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There is [1] photo and [17] stories tagged with "towns".

A Few Days in Salvador and Morro de Sãu Paulo, Bahia

BRAZIL | Sat, 2 Sep 2023 | By krodin | Views [146] | Video

A Few Days in Salvador & Morro de Sãu Paulo After a week in Chapada Diamantina, it was time to head to the beach and the capital of Bahia, Salvador. This city is the oldest in Brazil and was once its colonial capital. The elite lived on ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, churches, museums, towns


SLOVENIA | Thu, 28 Jul 2022 | By krodin | Views [157]

Zagreb and Ljubljana Flew to Zagreb from London on Friday to visit the National and City Museums.  Unfortunately, both are still closed due to renovations caused by earthquake damage.  The rest of the city was also pretty barren as everyone ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

After 50 Years: Returning to Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wed, 27 Jul 2022 | By krodin | Views [190]

After 50 Years: Returning to Prague  The last time I was in Prague, in August 1972, I was greeted at the border by guards with guns who tore the seats out of my VW beetle looking for contraband, which they promptly found. My girlfriend and Olympic ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

A Journey Through Time: Fethiye and the Lycian Coast

TURKEY | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [223]

FETHIYE   After visiting a number of Eastern and Northern European capital cities and their national museums, I wanted to take a few days somewhere surrounded by ancient historical sites and nature to work on these blogs.  The Lycian ... Read more >

Tags: archeological sites, beach, history, museum, towns

Pristina- caught between past and present

KOSOVO | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [188]

PRISTINA Took the bus from Belgrade to Pristina, which took just under six hours and cost less than E20.  There are a couple of control points during the journey, so it was good to have the ID and passport handy.  While Serbia still considers ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

Belgrade Impressions

SERBIA | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [201]

BELGRADE Arrived in almost 30 degrees C Belgrade from 8 degrees C Stockholm. After all the extremely long lines to get through security at Arlanda Airport, getting into Serbia was a breeze.  The cab ride into town didn’t take too long ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 4: Helsinki

FINLAND | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [160]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 4 HELSINKI I arrived in Helsinki via a quick two hour ferry from Tallinn. The ferry was huge as it is used as a main transport link between Estonia ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

The Columbian Caribbean Coast: Tayrona to Cartagena

COLOMBIA | Thu, 30 Dec 2021 | By krodin | Views [304]

The Columbian Caribbean Coast  Tayrona National Park is perhaps the most famous park in the country and for good reason. The rainforest mountainsides roll down like waves of multi-hued greens to meet the whitewater waves of the sea. The Santa ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cities, history, museums, national park, towns

A November Day in Bogota

COLOMBIA | Wed, 1 Dec 2021 | By krodin | Views [216]

November Day in Bogota Arrived late at night, so I didn’t see much when I got in other than the lights on the top of the surrounding mountains.  The cab driver was kind enough to explain that they were the lights from the Virgin of Guadalupe ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

Breezing through Bulgaria

BULGARIA | Wed, 10 Nov 2021 | By krodin | Views [223]

Breezing Through Bulgaria Bulgaria is a land filled with mystery and beauty. I traveled to Bulgaria to visit the National Museums of Archeology in various cities in order to learn more about the ancient Thracians and their deities, but was hit with ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

All Hallow's Eve in Peles and Bran Castles

ROMANIA | Mon, 1 Nov 2021 | By krodin | Views [200]

All Hallow’s Eve in Peles and Bran Castles  As I only had a limited time in Romania and did want to get into the countryside, I did what I normally do not do, which is book a day trip group tour to Peles and Bran Castles and Brasov. I wanted ... Read more >

Tags: castles, history, museums, towns

In Search of Ancient Tomis

ROMANIA | Mon, 1 Nov 2021 | By krodin | Views [183]

In search of Ancient Tomis  According to The ancient city of Tomis: Roman Frontier within the Cross-border Region Romania-Bulgaria by the Archeological Foundation of Romania, the Tomis Melesian colony was established as a trade center in the ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

A Day in the Old Town and Museums in Bucharest

ROMANIA | Sun, 31 Oct 2021 | By krodin | Views [198]

A Day in the Old Town and Museums of Bucharest  I had wanted to get to Bucharest and to Romania for awhile, but the timing was never quite right.  I now had two weeks to visit museums and ancient sites in Romania and Bulgaria while friends ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

Pakistan 1 - Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Swat Museums etc.

PAKISTAN | Tue, 12 Oct 2021 | By krodin | Views [244]

Pakistan 1: National Museums etc. in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Swat  Arrived in Karachi without any idea of what this trip would bring. I had tried on numerous occasions to travel to Pakistan, but something always came up.  After ... Read more >

Tags: cities, history, museums, towns

Adriatic Coast - Week 2 A, Northern Albania and Western North Macedonia

MACEDONIA | Thu, 8 Jul 2021 | By krodin | Views [223]

Week 2a  - Adriatic Coast + Northern Albania to Western North Macedonia It turned out that Velipoje is right on the coast, and it was here that I found our hotel.  The dark grey sandy beach is extensive. It stretches from the town area about ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cities, history, museums, towns

Spain - Living Small

SPAIN | Thu, 22 Jun 2017 | By guild_family_of_3 | Views [620]

Living Small One thing we are getting used to more and more as we go along is living smaller. Smaller living space, smaller luggage, even in terms of living more locally. These are all things that I am, for the most part, enjoying. We started by staying ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, cities, living small, towns

Off the Beaten Path: Uzbekistan

UZBEKISTAN | Fri, 10 Jun 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [3503] | Comments [2]

Uzbekistan takes you back to ancient days when ambitious traders and fearless travelers walked its cobbled roads in search of treasures to trade and a place to rest.  Today Uzbekistan is still very much as it was centuries ago, with mazes of cobbled streets ... Read more >

Tags: asia, off the beaten path, places, silk route, tashkent, towns, travel tips, unesco heritage sites, uzbekistan


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