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There are [2] photos and [26] stories tagged with "churches".

A Few Days in Salvador and Morro de Sãu Paulo, Bahia

BRAZIL | Sat, 2 Sep 2023 | By krodin | Views [179] | Video

A Few Days in Salvador & Morro de Sãu Paulo After a week in Chapada Diamantina, it was time to head to the beach and the capital of Bahia, Salvador. This city is the oldest in Brazil and was once its colonial capital. The elite lived on ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, churches, museums, towns

Pristina- caught between past and present

KOSOVO | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [194]

PRISTINA Took the bus from Belgrade to Pristina, which took just under six hours and cost less than E20.  There are a couple of control points during the journey, so it was good to have the ID and passport handy.  While Serbia still considers ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

Belgrade Impressions

SERBIA | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [209]

BELGRADE Arrived in almost 30 degrees C Belgrade from 8 degrees C Stockholm. After all the extremely long lines to get through security at Arlanda Airport, getting into Serbia was a breeze.  The cab ride into town didn’t take too long ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 4: Helsinki

FINLAND | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [167]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 4 HELSINKI I arrived in Helsinki via a quick two hour ferry from Tallinn. The ferry was huge as it is used as a main transport link between Estonia ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, museums, towns

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 3: Tallinn

ESTONIA | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [175]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 3 TALLINN It was cold, but sunny, and there are very few people in the Old Town. It seems the tourist season doesn’t start until well into ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 2: Vilnius

LITHUANIA | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [194]

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe 2 VILNIUS The hill behind Cathedral Square with castle ruins and an old (reconstructed) tower is named after King Geminidas. During his family’... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

Kings, Grand Dukes, Town Councils and Tsars 1: Krakau

POLAND | Sun, 5 Jun 2022 | By krodin | Views [153]

Kings, Grand Duke, Town Councils and Tsars: A Brief Excursion to Historical Northeastern Europe  Originally, I had planned on including Lviv and Kiev in my itinerary to medieval cities in Northeast Europe, but the war in the Ukraine changed ... Read more >

Tags: churches, cities, history, medieval towns, museums

Advent in Brussels

BELGIUM | Tue, 17 Dec 2019 | By krodin | Views [306]

Advent in Brussels  Christmas lights hang across the streets, on signposts, on man-made and nature-created trees and on the roofs of all the Plasir d’Hiver market stalls. Crèche dominate squares and churches. Welcome to Advent ... Read more >

Tags: advent markets, churches, city visit, museums

A Quick Jaunt to Western Sicily

ITALY | Thu, 16 May 2019 | By krodin | Views [613]

Quick Jaunt to Sicily  I’ve been looking for a house in the Salzburg region and have been incredibly frustrated with what is on the market for exorbitant prices.  In order to escape a cyclone of despair, I looked for cheap flights ... Read more >

Tags: ancient ruins, churches, city visit, museums

Rainy day highlights in southern Dalmatia

CROATIA | Sat, 17 Nov 2018 | By shire_girl | Views [352]

Perhaps what I will remember most of visiting these places with my Colorado friend is talking at cafes and restaurants down narrow cobblestone streets while waiting for better weather, and alternately being soaked by the rain. Out of about 7 days we ... Read more >

Tags: cats, churches, city walls, concerts, diocletians palace, dubrovnik, museum of broken relationships, split, zagreb


INDIA | Fri, 12 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [769]

It's only about 110kms to Puducherry (formerly known as Pondicherry) but as most of the road from Tiruvannamalai is not highway, it takes around three hours. From the main Chennai road, the toll national highway is a pleasure. I muse whether NH66 could ... Read more >

Tags: ashok tree, bay of bengal, churches, colonialism, french, pondicherry, pondy, puducherry, tamil

It's a Small World (It seems)

INDIA | Mon, 21 Dec 2015 | By davidford | Views [392]

One of the best things about writing this blog is choosing the accompanying photograph. Today it is from the Pineview Nursery where I spent a very pleasant hour or so in the end. It did not start out so well as, having vaunted my new found ability to ... Read more >

Tags: churches, nursery, walks

Greece Part Two - Northern Greece

GREECE | Wed, 18 Nov 2015 | By iain_and_tamara | Views [871] | Comments [1]

Give us a chance to tour around northern Greece with an expert in Byzantine architecture and we'll take it! My cousin Gabriel is currently studying for a doctorate at Durham University and to say that he is obsessed with Byzantine Churches would probably ... Read more >

Tags: byzantine, churches, northern greece

San Cristobal - our final destination in Mexico

MEXICO | Tue, 30 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [627]

We came to San Cristobal last as it was apparently the main gateway to continue our travels south to Guatemala. When we asked our hostel reception about buses to Flores to visit one of the best ruins in the world - Tikal we were advised they don't leave ... Read more >

Tags: churches, guatemala, hot chocolate, markets, san cristobal, shops, streets, tacos

Pounding plenty of Spanish pavements.

SPAIN | Wed, 25 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [1006] | Comments [1]

Something itched under my armpit. Before I knew it, there was a strange sensation of moisture on my skin. It was sweat, something my body had forgotten how to do. It's not like I had returned to Broome where sweating is as normal, and as necessary as ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, beer, churches, heat, markets, parades, spain

Cannibis, culture and constipation.

NETHERLANDS | Tue, 24 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [1125]

Amsterdam is a Utopian wonderland for your average teenage stoner. Drugs are either legal or tolerated. Bikes are the main form of transportation so it's easy to go get munchies without being busted DWI. Dutch potato chips enjoy world renown. Prostitution ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, churches, health, netherlands, weed


GERMANY | Wed, 31 Jul 2013 | By joannawong | Views [635]

Visiting Dresden was a sombre experience, knowing that it was the most heavily-bombed city in WWII. It is such a stark contrast to Prague, which never took a blow from the war physically and was so well-preserved. Walking from the train station ... Read more >

Tags: buildings, churches, cities, european adventure, sightseeing

Quake City

NEW ZEALAND | Fri, 5 Jul 2013 | By hannahhackett | Views [558]

Christchurch is a bit of a city in limbo at the moment.  It may be over 2 years since the Feb 2011 earthquake that destroyed the heart of the city but that event still defines life in the city and probably will for a generation, until the memories ... Read more >

Tags: antarctic, churches, earthquake, kiwis, memorial

Colonial Charm

BRAZIL | Fri, 12 Apr 2013 | By a_johnson | Views [484]

After spending over two weeks along the Brazilian coastline, my next destination was Minas Gerais! A seven hour bumpy journey, on an overnight bus through VERY windy uphill roads took me to my first stop-the colonial town of Ouro Preto.Situated high ... Read more >

Tags: churches, colonial history, cuisine, minas gerais

Happy Easter from New York!

USA | Sun, 31 Mar 2013 | By joannawong | Views [608]

I nearly skipped Easter mass today because I was slightly hesitant about going to a foreign church. I was unsure of how the mass would be, what the parish was like, what the dress code would be, among all the other things a fearful person might wonder ... Read more >

Tags: bucket list, churches, cities, friends, landmarks, music, nights out, public transport, sightseeing, usa

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