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There are [9] photos and [14] stories tagged with "nyc".

Photos: New Years Eve, New York City

USA | Tue, 12 May 2015 | By melodyd83 | Photo Gallery

Arriving in NYC, and watching that oh-so-famous ball drop!
See all 4 photos >>

Tags: ball drop, new years, new york, nyc, road trip, times square, usa

How To Watch The Ball Drop, Times Square NYC

USA | Tue, 12 May 2015 | By melodyd83 | Views [840]

I’ve been to NYC once before, but driving in after a road trip across the country on New Years Eve is pretty memorable.  Our plan was to watch the ball drop: New Years Eve in New York City, pretty epic right?  That’s what we thought, ... Read more >

Tags: ball drop, new years, new york city, nyc, on the road, road trip, times square, travel blog, usa, watch the ball drop

20 days left...

USA | Fri, 10 Apr 2015 | By finally | Views [815] | Comments [2]

Time flies!!! We are actually leaving our nice comfy life in NYC in 20 days AND our East Village apt that we love and know we won't be able to find such a great apt when we come back (we got so lucky with this apt in terms of location, size, rent, ... Read more >

Tags: apt, friends, leaving, nyc, work

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By stellathought | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hi Jason & members of the judging panel; I'm Stella, a freelance copywriter/editor from Sydney with a poet's heart and sometimes pen. I adore words and their power when used correctly, but I love taking photographs for when there are not enough words ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2012, bethesda fountain, bride, december, horse, manhattan, new york, nyc, squirrel, winter

Authentic Eats in New York City’s Cultural Enclave

USA | Tue, 13 Mar 2012 | By connectlocally | Views [4718]

One of the first things you notice about New York City is that it’s incredibly diverse- bafflingly so - but no one ethnic group stands out. There are a lot of people and a lot of types of people, all packed in together within a few square miles. The ... Read more >

Tags: connect locally, food, nyc, restaurants, travel

5 Things You Must Do in NYC

USA | Mon, 5 Sep 2011 | By nodnsmile | Views [9244] | Comments [3]

I wasn’t unfamiliar with New York City before I moved here nearly 10 years ago. My family and I visited about once a year throughout my childhood, but I don’t think I ever really understood the hype. I thought NYC had some cool attractions, lots ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, nyc, photos, resources, world nomads

New Year's Day in New York

USA | Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By stevegoodyear | Views [585]

New Year’s Day in Times Square, the first day of 2011, had the streets filled with tourists excited about being in Times Square. Some were reliving the night previous, remembering standing in crowds for hours waiting for that ultimate ... Read more >

Tags: dinner, greenwich village, il cantinori, italian, mcsorley’s, new years day, nyc, rockefeller, times square

New Year's Eve in Times Square

USA | Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By stevegoodyear | Views [751]

Things get rolling pretty early in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. For a moment there, I was worried we were going to miss it: locked out of the area, forced to celebrate New Year’s Eve somewhere else, possibly somewhere depressing and ... Read more >

Tags: new york, nyc, nye, times square, waiting

Celebrating New Year's Eve climbing to the crown in the Statue of Liberty

USA | Fri, 31 Dec 2010 | By stevegoodyear | Views [442]

One major agenda item for me on this trip to New York was to climb up to the crown in the Statue of Liberty. I have been to Liberty Island before, but haven’t been up in Lady Liberty before, so this was a very exciting part of my trip ... Read more >

Tags: nyc, nye, statue of liberty

It's Been Quiet but things are picking up again

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 3 Dec 2010 | By poita_j | Views [574]

Been a bit quiet, but been keeping busy with food and Gym and getting used to all the different things here. Really has been great, getting colder as we get closer to being into winter. Snow is on the ground most days now. It still doesn't lose me, ... Read more >

Tags: fun, nyc, usa

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

USA | Sun, 10 Oct 2010 | By nyc_emergency | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Background FYI: When my wife and I spent a 1-week vacation in New England last year, we started out on a rainy day in New York City. The atmosphere was somewhat thrilling - although I am not a fan of rainy weather. Much of the city was "occupied"... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2010wnphoto, bicycle, manhattan, new york, nyc, travel photography scholarship 2010

Back in NYC

USA | Sat, 4 Sep 2010 | By alexkozovski | Views [656]

I realize there exists a massive hiatus in my writing between now and Leh  but it was inevitable. At some point it became a necessity to live and experience rather than sit behind a computer and write about it. For next time I think I have an idea ... Read more >

Tags: black sea, bosphorus, bulgaria, goodbye, india, jordan, nyc, portugal, spain, turkey

Back from beyond

FRANCE | Mon, 16 Aug 2010 | By daisy | Views [526]

Well, I’m back from the far reaches of the globe. To catch you up, I did indeed go to Fremont and the Burke Memorial Museum. The Burke was great, very ‘together’ exhibitions that were local to the area. There was also an exhibition of photographs around ... Read more >

Tags: beach, camping, ferry, flying, museums, nyc, tourist

The Big Apple

USA | Thu, 23 Apr 2009 | By miss_nita | Views [442]

The Big Apple is brilliant! I loved it! We spent 3 nights in New York before our departure to Ireland – 2 nights on long island and our final night in midtown Manhattan. As my friend from High School, Hayley, lives and works in ... Read more >

Tags: nyc


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