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There are [33] photos and [42] stories tagged with "museum".

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BANGLADESH | Wed, 2 Nov 2022 | By krodin | Views [120]

Dhaka I had wanted to come to Bangladesh for a couple of reasons: firstly, I know nothing about the country as a country, and secondly, there are a number of ancient Hindu and Buddhist sacred sites in this predominantly Muslim country, and I wanted ... Read more >

Tags: city, museum, temples, traffic

A Journey Through Time: Fethiye and the Lycian Coast

TURKEY | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [223]

FETHIYE   After visiting a number of Eastern and Northern European capital cities and their national museums, I wanted to take a few days somewhere surrounded by ancient historical sites and nature to work on these blogs.  The Lycian ... Read more >

Tags: archeological sites, beach, history, museum, towns

Paracas to Nasca

PERU | Wed, 10 Oct 2018 | By mattso | Views [518]

Pisco sours are sneaky! They go down all too easily with your freshly grilled fish and scallops, and leave you with furry brain lag the next morning! But I'll go back for more, in a couple of days. We started the day with a drive to the Julio C. Tello ... Read more >

Tags: desert, geoglyphs, mummies, museum


UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS | Mon, 31 Jul 2017 | By santiagoribeiro | Views [935] | Comments [1]

Tags: museum, new york, surrealism now, times square

Cape Town Day 1-2

USA | Sun, 16 Jul 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [995]

After a 9 hour and 45-minute flight we made it to Cape Town, South Africa.  It is nice to know we do not have another flight for about 3 weeks!  When we arrived both girls claimed it was a quick flight and they barely slept on the ride. ... Read more >

Tags: apartheid, cape town, museum, slavery, south africa

Celebration of Women and War

VIETNAM | Fri, 28 Apr 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [573]

A lot of the sights in Hanoi you can see just walking around the city. The traffic alone is a sight in itself, the real hustle and bustle draws you in and it's unnerving how quickly you become a part of it. A few days ago the need to cross a road had ... Read more >

Tags: celebrating women, culture, hanoi, history, marriage, museum, travel, vietnam, war, women

The Welly rites of passage

NEW ZEALAND | Sun, 8 Nov 2015 | By wheresmypants | Views [465]

When a person visits Wellington, it seems like the unanimous urging from books, magazines, guides, locals, etc. is, "you Must go to Te Papa!!!" This is a free and very extensive national museum near the water front. So I wandered around trying to ... Read more >

Tags: birth control, botanical gardens, cocktail bars, museum, te papa, waterfront, wellington

About suffering, they were never wrong, the old masters

FRANCE | Wed, 16 Sep 2015 | By kakimono | Views [427]

Sunday, Laure had to work, so she arranged for me to spend the day with some of the other anglophones from the day before. This turned out to be both Sarahs, because they were up and the other two weren’t. (To make matters worse, American Sarah ... Read more >

Tags: art, books, middle ages, museum, renaissance

Let’s go to “The Beach” – at DC’s National Building Museum

USA | Fri, 24 Jul 2015 | By kurenai | Views [555]

This exhibit has been making the rounds on newspapers and social media. It is a completely white indoor ball pit with beach chairs and against the wall tables to buy booze and food. My inner 5-year-old was thrilled at the idea and looking at pictures ... Read more >

Tags: ball pit, beach, fun, museum, washington d.c.

I am trying to buy some hashish

PORTUGAL | Sat, 30 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [575]

That must be what the message was I was conveying yesterday in Lisbon-that I am trying to buy drugs. At least 8 guys, mostly middle-age to older tried to sell me drugs.  And these guys are persistant. I found that yelling "I DON'T DO DRUGS" at the ... Read more >

Tags: lisbon, museum

London Natural History and Science Museum

AUSTRALIA | Wed, 13 May 2015 | By eryn_with_a_y | Views [549]

I have a lot of content hanging around from my 2007 trip to Europe, and after finding the World Nomads site I got travel nostalgia and want to share my musing with you. We start in London, with 24 year old me and my (now) husband Tim. First, a note ... Read more >

Tags: backpack, dinosaur, history, london, museum, natural, science, travel, uk


UNITED KINGDOM | Tue, 12 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [502]

Yesterday I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.  I was there for 4 hours or so. I learned that many things we're invented in Manchester, such as the steam press for making clothes, as well as the first all-steam railroad. ... Read more >

Tags: museum, piss

Culinary and museum tours

TURKEY | Mon, 6 Apr 2015 | By gnome-san | Views [472]

The food of Istanbul is as varied as the sites: friendly pastry chefs with piles of sweets on a tray, spices in colorful display, coffee strongly brewed over charcoal on the street, dried fruits by the 100grams, Easter egg displays in the candy shop ... Read more >

Tags: assyrian, coffee, hittite, museum

The King In The North! (What, I'm leaving the north island and reading Game if Thrones)

NEW ZEALAND | Sat, 8 Feb 2014 | By elizabethkfmurphy | Views [547]

The north island of New Zealand was a lot more exciting than people give it credit for. Danielle and had some really amazing experiences that you have (hopefully) already read about. From Waitomo, to Hobbiton, Rotorua and Tongariro, it has definitely ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, museum, new zealand, surf highway, wellington

The Beautiful Quito

ECUADOR | Tue, 31 Dec 2013 | By kaitlynhennessy | Views [1294] | Comments [1]

I could definitely get used to waking up to the sounds of roosters. It’s just like I always imagined as a kid! Sure, 5:45 came around early, but the quiet, beautiful city made it all worth it. Christine and I went to Mass at the church down the ... Read more >

Tags: city tour, dead pigeons, jesus, museum

Hanoi - Day 2

VIETNAM | Sat, 19 Oct 2013 | By globalgabi | Views [452]

Had an earned sleep-in (had gone for almost 50hrs since getting up Thu morning) and gone to bed at midnight as out with group from Hanoi Internations at night on dinner cruise. Enjoyed meeting all those different people, even 3 Germans, a few Brits, ... Read more >

Tags: biking in hanoi, hanoi, museum

Perth is a mixed bag

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 18 Oct 2013 | By travelerjess | Views [421]

It is coming to the end of my 6 week adventure of Perth, Australia and it has been pretty interesting. Though most of the time I have been at my aunt and uncle's place relaxing, there have been the occasional time when I have been out and enjoyed what ... Read more >

Tags: australia, museum, perth

Cata's Video Jurnal in Barcelona

ROMANIA | Wed, 25 Sep 2013 | By catalinaeugeniamatei | Views [714] | Video

The economic crisis has hit Europe powerfully. Barcelona is a special case, not because they weren't hit by the crisis but for the solutions they found. Here they found a way of dealing with these problems that I didn't see in my country. The example ... Read more >

Tags: architecture, art, culture, factories, museum


NEW ZEALAND | Thu, 4 Jul 2013 | By hannahhackett | Views [642]

We started our travels in New Zealand with a visit to Jodee and Rupert in Wellington (for those that don't know, Jodee and I worked together at PwC in Cambridge before she took a secondment to Wellington and never came back!).  We arrived on Sunday ... Read more >

Tags: ferry, moon, museum, views, wellington

The park on top of a castle

ALBANIA | Mon, 17 Jun 2013 | By josephuck | Views [1215] | Comments [2]

Already time seems to be propelling forward at a rate much quicker than on the humble British Isles. Surely we all feel that; whenever we are abroad, time just slips away, faded into history, to be remembered as digital photographs and plastic souvenirs.... Read more >

Tags: albania, castle, cycling, lake, museum, plumber, tourism, watches

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