get to interview Alex Morgan and Abby ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, backpacker, cambodia, laos, maldives, southeast asia, sri lanka, thailand, travel, vietnam

Laos After Dark

LAOS | Tue, 31 Mar 2015 | By wtarmstrong | Views [635]

I’ve been mispronouncing Laos my entire life. It wasn’t until I started researching the country as a possible destination for this trip that I learned, it’s Laos like Cow, not Laos like Mouse. Turns out there were many things I didn’... Read more >

Tags: bridge, elephants, food, french, laos, luang prabang, mekong, monks, temples

36 Hours in Laos

THAILAND | Wed, 3 Dec 2014 | By drewsweet | Views [627] | Comments [1]

Things in Thailand are different than in the Western world. There is a common saying: “Mai pen rai,” which means “no worries/not a problem.” This saying is used quite liberally here, so much in fact that in order to assimilate ... Read more >

Tags: calm, lao tzu, laos, nong khai, peace, slow pace, sunsets, thailand

The Adventures of Mango and Sticky Rice

THAILAND | Sun, 24 Aug 2014 | By acuwarriorjs | Views [529]

It's Saturday night before we leave for the trip of a lifetime and I just found the perfect name for our journal. Welcome to Mango and Sticky Rice! In about 4 days, we will board a 14 hour flight to China. After fulfilling our required student duties ... Read more >

Tags: asia, beaches, buddhism, china, herbs, india, laos, sri lanka, thailand

7 Km de oscuridad

LAOS | Thu, 5 Jun 2014 | By miguel_rubi | Views [534]

Una de las excursiones que más valen la pena en Laos es, sin duda, la cueva de Kong Lor, y llegar ahí fue una larga aventura. Tomamos un autobús desde Vientiane cuyo destino final era el poblado de Kong Lor, a sólo un 1 ... Read more >

Tags: kong lo, laos

Vientiane... poco qué decir

LAOS | Sat, 31 May 2014 | By miguel_rubi | Views [494]

En esta visita aprendimos que no siempre tienes que visitar la capital de un país para visitarlo de verdad. Si bien es cierto que no has estado en Francia sin ver París, o no has estado en Inglaterra si no has visto Londres, la ló... Read more >

Tags: laos, precios, viantiane

Vang Vieng, después del caos

LAOS | Sat, 31 May 2014 | By miguel_rubi | Views [749]

Llegamos a la que un día fue "la Meca de los mochileros", y una parada indiscutible en la "Banana Pancake Trail", sólo que ahora este pequeño poblado en Laos está más tranquilo, y casi en quiebra... Hasta hace menos ... Read more >

Tags: laos, tubing, vang vieng

Un paraíso y mil bombas

LAOS | Mon, 19 May 2014 | By miguel_rubi | Views [675]

Si hay un sitio que uno no puede perderse de Laos, ese es el pequeño paraíso de Nong Khiaw: dos pueblos separados por el río Nam Ou y unidos por un único puente, abrazados por un paisaje kárstico que simplemente le ... Read more >

Tags: bombas, guerra de vietnam, laos, nong khiaw

Lovely in Laos

LAOS | Sat, 21 Dec 2013 | By lalo11 | Views [1188]

The Mekong River divides Thailand and Laos which makes for an interesting border crossing. A bus to immigration to exit one, another bus across the bridge to enter the other. Arrived in the capital Vietiane. Very European with grand buildings and evidence ... Read more >

Tags: laos, mountains, temples

Koh Rong, Kampot, and the long road north

CAMBODIA | Sun, 10 Nov 2013 | By rutha90 | Views [2120]

I'm sorry I'm so awful at updating this thing...but I'm not sorry that I'm having too much fun and have no time to do it!! Let's start where I left off. I was heading to an island off the coast of Cambodia. That island, Koh Rong, was spectacular.... Read more >

Tags: bokor, border crossing, cambodia, kampot, koh rong, laos, national park, paradise


LAOS | Wed, 3 Jul 2013 | By harper1 | Views [497]

7 th April, 2013 The sound of rain pouring from the drains is such a welcoming sound after the 40 degree day on Don Det, Laos. I lay in my hammock on the balcony of my bungalow, kindle in hand and I couldn’t be more relaxed. This weirdly fantastic ... Read more >

Tags: laos, mekong

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