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There are [9] photos and [12] stories tagged with "cows".

Day 11

HAITI | Sat, 19 Nov 2016 | By jessicainhaiti | Views [346]

Day 11- A moto trip to ‘Little Clinic’ and buying Haitian souvenirs   The alarm wakes me up and I slowly get up. I go out to the dining room and pour some coffee. I make a couple of pieces of toast and eat. I get ready for the ... Read more >

Tags: cows, haitian treasures, little clinic

Loch Ness

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 21 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [455]

Yesterday,  I checked out of the Britannia and started my 3 day tour of Loch Ness and Skye-I don't know what skye is of course.  The guide is a very nice, enthusiastic man.  Of all the countries and tour guides  I have heard in ... Read more >

Tags: cows, loch ness, scotland

Things I Worry About Now

INDIA | Sun, 25 Jan 2015 | By lucitravels | Views [422]

If I eat dosas and rice three times a day every day will I be able to fit in the airplane seat home? How to divide everything I buy with rupees by 61 to see how many dollars I spend Why I ever buy anything in America If I walk across the ... Read more >

Tags: american, bartering, clothing, cows, eating, india, lists, puppies, rupees, traffic

Photos: Around Scotland

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 15 May 2014 | By hetahannaloviisa | Flickr Photo Gallery

I have spent my past 4 years in Aberdeen, Scotland doing university studies. During that time I have travelled here and there.
See photo slideshow >>

Tags: animals, beautiful, castles, cows, landscape, scotland, seagulls, travelling, uk

Creepy Old Men

ECUADOR | Sat, 4 Jan 2014 | By kaitlynhennessy | Views [1945] | Comments [1]

After three days in Cuenca, it feels like home. Our legs have stopped aching from the 40-minute walk to school and we can almost breathe normally with the altitude. Actually, to be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to breathe normally ... Read more >

Tags: cows, creepy old men, museums, tours, zip line

Sheep Wrestling and Cattle Wrangling

NEW ZEALAND | Wed, 17 Apr 2013 | By gillthompson | Views [834]

My HelpX experiences did not end in Wanaka.  After leaving the kennels, I hitched a ride down to Invercargill - a booming metropolis in the deep south of New Zealand.  The Southland region is home to two types of people - sheep farmers and ... Read more >

Tags: cows, helpx, new zealand, sheep

Gokarna, Karnataka

INDIA | Sun, 7 Apr 2013 | By paulpiorun | Views [1220] | Comments [1]

DELHI BELLY STRIKES! (Prematurely I may add since we haven't arrived there yet) but yeah, errr through the eye of a needle for 3 days ... I'll say no more.  Other than that little problem Gokarna was lovely athough a bit on the quiet side. As per ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cows


INDIA | Sun, 10 Feb 2013 | By sian-ellis | Views [290]

Our journey from London to Gopalpur entailed a flight to Mumbai, a five hour wait in the airport, a connecting flight to Bhubaneswar, and a four hour coach journey to Gopalpur. The most interesting leg of our journey was the four hour coach trip. This ... Read more >

Tags: cows, india

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

INDONESIA | Sun, 13 Jan 2013 | By lieshabear | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hello, I’m Liesha. When people meet me in daily life, they will find a typical cubicle creature, the one wearing formal business suit, staring at the computer from eight to five. Well, that’s not the real me. The real me is a girl with sneakers, jeans, ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: cows, indonesia, market day, travel photography scholarship 2012

Today is the DAY.... KL baby!!!!

MALAYSIA | Wed, 26 Dec 2012 | By lozza | Views [576]

AAAAHHHHH!!! I'm so excited that its TODAY!! I have a quick viber chat with mum, dad and my BRUUUU which was a lovely way to start the day, esp cos it is Christmas.. But it wasn't for long, cos I didn't want to miss my train. I get downstairs to ... Read more >

Tags: cows, drunk, jugs, kuala lumpur, leaving, roof top, train, waiting

Photos: Sublime India

INDIA | Wed, 31 Oct 2012 | By avalyn | Photo Gallery

March to May 2012 a Ramana Marhashi Ashram experience and all the rest that goes with India
See all 25 photos >>

Tags: ashram, boats, buildings, colour, cows, india, ramana, retreat, spiritual, streets

A dose of Basant Panchmi, elections and stray cows

INDIA | Mon, 16 Jul 2012 | By bonnie | Views [862]

January 28, 2012 Basant Panchmi Day. The villagers were up at 4am in preparation for the day (ok, I admit I was still fast asleep). First was a full body wash - no mean feat in a Himalayan winter -then off to the khet  (field) field to collect some ... Read more >

Tags: cows, elections, india, khati, new born baby, uttarakhand


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