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There are [3] photos and [54] stories tagged with "hostel".

Cold Cabbage Soup & Crazy Bus Drivers

VIETNAM | Thu, 8 Jun 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [562]

The next morning we checked into our next hotel. We only had one night here. And thank God! The place was awful. It had damp on 3 of the walls, you could see the mould patches. You could even smell the damp the second you walked through the door. Thankfully ... Read more >

Tags: buses, crazy drivers, food, guest house, ho chi minh, hostel, rain, travel, vietnam, wanderlust

Dinner in Da Lat

VIETNAM | Wed, 7 Jun 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [869]

After 2 fantastic nights in the amazing hotel we really didn't want to leave. It was so comfortable, a little home from home luxury. But we had to move. We had a flight booked from Hue to Da Lat. The hotel provided an airport transfer and off we went.... Read more >

Tags: 100 floors, crazy drivers, da lat, dinner, hostel, markets, maze bar, travel, vietnam, wedding song

Christmas in Berlin

GERMANY | Mon, 16 Jan 2017 | By swathi | Views [1017] | Comments [4]

Prologue How exciting! This is my first ever travel piece. I aim to make one piece per city in the Winter Holidays 16/17 series...so that's 7 pieces. I'll try to keep my writing as fresh as my memories and I will definitely NOT sugar-coat any unfortunate ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, hostel, walking

DAY 1. Top Bunk Sleeper

NEW ZEALAND | Thu, 27 Oct 2016 | By joyaroundtheworld | Views [653]

Finally departed LA after a frustrating but fortunate overnight layover. The flight to Fiji was long and hard to sleep through. Fiji was cloudy but humid and adorned a small, rundown airport. Grabbed a coffee and waited a few hours for the next flight.... Read more >

Tags: auckland, hostel, new zealand, nomads, nz

Hostel Life After 30

SPAIN | Sun, 31 Jan 2016 | By wanderlustgail | Views [653]

After staying in about 10 different hostels in my early 20s, I had not seen one in 15+ years. If you're in a similar boat, or have never stayed in a hostel, here's the experience I've had so far with staying in three different hostels in my late 30s.... Read more >

Tags: budget, hostel, over 30, sabbatical, travel

1st week of Brazil

BRAZIL | Sat, 12 Dec 2015 | By mcbaci | Views [276]

It's been 1 week today since I left the comfort of California and loved ones. It's been a pretty interesting back and forth going on in my head. During the day time I've been extremely engages, social, and excited for the rest of my journey. Unfortunately ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, hostel, start

Selecting hostels when traveling solo.

INDIA | Mon, 14 Sep 2015 | By shahaashka | Views [754]

This is my first post ever. Nothing fancy. Nothing elaborate. Here goes.  This summer I got a chance to go on my first ever solo trip. I have travelled places with friends and family. But alone, never. After I started my trip, the first question ... Read more >

Tags: europe, hostel, hostels, solo travel

A longer stay in Santa Marta than expected

COLOMBIA | Mon, 10 Aug 2015 | By sheree | Views [406]

It was a hot 4 hour bus ride to Santa Marta. The driver wasn't very good - brake happy and almost running in to bike riders. We arrived at Dreamer hostel which we emailed but were too late to respond so they called Drop Bear hostel for us and we got ... Read more >

Tags: beach, cartel, hostel, rodadero, santa marta, tourist, town

Flight from hell before the hostel from hell - Cancun stopover

MEXICO | Mon, 22 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [487]

I'm not the greatest on planes, usually slightly nervous before boarding and in the air but this flight I had reason to. It was an hour flight from Havana to Cancun and it ended up taking double that time. I like to have the window seat so I can see ... Read more >

Tags: dodgy, flight, flying, hostel, lightning, scared, storm, travel

Back to the Hostel

SPAIN | Mon, 15 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [525]

Today I am checking out of this hotel and moving back to the hostel? Why, just one more night and off to Brussels. The hostel is cheaper, and they have  a computer where I can print out my boarding pass for tomorrow (on European discount carriers, ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, spain

Hostels-where do they do it?

SPAIN | Fri, 12 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [564]

Today I am in checking out of this hostel, and moving to a hotel. I actually like this hostel-the people are friendly, both those who work here and the other guests.  I have become somewhat acclimated to being in hostels-In England I purchased a ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, spain

Sleeping on the Street

SPAIN | Wed, 10 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [499]

Well, that didn't happen. But almost. Yesterday was my last day in Madrid. It was a good day, as I had an unused ticket for the Hop-on Hop-off bus, which i took to a part of town I hadn't visited yet. I saw the stadium, the Embassy section of town, ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, seville

Down Boy-the Sequel

SPAIN | Sun, 7 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [482]

I returned to the hostel at about  1:15 last night-I was tired and looking forward to going to bed. My only concern is there used to be a top blanket which now was missing. I have no idea where it went-not that I needed it-again it is in the 90's ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, madrid

Hosteling for Dummies

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 24 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [625] | Comments [2]

I just checked out of my 4th hostel. In this one I  shared a room with 15 others. If you remember my first hostel post, I just about pledged I would never stay in another one. I was disgusted by the smells, the snoors, the everything about sharing ... Read more >

Tags: hostel

Hostel #3-2 dinners same resturants

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 22 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [451]

Stayed at another hostel  last night-but this almost doesn't count because although I had a room for 4, I Was the only one in it. So I am leaving all my stuff right in the open! Oh, and had two dinners at the same resturant-how did this happen? ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, scotland, skye


UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 16 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [467] | Comments [2]

Well-yesterday I checked out of the beloved PodWorks hotel and checked into a hostel. You see, PodWorks was full, but I wanted to stay in beautiful Liverpool another day(a city I really underestimated-it has gorgeous Greek-Roman architecture, a deep ... Read more >

Tags: hostel

No pictures, sorry!

CHINA | Sun, 21 Sep 2014 | By adaptive | Views [498] | Comments [2]

I had lots of photos of me taken on the train last night. Everyone seemed to ignore me until a little bit into the ride I said "hello and where are you going?" That opened up everyone's curiosity because I could speak a little mandarin, luckily a ... Read more >

Tags: hostel, photos, tea

To Reykjavik!

ICELAND | Wed, 20 Aug 2014 | By schmodude | Views [402]

Today started with some coffee and a last minute trip to the bank to deposit a check from this Summer. Afterwards, my dad took me off to the airport where I was quite happy to see my TSA precheck had gone through on my reservation. Unfortunately, my ... Read more >

Tags: coffee, hostel, planes, reykjavik, tsa

Hostel? You Mean People Live Here?!

FIJI | Mon, 20 Jan 2014 | By elizabethkfmurphy | Views [555]

Day Two of Fiji was so much fun. Angela, Stacey and I had a market day. We took a bus into Nadi, which was really nice. The bus was pretty busted up but the roads are nicely paved so it's smooth and very open. Oh by the way Angela and Stacey are my dorm ... Read more >

Tags: fiji, hostel, kava, market, monkey tree, nadi

Bon Voyage...for now!

USA | Tue, 20 Aug 2013 | By thekevman | Views [450]

I've finally made the difficult decision and taken the plunge....quit that cushy salaried job I could have worked at until i retired, abandoned that nice weekly paycheck and the financial security that comes along with it. Plus not to mention all the ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, couchsurf, europe, gap year, hostel, month, trekking

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