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There are [30] photos and [40] stories tagged with "venice".

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The Land of Gelato

ITALY | Wed, 28 Jun 2017 | By swathi | Views [883] | Comments [1]

Milan and  Venice  (23rd-25th  June  2017)   Abby dreamed of going to Venice. We shared the same dream until December 2015, when my dream became reality. I recently found ultra-cheap tickets to Milan and back ... Read more >

Tags: duomo, floating city, milan, venice

An Italian guardian angel

ITALY | Thu, 8 Oct 2015 | By marinamorais | Views [425]

                Anyone that has ever been to Venice will tell you it’s one of the most romantic places they have ever seen, meaning it’s got all the elements required: water, high prices and corny rides.... Read more >

Tags: budget trip, bus ride, guardian angel, italian, italy, piazza, venice

Photos: Some things good enough for a photo

ITALY | Wed, 15 Jul 2015 | By chloebruce | Photo Gallery

I don't actually own a camera, all these were taken on my phone. Google images has better snaps
See all 17 photos >>

Tags: cinque terre, florence, herculaneum, italy, perugia, poligiano, rome, venice

The Other World of Venice

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 22 Jun 2015 | By chloebruce | Views [386]

When the train pulled into Venezia San Lucia train station I was surprised by how much water separated the mainland and the islands. It seems like a stupid thing to be surprised by. I suppose it’s obvious to most people that, being an island, it ... Read more >

Tags: blackjack, cuban cigars, maze, st marks square, strange, venezia, venice

24 hours of travel, but well worth the wait!

ITALY | Tue, 30 Dec 2014 | By crobbins | Views [405] | Comments [1]

December 30, 2014  Well, Here I am, in Venice!!! And what a whirlwind it has been! Sunday night Natalie arrived and we didn’t get much sleep because we were repacking my suitcase and just too excited to sleep! Monday morning we headed ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, jetlag, language barrier, pizza, public transportation, venice, weather

Photos: The Italian Blues

ITALY | Thu, 6 Nov 2014 | By stefaniavanlieshout | Photo Gallery

The incredible blues of Italy
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: adriatic sea, italian coast, marche, venice

Italy, 2012

ITALY | Sat, 23 Aug 2014 | By jazwalker | Views [368]

Well considering I haven't left yet, I thought I would talk about my most memorable previous travels, starting with my school trip to Italy in April, 2012. I studied italian all through high school with a great bunch of girls- many of whom are my closest ... Read more >

Tags: florence, food, italy, milan, perugia, pisa, rome, school, venice, verona

La Dolce Vita

ITALY | Tue, 19 Aug 2014 | By aeileenr | Views [1404] | Comments [2]

I cringe as the boat driver throws my precious things casually to the side, chuckling as I stare at him in disbelief.  Sitting on the Alilaguna water bus going from Marco Polo airport to central Venice, my suitcase sits above me on the deck, ... Read more >

Tags: italy, venezia, venice

Cafe Florian

ITALY | Fri, 9 May 2014 | By chiacchierare | Views [405]

An almost non existent breeze still managed to find its way all the way from the piazza into the café. I leaned back into the velvet-upholstered chair and observed the wall paintings as I waited for my order to arrive. Beautiful men and women ... Read more >

Tags: cafe florian, eating, goethe, san marco, venezia, venice

Venice - A State of Serenity

ITALY | Sun, 29 Sep 2013 | By thefoodpilgrims | Views [411]

The light of the rising sun embroiders the edges of the clouds in golden threads. Sweet lullabies of the night-clad waters fade away blissfully in the first rays of the sun. When the weary traveler first glimpses the domes of this city, when the the ... Read more >

Tags: carnevale, carnival, carnival of venice, italy, travel to italy, venice

Day 1: Arrive Venice

ITALY | Sun, 8 Sep 2013 | By vangonza13 | Views [508]

Notes from Day 1. 3 flights to get from Charleston to Venice. had to have my bag checked for suspicious items in Paris & lady fucked up my perfect packing. Paris airport insanely packed and chaotic. thought i would miss my connection but i made ... Read more >

Tags: italy, venice

Venice, like a tourist

ITALY | Tue, 27 Aug 2013 | By aliceritchie | Views [401]

The main difference between when I last visited Venice and this time, is the accommodation. Last time, in 2007, I was on a serious, serious budget, so ended up staying in a cabin at a campsite bordering Treviso airport. It was kind of great, we could ... Read more >

Tags: biennale, giudecca, lido, rialto, san marco, venice

Spontaneous vs Planned Travel

ITALY | Tue, 20 Aug 2013 | By esthermanning | Views [717]

Let me just say from the outset which side of this debate I sit on.  Spontaneous travel is WAY more fun. Please don't think that I'm suggesting you don't plan at least some part of your holiday/trip in advance.  Let's start with the essentials:... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, italy, lost, venice, wander


ITALY | Tue, 20 Aug 2013 | By deanm | Views [432] | Comments [1]

After a pretty awesome 10 hour trip through the mountains of Austria and north Italy I made it to the campground outside of Venice where I'll be spending the next three nights. This campground is the complete opposite to the apartment hostel in Vienna.... Read more >

Tags: one month!, venice

Photos: An Italian dream

ITALY | Fri, 5 Jul 2013 | By radharani | Photo Gallery

From Venice to the Amalfi coast
See all 6 photos >>

Tags: amalfi coast, cinque terre, gelato, napoli, pizza, rome, venice

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

ITALY | Thu, 27 Jun 2013 | By water | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hi, I'm Eleonora, I'm an Italian student and I live in Rome. When I read the post I thought "let's hope it's me": Greenland should be a great travel. Travel for me means discovering, "built" again my eyes through new perspectives, meeting people, talking ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: breath bridge, gondola, rii, venice

Pristine Italy

ITALY | Fri, 22 Feb 2013 | By bhavyabhandari | Views [401]

Italy! Nestled at the bottom of Europe, this country not only has immense historical and architectural value, it has also been blessed with an amazing geographical location. Good weather, amazing beaches, and turquoise blue seas - it lives up to everyone’... Read more >

Tags: amalfi, beaches, blue waters, sea, venice

Photos: Flooded Venice

ITALY | Sat, 12 Jan 2013 | By my-scholarship-entry-flooded-venice | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I read somewhere that photography means “writing with light”. I believe that is true. Since I always craved creativity and beautiful sights, it was not that big of a surprise that photography became my love. I am a student of English and I enjoy both ... Read more >
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Tags: flood, rain, st. marks, traveler, venice

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

ITALY | Thu, 3 Jan 2013 | By danihansen | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Danielle Hansen & I'm a photography student based in Townsville, QLD. I hope to delve into the world of travel photography & photojournalism once I’ve completed my studies. My driving point as a photographer is to inspire people, in the hope ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: italy, people, tourists, travel, venice

Los Angeles - Day Four: Santa Monica and Venice Beaches

USA | Tue, 6 Nov 2012 | By usadiary | Views [350]

Today the temperature dropped a bit, which was a releif, but it still remained in the usual sunshine of this part of the world.  For brekkie today, we both had a hot breakfast at the cafe outside of our hotel. In true American style, the serving ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, santa monica, venice

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