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There are [0] photos and [44] stories tagged with "hostels".

The Ancient Town & More Allergies

VIETNAM | Fri, 5 May 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [856]

It was time for us to move on again. We seem to be moving quickly at the minute. Always on the go! This time we were heading for Hoi An. We checked into a party hostel. The room was fine, the bathroom had a bath but there was no chance I would use it.... Read more >

Tags: ancient town, beaches, hidden beach, hoi an, hostels, insects, party, travel, vietnam

Travelling North and nausea

THAILAND | Wed, 22 Feb 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [725]

So the day had come for us to leave Bangkok and head North to Chiang Mai. We had done a bit of research about transport options and although flying seemed to be the quickest, the train was the cheapest. We decided we had the time and 'when in Rome', ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, hostels, north, train

Croissants Are Always Worth It

BELGIUM | Sat, 30 Apr 2016 | By leelee1586 | Views [519] | Comments [1]

Beautiful Bruges (...and Lille and Brussels)   Went on my first vacation since moving to Prague and it was fantastic!!  Took my first Ryanair flight in 9 years and forgot how obnoxious they can be by making lots of announcements during ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, bruges, brugge, croissants, exploring, hostels, lille, pastries, travel

Selecting hostels when traveling solo.

INDIA | Mon, 14 Sep 2015 | By shahaashka | Views [754]

This is my first post ever. Nothing fancy. Nothing elaborate. Here goes.  This summer I got a chance to go on my first ever solo trip. I have travelled places with friends and family. But alone, never. After I started my trip, the first question ... Read more >

Tags: europe, hostel, hostels, solo travel

Making friends in Turin

UNITED KINGDOM | Tue, 16 Jun 2015 | By chloebruce | Views [333]

It was dusk when we arrived at Porta Nuova train station in Turin. Whilst we were trying to figure out where our hostel was we walked down the wide Corso Emmanuelle II. Every town in Italy has a street called the Corso Emmanuelle II. The evening was ... Read more >

Tags: hostels, meeting people, torino, turin

The other night we sat around reading

USA | Thu, 9 Apr 2015 | By less_is_more | Views [402]

The other night we sat around reading the Lonely Planet 'East Africa' travel book trying to decide what things we don't want to miss.  The list (for me) is quite long actually.  Because we are tent camping for a lot of the trip it only seems ... Read more >

Tags: africa, hostels, parks, wwoof

Back on the Bus!

IRELAND | Wed, 28 Jan 2015 | By crobbins | Views [413]

Well, back on the bus we are.   Yesterday when we arrived in Cork, we walked to our hostel, which was just down the road. It was super quick! Yay!   We checked in with the sweetest lady, she was so helpful! Then we got settled in ... Read more >

Tags: buses, cork, fish & chips, hostels, movies


NEW ZEALAND | Mon, 19 Jan 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [447]

I regret spending four days in Auckland. The highlight of our time there was an afternoon spent at The Backyard Bar in North Auckland with my friend Leigh (who I met at surf camp in Morocco last year). Local DJ's, an epic water slide and a brood of ... Read more >

Tags: auckland, bars, cities, hostels, restaurants

We're baaaaaaack.....

COLOMBIA | Fri, 2 Jan 2015 | By peacepigs | Views [565] | Comments [2]

It was an early wake up. One of those where your stomach hurts all morning and it has kind of continual rocky  turning. Everything went smoothly getting to the airport. 10 minutes from boarding, Matt went to find a notebook. He came back with no ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, getsemaní, hostels, public buses, veggie pizza

Mother calls me home

CANADA | Tue, 20 May 2014 | By ash_spence | Views [422]

It was a frigid day in November but the bitter cold was not enough to freeze me in place. I needed to set out on a soul adventure, the prairies had sucked about enough imagination of more  beautiful surroundings from me so far. I required a soul ... Read more >

Tags: happy, hostels, lakes, rockies

Villa Esthela

GUATEMALA | Sat, 16 Nov 2013 | By lokata | Views [409]

Villa Esthela is the hostel I am currently staying at in Antigua. It is about 7 or so blocks from the center of town, which I enjoy. As I mentioned before, the night of my arrival they had overbooked the dorm room and I was put in a private. Daniella ... Read more >

Tags: hostels, marketplace, travel

Sleeping in Luxury

MALAYSIA | Thu, 12 Sep 2013 | By joannawong | Views [504]

Rolling around in egyptian cotton and laying my tiredness on duck down pillows. Not hating on the hostels I've stayed at, because they did a great job providing what I needed, but sleeping in a five-star hotel is always a luxurious experience to truly ... Read more >

Tags: food, hostels, hotels, malaysia, reflections

Croatia - a very nice surprise!

CROATIA | Sat, 31 Aug 2013 | By aliceritchie | Views [652]

I don't really know what I expected Croatia to be like before I arrived. I knew that it was the 'new' Greek Islands in terms of partying for the late teens/early 20s, and that it was meant to have remarkably good food, but I didn't really know  ... Read more >

Tags: croatia, dalmatia, hostels, istra, overnight bus, pula, split

Issues, Issues and More Issues

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 23 Aug 2013 | By joannawong | Views [473]

Considering I did an excellent job with catching trains in Europe, I'm having an awful time with the transport in the UK. It's not that it's substandard and terrible here - it's just that I seem to have a running streak of issues. First, there was ... Read more >

Tags: buses, european adventure, hostels, trains, uk

Live in Liverpool

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 22 Aug 2013 | By joannawong | Views [521]

What I like most about being in Liverpool is the music. Yes, the greatest band ever, the Beatles, was born here and I'm here on a pilgrimage. Even though they've disbanded and half of them are no longer, their legacy lives on strong in this vibrant ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, hostels, music, sightseeing, uk

The Heart of Bohemia

CZECH REPUBLIC | Sat, 20 Jul 2013 | By joannawong | Views [920]

What a day! I certainly had my patience tested. I woke up this morning thankfully at a reasonable hour, given the night I had. I mustered all willpower to get on with the day - to pack, to check-out and start my journey to Vienna. The first two were ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, friends, hostels, sightseeing, trains

Stockholm day by day

SWEDEN | Mon, 24 Jun 2013 | By effyau | Views [589]

So, i’ve landed here in Sweden and travelled to Stockholm for the start of my adventure. I’ve read online that it’s an extremely safe place and I think that’s true. I’m only going off the fact they leave toothpaste and ... Read more >

Tags: gamla stan, hostels, relaxing, rivers, stockholm

The Party Scene

HUNGARY | Mon, 24 Jun 2013 | By paul_meet_world | Views [3008]

On the train to Budapest I met two girls from Australia who where  headed towards Pamplona for the running of the bulls. I had totally  forgotten! A year ago I had started a list of festivals, events, etc I  should try to see if I ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, hostels, party, sex, train

I made it!

UGANDA | Sat, 15 Jun 2013 | By emilycarp | Views [555]

Hi! Going to keep this brief because I just typed a whole long spiel and the my browser crashed and I lost it all. Basically I am keeping a paper journal, which I will type up here once a week, probably on Sundays. Then you can follow my Ugandan Adventure ... Read more >

Tags: bungee jump, hostels, nile, travelling, uganda, white water rafting

Paris day by day

FRANCE | Thu, 13 Jun 2013 | By effyau | Views [387]

Finished my first book, it was amazing, never wated to put it down. Started Cloud Atlas and my nose was crunched up by the first page. Bored! Wrote a few articles, have so far taken around 1500 photos id say, trying to be ruthless and delete almost duplicates ... Read more >

Tags: hostels, paris, romance

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