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There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "italian".

An Italian guardian angel

ITALY | Thu, 8 Oct 2015 | By marinamorais | Views [425]

                Anyone that has ever been to Venice will tell you it’s one of the most romantic places they have ever seen, meaning it’s got all the elements required: water, high prices and corny rides.... Read more >

Tags: budget trip, bus ride, guardian angel, italian, italy, piazza, venice

Photos: Passport & Plate - Veal Saltimbocca alla Romana

ITALY | Thu, 20 Feb 2014 | By blissfulgourmande | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

INGREDIENTS: * 4 thinly sliced veal cutlets * 4 slices of prosciutto (Italian) * 8 fresh sage leaves, plus more for garnish * All-purpose flour, to be used for dredging * 2-3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil * 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter * ... Read more >
See all 4 photos >>

Tags: authentic, homemade, italian, italy, made with love, roman, rome, sage, veal

Things NOT to say in Italy!

ITALY | Tue, 1 Jan 2013 | By sammyjo | Views [673]

Italian is a great language. Dead easy to pronounce in that, with a very few exceptions, it sticks to the rules. On the other hand there are lots of very similar sounding words which have completely different meanings. Take the humble ... Read more >

Tags: doughnuts, festa, italian, pasta, pizza, pronunciation

Photos: People

WORLDWIDE | Fri, 18 Feb 2011 | By darwin | Photo Gallery

Beautiful People. New Zealanders, British, Australians, South Africans,Thai, Canadian, Zimbabwean, Asian, Chilian, Malaysian, Italian,Irish, Scotish, Marroccan, Hungarian, Guerns, Slovakian, and ive only just begun....theses are all amazing people ive ... Read more >
See all 102 photos >>

Tags: asian, australians, beautiful people. new zealanders, british, canadian, chilian, italian, south africans, thai, zimbabwean

New Year's Day in New York

USA | Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By stevegoodyear | Views [585]

New Year’s Day in Times Square, the first day of 2011, had the streets filled with tourists excited about being in Times Square. Some were reliving the night previous, remembering standing in crowds for hours waiting for that ultimate ... Read more >

Tags: dinner, greenwich village, il cantinori, italian, mcsorley’s, new years day, nyc, rockefeller, times square

Dopo Di Roma

USA | Fri, 27 Feb 2009 | By jjassen | Views [850] | Comments [2]

After rome, I traveled with a guy from the USA to Sicily, where we toured both Palermo and Agrigento in a lightning-quick fashion before headng east on the island to Catania, which I like a great, great deal. Once again, the hostel means so much.... Read more >

Tags: catania, hector, italian, italy, language, sicily

catchup blogging: Roma

ITALY | Wed, 25 Feb 2009 | By jjassen | Views [707] | Comments [1]

My hostel method of only booking one night at a time worked extremely well in this case. The Yellow Room, my 7th hostel, was terrible. No common rooms, no kitchen. So I booked my second night in the same hostel as the Irish couple, called Freedom Traveller.... Read more >

Tags: italian, italy, roma, roman, rome


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