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There are [0] photos and [20] stories tagged with "castles".

All Hallow's Eve in Peles and Bran Castles

ROMANIA | Mon, 1 Nov 2021 | By krodin | Views [199]

All Hallow’s Eve in Peles and Bran Castles  As I only had a limited time in Romania and did want to get into the countryside, I did what I normally do not do, which is book a day trip group tour to Peles and Bran Castles and Brasov. I wanted ... Read more >

Tags: castles, history, museums, towns

Visiting Ireland 🇮🇪 St Patrick's Day 2016

UNITED KINGDOM | Wed, 25 Jan 2017 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [482]

So today marked day 1  of a 4 day trip back to Ireland  I flew from Gatwick to Cork on Ryan Air  I have several blog posts from my last trip  Which were very popular  So I'm ... Read more >

Tags: blarney, castles, cooking, cork, exploring, history, ireland

France - Part 1 - May

FRANCE | Wed, 1 Jun 2016 | By iain_and_tamara | Views [926] | Comments [1]

This is where it all started. Shortly after completing my school years I read Peter Mayall's famous book "A Year In Provence" and since that point have always wanted to spend a year in France, it would undoubtably be as full of crazy locals, obscure ... Read more >

Tags: brittany, byeaux, castles, chateaux, d-day, loire, normandy, versailles

Yvoire, France

FRANCE | Sun, 6 Sep 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [394]

Last night, as I strolled through Lausanne with Sarina, Craig and Baby Malia, I felt the blissful, sudden on-set of euphoria that always appears shortly after I begin a new adventure. These moments are precious: the early stages of travel when bonds ... Read more >

Tags: castles, ferry, france, freedom, languages

In the wild North... (c)

GERMANY | Tue, 2 Jun 2015 | By nazarshowing | Views [304]

Actually Jena does not look like the wild North. But at one moment it did. Let me start from the very beginning. Lobeda was almost a city during Medieval - it had appropriate rights and a duke, who was very rich. But in the 14th century something ... Read more >

Tags: castles, europe

It doesn't mean we're lost! (c)

GERMANY | Tue, 26 May 2015 | By nazarshowing | Views [295]

This trip took place some years ago, when I came to Germany to visit my friend. We came to many places that time, including Berlin, Erfurt and some other cities and towns in the East of Germany. I must say that every journey of mine has a single trip, ... Read more >

Tags: castles, europe, we are lost

Surf From Coast to Coast (Really, drive along a single coast)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 21 Sep 2014 | By kakimono | Views [394]

Our exit from the Best Western was the speediest par t of the day. Most of the rest of it consisted of driving leisurely along the coast, stopping whenever we saw something interesting. We only had two firm points of interest- St. Andrews because ... Read more >

Tags: castles, driving, hilton, hotel, lighthouse

Photos: Around Scotland

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 15 May 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Flickr Photo Gallery

I have spent my past 4 years in Aberdeen, Scotland doing university studies. During that time I have travelled here and there.
See photo slideshow >>

Tags: animals, beautiful, castles, cows, landscape, scotland, seagulls, travelling, uk

Munich and the Royal Castles

GERMANY | Tue, 6 May 2014 | By mattso | Views [960] | Comments [1]

We managed to survive the first afternoon in this city named after it's 4th century monks (München) but only just! I think the snow in Innsbruck was a few degrees warmer than here! But as any good tourist does on coming to a new place, they get ... Read more >

Tags: castles, sightseeing

Transylvanian Castles

ROMANIA | Thu, 24 Apr 2014 | By mattso | Views [606]

Our Transylvanian Castles Tour took us a couple of hours out of Bucharest in a 12-seater coaster. We had the company of a group of elderly Belgians, a couple of Italian blokes and an American (or Canadian?) couple, and were guided by one of the natives ... Read more >

Tags: castles, sightseeing

Photos: Compositions and Forms

GERMANY | Fri, 11 Jan 2013 | By zazen | Photo Gallery

Archetectural forms and functions
See all 33 photos >>

Tags: castles, contrast and architecture

Bavarian adventure

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 4 Jan 2013 | By zazen | Views [276] | Comments [1]

Its a chilly -10deg in Neuschwanstein German Austrian border.... A valley that caters for skiiers, tourists and photographers alike. Once inside the castels of Neuschwanstein and around the surrounds one imediately is absorbed with gigantic labour ... Read more >

Tags: bavaria, castles

Schloss Nymphenburg's 10 Best Sights

GERMANY | Sun, 26 Aug 2012 | By allie_way | Views [3623]

Warning: This journal entry is written from by a fangirl. There may be gushing, drooling and eye-twinkling laced throughout the story. Princesses, castles, knights and ballrooms. Golden mirrors, tall ceilings, rococo everywhere you look.  If ... Read more >

Tags: bavaria, beautiful, carriages, castles, empress sissi, ludwig ii, munich, palaces, schloss nymphenburg

My European adventure

CZECH REPUBLIC | Thu, 14 Jun 2012 | By ruthygirl | Views [496]

This adventure took me to Prague, Germany (Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Rasefeld) and Amsterdam. It was a fascinating experience as I toured historical sites, rode the rails, and met great people who opened their homes to me as a guest and a friend. It ... Read more >

Tags: castles, food, planes, prague, trains, trams

Delightful Denmark

DENMARK | Tue, 28 Jun 2011 | By drmitch | Views [764]

It was a long trip down to Copenhagen. We left at 7am and after only 45 minutes on the train we had to change to another train and then onto a bus to Gotenburg due to an accident on the line. I finally arrived in Copenhagen mid-... Read more >

Tags: castles, copenhagen, hamlet, helsingor, jules verne, tivoli park

Wales weekend

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 14 Jan 2011 | By drmitch | Views [572]

A three day weekend is too good an opportunity to pass up on some exploring, and so I decided to make the most of my time off and had back to Wales to see more of the country. I booked 2 nights in a lovely little B&B near the town of Cowbridge, ... Read more >

Tags: caerphilly, castles, cowbridge, major llantwit, roman ruins, wales, waterfalls

Photos: Various pics from my travels

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 29 Jul 2010 | By stowaway | Flickr Photo Gallery

Assorted pics from my travels from my flickr account
See photo slideshow >>

Tags: castles, easter island, flickr, ireland, palmyra, photos, plane wreck, vanuatu, wadi rum

Leaving Tokyo

JAPAN | Fri, 21 May 2010 | By noflyzone | Views [1546]

Here we are, over one month into our journey and three quarters of the way into a 12 hr train ride from Danang to Nha Thrang. So far, not flying feels like a good decision. Some of the travel has been uncomfortable, but mostly we've enjoyed the slowly ... Read more >

Tags: castles, hot springs, japan, trains

Castles, castles, castles!

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 2 Oct 2009 | By livy | Views [493]

One of the significant things about our adventure has been that we’ve been able to visit sites that have been significant to us in terms of literature, art and film as well as those significant historically.  Today was a cool day for this.... Read more >

Tags: castles, edinburgh castle

Castles, Ball Games, Bike Rallies and Volcanoes

JAPAN | Sun, 30 Aug 2009 | By bundynbeaches | Views [2127]

Last weekend I got invited to to go along to a Baseball game between Japan's top two teams in Fukuoka. Why not? Never been to a ball game, and was not disappointed. Only knowing the most basic of the rules, I sat up there behind the guy who catches the ... Read more >

Tags: bikes, castles, games, volcanoes


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