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There are [28] photos and [401] stories tagged with "work".

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Elephant Nature Park, Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Sun, 19 Mar 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [492]

Monday morning we finished packing and jumped on a mini bus that collected us from our guest house. We stopped off at 5 other guest houses/hostels then headed to the Elephant Nature Park Office in the Square. At the office we paid our outstanding balances ... Read more >

Tags: animal rescue, dogs, elephants, enp, lek chailert, rescue, scenery, volunteer, work

A Big Step

USA | Wed, 6 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [1205] | Comments [3]

Today was my last day at work (and my birthday).  This was a scary thing.  I have been at my employer (Carnival Cruise Lines) for nearly 11 years, and have built up a great base of clients and many friends as well.  To walk away was no ... Read more >

Tags: co-workers, work

20 days left...

USA | Fri, 10 Apr 2015 | By finally | Views [815] | Comments [2]

Time flies!!! We are actually leaving our nice comfy life in NYC in 20 days AND our East Village apt that we love and know we won't be able to find such a great apt when we come back (we got so lucky with this apt in terms of location, size, rent, ... Read more >

Tags: apt, friends, leaving, nyc, work

Living life like a re-run.

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 12 Jan 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [872]

December 31 st 2014 8:36pm. Such an unusual time to remember that I have an avid audience starved of my wordy goodness, (citation needed). And while the actual goodness of my ramblings is very much open to debate, there is no doubting that I have a ... Read more >

Tags: coffee, sunsets, travel, work

Photos: art in labour

MEXICO | Thu, 13 Nov 2014 | By artinlabour | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

This gallery is composed by photos taken in Mexico, mostly in Chiapas and in Mexico City. It shows people working. For their movements, for their passion, for their dignity, all of them express something that is more than a simple activity.
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, art, chiapas, job, labour, mexico, work

Photos: USA/ Noisette

USA | Tue, 27 May 2014 | By ciel | Photo Gallery

The place where I work. Everyone is nice, and the food is delicious.
See all 25 photos >>

Tags: coffee, desert, eugene, noisettepk, pastry kitchen, sweets, tart, work

Around the country in 80 beers.

AUSTRALIA | Tue, 15 Oct 2013 | By homeless_harry | Views [1217]

Often times life is just so routine that writing a journal is like trying to describe honey to a bee. Then there is a whirlwind of action and you feel like you should be writing a movie script rather than a travel blog. So, the last few months haven't ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, friends, moving, travelling, work

Photos: My Scholarship entry - Work in Indonesia, from seashores up to volcanoes

INDONESIA | Sat, 29 Jun 2013 | By workinindonesia | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Giovanni Vichi. I was born in Florence in 1983. In the beginning my approach with photography was a matter of curiosity but soon I realized that seeing the world through a lens was becoming a real passion. So I started taking photography courses ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: bromo, harbor, indonesia, komodo, longshoremen, miner, volcano, work

Australia Entry 4 of Journal 03/10/13

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 10 Mar 2013 | By jewraider | Views [463]

  Dear Journal, (and to all my readers)     I had an awesome time this weekend, starting with Shabbat (Saturday). I went to synogogue to pray and met a french guy who invited me for a meal after the service, and he was an ... Read more >

Tags: shabbat, work

Cultural-clash, crabs, frogs and snakes: all and a little more in Xiamen

CHINA | Mon, 1 Oct 2012 | By laris | Views [662]

On Saturday a couple of guests joined us in the breakfast. After the usual where-have-you-been-in-China-how-long-you-are-staying-here questions we found out they were working in Hangzhou for six months already. She, Polish, ... Read more >

Tags: china, culture, market, work, xiamen


CANADA | Sun, 10 Jun 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1994]

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't apprehensive about my position as a camp counsellor this Summer. Thinking about it, and now writing it creates an unpleasant sensation in my tummy. What has happened? I had better rewind and catch up on the past ... Read more >

Tags: bubbles, nude cyclists, pool, sooke pot holes, summer camp, visa, wine, work

Caught up in the pass-through

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 29 Apr 2012 | By homeless_harry | Views [1559]

Broome has never looked so appealing. When viewed from 3,000kms away, it seems very much like the quintessential oasis in the desert. The constant sunshine, palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, time slowing down like ... Read more >

Tags: animals, friends, work

The MarchApril adventure

CHINA | Fri, 27 Apr 2012 | By samvanneilson | Views [1036] | Comments [2]

Welcome back! I didn’t write a blog last month and so this will be a doubled up attempt at keeping you informed of my happenings. These 2 months have been very ordinary but I hope you still enjoy reading. So let’s start with March! ... Read more >

Tags: demo, girlfriend, guangzhou, huizhou, love, money, school, work

That's the jist!

CHINA | Thu, 5 Apr 2012 | By wi-niko | Views [1020]

5 April 2012 Wednesday was actually Qing Ming Festival which I had thought was Monday.  Nonetheless, Ren was meeting friends and taking me out to the City God Temple.  This was in an area called Old Shanghai which I had stopped the day before ... Read more >

Tags: chinese, first day, hercules, office, tutor, work, yuyuan garden

Unemployment sucks..

CANADA | Wed, 14 Mar 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1156] | Comments [2]

And guess what? I just got offered a job! I am over the moon, I honestly can not contain how excited I am!! I want to swear and use a million exclamation marks... F-yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I met Val McKinnon at an arranged meeting spot (where else but Starbucks?) ... Read more >

Tags: employment, exciting, interview, summer camp, work

Remember that time i did stuff, well i have done a little more stuff now

CHINA | Wed, 29 Feb 2012 | By samvanneilson | Views [1026] | Comments [3]

This has to come out today as I said to myself I would try and write a blog every month so thank god this is a leap year and I have this extra day! Let’s get started shall we? Chinese New Year is our first stop in the blog. It was my first holiday ... Read more >

Tags: girlfriend, money, projector, school, sightseeing, spending, travel, valentines, work

Bring back the cane!

CHINA | Wed, 16 Nov 2011 | By samvanneilson | Views [707] | Comments [1]

It has been a whole month! Wow. A lot has happened and that is one of the reasons this blog hasn’t been written until now. I am just busy and it feels like all the time, even so it isn’t ‘exhausting busy’ it’s ‘good busy’ is there such a thing? I ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubbing, clubs, food, guangzhou, halloween, huizhou, life, school, work

Photos: My Photo scholarship 2011 entry - Women of Guatemala

BRAZIL | Fri, 4 Nov 2011 | By candidgypsy | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Fernanda , I'm an enthusiastic photo student from Brazil who decided to totally abandon corporate life to become a travel photographer. Of course, things don't happen so quickly and while I'm finishing my course I work as a freelance English/Portuguese ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: baby, cowboys, female, future, gender differences, guatemala, male, weaving, women, work

Photos: My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

VANUATU | Sat, 24 Sep 2011 | By ultamadness | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

A wonderful trip to Vanuatu, opened my mind to a special place that is made up of 86 Islands and its warm and friendly native population. The photos I wish to share with you will reflect the beauty of both. I come from a line of Photographers, both ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: children, island, locals, man, ocean, plants, sand, vanuatu, water, work

Location Independence: Profiling Digital Nomads

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 22 Sep 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [6660]

The road can open your eyes to new ideas. For many, travel is where we seek out global connections, talking and meeting with others to learn our shared passions and how we can come together to further those passions.   Fortunately with mobile ... Read more >

Tags: digital nomads, nomads, travel, work, working on the road

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