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There is [1] photo and [11] stories tagged with "dream".

Awaji-Shima. Small Island - Big Dreams.

JAPAN | Mon, 17 Jul 2017 | By lan | Views [1193] | Comments [1]

“Culture hides more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.” Edward T. Hall. I have never been quite content to travel to a destination, take a snap shot and leave with ... Read more >

Tags: art, culture, dream, expat, explore, island, japan, ocean, relocate, travel

4 days wheels up, 5 days wheels down....on your left

USA | Mon, 10 Apr 2017 | By childofgod66 | Views [791]

Doing my inventory check to make sure I have all of the things I will need for  http://cyclecaribbean.com/jamaica/jamaica-reggae-ride/  Jamaican Ride. I have been to Jamaica 3 times, once on cruise and the other via plane, and straight to the ... Read more >

Tags: actionnotabagofmouth, cycling, dream, faith, focus

From Dream to Reality

ITALY | Sun, 14 Jun 2015 | By chloebruce | Views [322]

I had been planning this trip since I was a little girl, sitting in my great grandmother’s dining room, the smell of simmering meatballs and ragù on the stove and her thick, sometimes indecipherable, accent flowing through the air, painting ... Read more >

Tags: dream, first time traveller, italy, milan, milano, travel

Dream, book, fly

AUSTRALIA | Thu, 29 Jan 2015 | By storiesoutthesuitcase | Views [312]

Last year my first WH visa in Australia was about to run out, the second year still had to be granted and work wise it didn't go as we both wanted. Our first reaction: Let's go to South-East Asia and travel!  South-East Asia is a region of ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, dream, vietnam

The Ticket

USA | Fri, 30 May 2014 | By elena_valeriote | Views [1053]

If someone had approached me a few months ago and asked: If you could have one wish, one just-for-you, dream-come-true wish, what would it be? I would’ve answered: Travel the world on a journey solely devoted to eating. Maybe you ... Read more >

Tags: airport, dream, excitement, food, italy

call it magic

KOSOVO | Thu, 15 May 2014 | By traveler6ou | Views [368]

It was in the middle of the summer but it was raining and foggy and I was lost in a new city, again, searching for something I had lost but did not know where or how or even what it was. I found myself in Peja, crashing at some local coffee shop very ... Read more >

Tags: beautiful, city, dream, magic, mountain

Little dreams always come true

FRANCE | Sat, 10 May 2014 | By marianapovid | Views [395]

Little dreams always come true   Hello, my sweet reader! This short story is dedicated to my memories and events, which took place in Paris a year ago. Being a student and having a lack of money, but great desire to have a lot of spicy ... Read more >

Tags: dream, eiffel tower, journey, love, meeting, paris, photo, tower, trip

15, London, One week

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 28 Apr 2014 | By missmax | Views [380]

  For my 15th birthday, my family and I went to London for a week - and I know what you're thinking, what kind of posh nancy family goes to Europe for a kids birthday? (and not even a milestone  birthday, mind you)   Well, to put the ... Read more >

Tags: birthday, charity, dream, limo, london, make a wish, travel

10 Days to go!

CANADA | Sun, 17 Feb 2013 | By swinginggirl | Views [685]

“It’s an irritating reality that many places and events defy description. Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu, for instance, seem to demand silence, like a love affair you can never talk about. For a while after, you fumble for words, trying vainly ... Read more >

Tags: dream, intro, memories, travel

on the eve of a dream coming true...

USA | Sat, 26 Mar 2011 | By ejpredny | Views [554]

Travel dust shakes itself from the bottom of my well-worn backpack. The cats begin alternately fighting and following my every move around the apartment; they know from experience that they won't see me for an indefinite amount of time. My brother used ... Read more >

Tags: chile, dream, emily predny, predny, santiago

Yeah, Graduation!!!

GUATEMALA | Fri, 15 May 2009 | By tom_moench | Views [679] | Comments [2]

After 8 weeks in Xela my graduation dinner from Miguel Angel Asturias Spanish school was upon me. Twenty-five (25) years ago I made a choice to learn to speak Spanish. I came to Xela with a dream and a hope that after 25 years full of incremental ... Read more >

Tags: dream, spanish school


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