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There are [23] photos and [26] stories tagged with "uganda".

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Lets Do This!

USA | Fri, 30 Sep 2016 | By ameuganda | Views [368] | Comments [3]

Today is travel day! I will be flying from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA to Amsterdam and then Entebbe, Uganda! No worries, it'll be a short day of just 21 hours in the air! I am well prepared thanks to all of you, and your generosity. I have a massive ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, uganda

4 dicembre 2013: in viaggio con Emma, emozioni e paranoie di una madre...

UGANDA | Wed, 24 Jun 2015 | By mwendemma | Views [471]

Ricordo un giorno di novembre in cui, rientrando in casa con Emma ho pensato...anzi, non era solo un pensiero, era un forte istinto, un suggerimento ad alta voce della mia mente, un bisogno corporeo, dell'anima...ho  pensato  che avrei voluto ... Read more >

Tags: africa, cuamm, uganda

How the chaos began (travel version)

UGANDA | Mon, 12 May 2014 | By cathrynsc | Views [415]

Some may say I am a well-travelled 19 year old, others (including myself) would say there is still a lot of the world for me to see, and a lot more for me to learn. When I was younger my parents provided me with the opportunities to go to:  ... Read more >

Tags: chaos, funny, road-trip, train, travel, uganda, volunteer

Penetrating The Impenetrable Forest

UGANDA | Sun, 27 Apr 2014 | By olliegoldson | Views [536]

I am going to really struggle with writing this blog post simply because the experience was indescribable. I don’t think my writing will do it justice but with the help of some really good describing words hopefully I will paint the picture for ... Read more >

Tags: africa travels, backpacking, gorillas, once in a lifetime, trekking, uganda

Not Born A Trekker

UGANDA | Sun, 27 Apr 2014 | By olliegoldson | Views [372]

Uganda, Chimpanzee Trek As this title would suggest, I was definitely not born to be someone to scale the tallest mountains or have the ability to endlessly walk for hours or even enjoy a casual stroll through a forest to spot a family of chimps ... Read more >

Tags: chimps, trekking, uganda

This is Africa, and if you can't taste the milk you're doing it wrong.

UGANDA | Thu, 20 Jun 2013 | By emilycarp | Views [680]

Ugandan Adventure: June 16-19   Day 4: Sunday June 16th   I didn't keep my diary on Sunday and so I remember very little. I know we had salad and chips for lunch, which was yummy, and then we had mash, spaghetti and boiled salad ... Read more >

Tags: bwindi, children, school, teacher, training, uganda

I made it!

UGANDA | Sat, 15 Jun 2013 | By emilycarp | Views [569]

Hi! Going to keep this brief because I just typed a whole long spiel and the my browser crashed and I lost it all. Basically I am keeping a paper journal, which I will type up here once a week, probably on Sundays. Then you can follow my Ugandan Adventure ... Read more >

Tags: bungee jump, hostels, nile, travelling, uganda, white water rafting

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

UGANDA | Sat, 12 Jan 2013 | By audreyjeane | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Live with purpose. Love with purpose. Travel with purpose. It’s my Mantra. My love for photography began as a child with a Polaroid and never stopped. As an adult, I love that the language of photography inspires emotion and action. I am passionate about ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: children, education, hope, inspire, uganda

A "dam" good time in Jinja, Uganda

UGANDA | Wed, 11 Jul 2012 | By calandevp4p | Views [1296]

Hellloo friends and family and loyal supporters!! Over the past week we completed two videos-- One on the conflict between western and eastern foreign donors vying for influence in Kenya (Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXRcJKdqrRw&... Read more >

Tags: cal crawford, colgate, conflict, evan chartier, foreign aid, kenya, peace, projects for peace, uganda

Congolese Business Trainings, Nile River, Kin Reunion

UGANDA | Sun, 1 Apr 2012 | By kena | Views [970] | Comments [1]

The Refugee group, who we are now calling RIP (Refugee Initiative Projects) worked me very hard during my stay. I had to teach myself in order to teach them, and it was a grueling process. Staying with the family also proved to be a challenge and a ... Read more >

Tags: business training, congo, kampala, kin initiative, kisumu, micro finance, nile river, travel, uganda

Playing cards with the Ugandan Police

UGANDA | Tue, 8 Nov 2011 | By sharoncrean | Views [577]

Okay, in essence, they watched while my daughter and I played last card while they sussed it out. We were on our way to Gulu, in Northern Uganda to check out water projects our donors had given to as well as some speaking appointments. Two hours into ... Read more >

Tags: africa, transport, uganda

up up and away, UGANDA THEN MALAWI,1 week in

UGANDA | Thu, 6 Oct 2011 | By kena | Views [1022]

A little faith in humanity ... even in the simplist form. I was on my way. My parents have sent me off at the redmond airport..and I was beginning my 40hour trek across the globe. I first hopped a plane to portlandia and on the way met a woman from the ... Read more >

Tags: entebbe, kin initiative, lake victoria, malawi, uganda

In the air again

UGANDA | Tue, 20 Sep 2011 | By kena | Views [1305] | Comments [3] | Video

   I was recently asked, "How can there be hope when such horrible atrocities happen in this world?" My immediate reaction was to agree with the gross behavior of humans and to claim that hope was a bit of a "moo point". I ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, kenya, malawi, namibia, orphange, refugee, tanzania, uganda, volunteer, zambia

True Travel Tales - The Buganda in Uganda Don't Play!

UGANDA | Sun, 19 Dec 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [3255]

I spent 9 weeks in Bulenga, Uganda and volunteered at an orphanage most afternoons. Here are some of the kids I worked with who went through the same fears I did during the riot! What happened? Tell us your tale. ... Read more >

Tags: advice, buganda, king, news, riot, uganda, volunteer

my final journey in africa 2010, and now back to the USA

USA | Tue, 24 Aug 2010 | By kena | Views [799]

for nearly 2 weeks i worked with the orphan kiddos making amazing crafts mostly beads. they were fascinated by the meditation they reached as they strung bright beads onto string and metal in order to create masterpeice accessories. i attempted ... Read more >

Tags: beading, congo refugees, home, kenya, kin initiative, tanzania, uganda

caning children, ju ju magic, ancient sewing

UGANDA | Wed, 7 Apr 2010 | By kena | Views [2119]

i wanted to add my final thoughts of uganda as i was rushed on my last entry. to speak of the caning. we all know this existed in our parents time. you know they say "when i was a kid...they used a big paddle...etc". the reality doesnt quite ... Read more >

Tags: black magic, caning children, juju magic, sewing machine, uganda

ever forward never backward & selling our Kin art

UGANDA | Thu, 25 Feb 2010 | By kena | Views [1074] | Comments [2]

Since my trip to the Nile, i have been pretty mellow as I returned back to the kin house compound. Upon arriving late night in the dark bumpy trails on back of a boda nearly falling off a few times as my 50lb pack weighed me down…I sighed in ... Read more >

Tags: art, boda, empowerment, guitar, love passion, uganda, words of thought

Kitega community center,,,,rafting the nile!

UGANDA | Mon, 15 Feb 2010 | By kena | Views [1066] | Comments [2]

  I decided to take a venture out of Kampala district and headed for the Lugazi area to a town called Kitega…pronounced Chitega . Our first days there took us out to do home visits with parents of the Katungulu (nearby village) children. ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, jinja, luganda, nile, soul, uganda, white water rafting

leaving KENYA ...arrival in UGANDA

UGANDA | Thu, 21 Jan 2010 | By kena | Views [693]

It’s been so long since my last entry and transitions of great magnitude have occurred. On a lighthearted side, I celebrated Christmas with a bang of the Congolese drums and rumba rhythms of the luo. On the eve the 6 roommates and I headed to ... Read more >

Tags: dancing, kampala, simmers, uganda

Kampala, Rafting, and an awesome start to 2010

UGANDA | Fri, 1 Jan 2010 | By christina_wallace | Views [832]

Hey peeps.  Sorry I've been offline for a few days, but boy do I have stories!  Last I wrote I was about to meet up with Paul to explore Kampala.  Explore we did, taking matatus (minibuses packed to the brim) around town, hitting up a Hindu temple ... Read more >

Tags: jinja, kampala, new years eve, rafting, travel friends, uganda

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